Reminder that Apple didn't invent drilling extra holes in their products
Reminder that Apple didn't invent drilling extra holes in their products
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reminder your a tard and neither do other companies because the ventings in the fucking hinges..
That dude clearly didn't have a ruler at hand
>because the ventings in the fucking hinge
Yeah, that's a fucking stupid design for multiple reasons
reminder that you just blew holes in their airflow plan
give me your multiple reasons while i wait for a metal filing to short your board you sperg
you're *
It literally melts the glue that keeps the screen from falling apart
Inefficient because there's a fucking display in the way and air can't move away properly
Inefficient because the "cold" air is sucked in next to the hot air exhaust
It also leads to the glue in the display to weaken and to break apart
>falling apart
when has this ever happened lel
yeah now name me another company with the same issue. its apples manufacturing not the design you goon
ur either retarded or nu, possibly both. kys
Name another company that utilizes such a retarded design to begin with.
Hint: there are none because it's really stupid.
Also nice how you ignore the other big issues I listed. Retard.
exhaust bullshit is placebo faggotry show me proof and look at lenovo they use same vent design no problems to find on your shit jewgle search engine now is there
>at lenovo they use same vent design
cool story bro
> show me proof
as expected, ur retarded m8, the problem is the display assembly being glued to the hinges not the exhaust location. and no, no other company does or has ever done that stupid shit
fucking retarded itoddlers and their idiotic damage control
>apple faggots on a forum aint proof
>ideapad330 and a fuck tone of others same design
there you go and their screens dont fall off like a peice of shit cus they dont use glue
Who are you quoting, redditor?