But seriously though, they make something awesome like this but still no word on switching to fucking ARM yet?
Come on guys, you're fucking blue balling me like nothing else.
That looks awesome to you?
>switching to fucking ARM
In your dreams and bloomberg's ARM stock holder.
What Apple probably will do is trying to move most home and casual users towards iPads and iPhones, and put the Mac behind a paywall.
Also, it goes without saying, but the idea of AMOLED for anything serious has just been blown the fuck out forever
Even TN panels can be good with sufficient money.
Why blue leds tho?
Because even white leds are blue.
Consider how much a guy like linus from LTT spends fucking around on render stations and all that bullshit.
Being able to just go out and buy an off-the-shelf box that's also the best of anything available on the market is convenient beyond imagination
Not for everyone, but if you're spending 20 grand on a render box, might as well get something that'll do it as optimally as possible
I can't imagine how many of these things are gonna be sold to do nothing whatsoever other than run Adobe Media Encoder
There's no reason they couldn't switch the MacBook, MacBook Air, and MacBook Pro (render) to apple's in house chips.
Even fucking intel's been saying all year that 2019's probably the last year Mac's ship with Intel processors.
>Consider how much a guy like linus from LTT spends fucking around on render stations
Makes me wonder how many gaymurs will switch to this thing for VR, I mean, 1.5TB of ram might FINALLY be enough to handle a rift properly
>There's no reason they couldn't switch the MacBook, MacBook Air, and MacBook Pro (render) to apple's in house chips.
Windows is not a reason?
The fact that Intel has blocked all translation layer software via legal means isn't a reason?
The fact that a new transition will be annoying as fuck?
The fact that Intel will not validate a TB3 implementation isn't a reason?
ARM macs are a meme. There's no proofs besides rumors started by Bloomberg.
I kindly remind you that Bloomberg also started the rumor that Supermicro hardware was compromised.
Granted he makes his money from the endless drama of his homebuilt shenanigans, but if you go to any production house and say "We can either spend months setting up some contrived system with whole-room watercooling, air conditioning, with dozens of totally different custom built machines to maintain, or, OR, we can go out and buy 1 of these $6k machines with a $1k add-on card for rendering"
>"What about a custom setup wi-"
>"Say any silly shit like that again and you're fucking fired"
Because that's what quantum dot backlight is, basically. From a classical white backlight, you have to filter the three basic colors (RGB), from a pure blue backlight you only have to filter green and red and you can also get many more shades of each color, thus getting a wider color gamut. The explanation is a little oversimplified, but I hope it makes sense.
>We can either spend months
>Windows is not a reason?
The number of people who buy macbooks/airs these days and use either bootcamp or VM's is fucking minimal.
Pro's, maybe, not not the 12" or air.
>The fact that Intel has blocked all translation layer software via legal means isn't a reason?
You think Apple cares in the least bit?
Countless x86 emulators exist and Intel has CnD'd basically none of them.
Apple could just say "Why care about us if you didn't care about them?"
Plus, having xcode include an AArch64 slice along with the 32 and 64 bit x86 slices would take little to no effort at all.
If apple just went as said "Alright, we're switching to ARM, you want to stay on the App store? Run an ARM slice fucking pronto", and, like everyone did near instantly when switching from PPC to x86, people would do it again.
>The fact that a new transition will be annoying as fuck?
>"Oh, and by the way, all apps on the app store for the last year have secretly had AArch64 slices built for them anyway lol" is the usual approach.
Announce it at a WWDC, rather than at a product launch, say
>"From now on, any and all App Store uploads or updates must include AArch64 slices, just update XCode, it's free, and it'll auto bundle an AArch64 slice with your app. We'll internally test every app uploaded on our dev kits, it should work exactly the same as x86 macOS, and we've been using OSX on ARM for years anyway, so we're sure it'll be totally smooth.
>ARM Macbooks will be launching six months from now, be ready"
>The fact that Intel will not validate a TB3 implementation isn't a reason?
>He doesn't know TB because an open standard and is now built into the core USB protocol itself
>ARM macs are a meme. There's no proofs besides rumors started by Bloomberg.
>Intel fucking saying Apple's switching away from Intel is just a meme
>Apple could just say "Why care about us if you didn't care about them?"
That would totally fly in a court of law.
Why would they opt for >600 zones when 1000 zone panels are launching at the same time?
Literally everything about that explanation is wrong.
Quantum dot is not a backlight system.
Classic backlight filters do not change the color of the backlught, as CFLs have an internal phosphor coating that already generates the desired white.
The "filter" in a blue LED backlight array is a layer of phosphorescent material which reacts to blue light and converts it into white, it's the equivalent of the phosphor coating in CFLs.
You're right, how silly of me.
It's much better to have employees on hand, all the time, to maintain your render stations, costing what, $60k a year in salaries per person, than it is to buy something for $20k that just works and, should anything ever go wrong, can have the faulty part replaced in less than two hours by someone with a car and enough petrol to drive to an apple store.
>The number of people who buy macbooks/airs these days and use either bootcamp or VM's is fucking minimal.
Source: my arse
>You think Apple cares in the least bit?
Apple literally stopped doing bussines with Nvidia only because Nvidia tried to threat them legally in an indirect form.
Do you really believe that Apple will risk having a legal fight with their x86 chip provider
>>"Oh, and by the way, all apps on the app store for the last year have secretly had AArch64 slices built for them anyway lol" is the usual approach.
What about Third party apps?
>le epic usb 4 meme
In a few years at least. But not in 2020
>Intel fucking saying Apple's switching away from Intel is just a meme
Companies also repeat rumors that the time confirm are not true. It will not surprising that Intel is just repeating bloomberg FUD.
I kindly remind you that Apple managed to keep leaks of the Mac Pro. Probably this also apply to their entire lineup
And seriously, implement a paywall and drag the mayority of your user base to ARM based toys that already exists is cheap as fuck compared to transition their entire x86 line to it.
It will not happen, sorry.
the wheel needs more bling
>That would totally fly in a court of law.
It's called precedent, and it's exactly how law works.
You can't selectively sue people, if one streaming service is giving out your movies for free, you know this, and do nothing, then another one does and you try to sue them, the guys you're suing can just say "Well clearly you haven't been enforcing your copyright for years now"
Even then, emulation isn't even necessary, and I doubt they'd use it.
No one was bitching they couldn't run x86 MacOS apps on their iPhone early days, they where just fucking psyched they could just straight up compile that shit for ARM instead.
Because apple lol.
Their shit's so over-engineered that by the time it gets to market it's already outdated and superseded by people who didn't spend a year getting the fucking case to look nice and pretty, or digging up the old design files for the fucking iMac G4
They just go "Hey, we've got a panel working, here, let's throw it in any of the hundreds of plastic cases we've already used and have moulds on standby for"
>Source: my arse
>Do you really believe that Apple will risk having a legal fight with their x86 chip provider
>after they stop using chips from that provider
>after that provider already burned them on basebands for their phones
>What about Third party apps?
I'm talking about third party apps
>le epic usb 4 meme
Thunderbolt is already a fucking part of the USB standard you utter buffoon
Intel previously made it royalty free, and has now handed it over totally to the USB-IF
>And seriously, implement a paywall
Do you know what that word means
Because I don't think it means what you think it means
>that already exists is cheap as fuck compared to transition their entire x86 line to it.
Making an extra $200 on every fucking computer they sell is hardly so negligible it's not worth considering.
Fuck, if they sold 1M units per year it'd pay for the entire transition and all research and development in the first year alone
They sell twenty times that.
Four billion dollars per year in extra profits, for selling the same devices, with the same hardware, using a SoC instead of a CPU system, when you're gonna totally redesign the motherboards for them every year or two anyway, is more than enough reason to switch.
Not to mention performance that would blow their intel counterparts out of the fucking water.
I'm surprised we didn't see an addon board for the new mac pro that was just 10 A12x chips on a board.
Reminder that you can't do any VR development on this toaster
>Because I don't think it means what you think it means
Oh, great, another le monti piton fan
looks like my communist washing machine
>correlating search of bootcamp with actual usage
I insist: your source is your arse.
>I'm talking about third party apps
I doubt that developers haven't observed strange code that runs on ARM in their binaries. It would make the news already.
>Thunderbolt is already a fucking part of the USB standard you utter buffoon
Yep. Expect USB 4 to roll after 2020
>le epic quoting monthy phyton meme
You don't have an answer to that. Right.
>Making an extra $200 on every fucking computer they sell is hardly so negligible it's not worth considering.
They don't need to do R&D and port their computers to ARM. They just raise the price and they're done.
>falling for the le epic artificial benchmarks to claim intel is blown out
>I'm surprised we didn't see an addon board for the new mac pro that was just 10 A12x chips on a board.
Because it will not happen.