Press S to spit on China's grave.
China Loses Zen: AMD Halts Technology Transfers of x86 IP
Nice. Now let's wait for the chinese shills to start appearing.
AMD wanted to troll China lmoa
The Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989 etc.
im pretty sure that those licenses were only for zen 1, the chinks would have to pay up again if they wanted zen 2. they can keep using what they already have no problems, and there was never any public plans for further tech transfer, so i don't understand the point of that 'article'. fucking retardhardware making up more fake news for ad impressions.
reported for anti semite sentiments
I guess we'll never see those via chips.
>inb4 zen1 chinese clones
>Many of the architectural customizations consisted of specialized cryptographic elements that meet the requirements of the Chinese government,
mm are you think like im thinking, anon1?
It's kinda annoying to read every two lines "heavily influenced by the chinese government".
Dude, what the heck are you expecting?
Dumb "journos"
Thank god, china needs to be economically, technologically and socially obliterated until they get rid of their totalitarian government.
We can't allow people who want to destroy the very concept of freedom to stay relevant on the world stage.
too late for that Tsai
(((tom's hardware))) at it again with their kikery.
Good thing I have their domain blocked so they got no click through for this clickbait horseshit.
Amd licensed zen1 (14nm) core/imc only.
They didn't license zen2 and beyond.
End of story. China has already fab'd their version of the processor and its in retail. This includes spins of EPYC. Frankly that's all they needed and is huge. See pic.
china paid for zen 1 blueprints and thats all
toms is just shitting on china or trying to
where can I buy their first gen chips?
>chinese clones
they are licensed to produce it. It's not a clone if the manufacturer gives you the plans and permission to make it
>AMD selling out to the Chicoms
Now it makes sense why there is heavy AMD shilling on this board.
Looks like Chicoms with their AMD clones are flooding this board.
This is why normal people don't buy AMD.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
(((who))) could be behind this post?
>Spend decades begging China to liberalize their markets
>They finally embrace capitalism, and begin to outcompete Americans
The Yellow Peril shit is so outrageous that it's almost laughable; America is desperately afraid of another country having more economic power than it does.
>unironic DPRK dicksuckers on Jow Forums
I want tankies to leave
>amdrones are actually chinks
winnie the pooh
where did you get this stupid idea
Thank you, Liang Wei. 3 Social Credit Points have been deposited into your account. 90 more points and you may enjoy travel to the neighbouring province.
too late, they have already begun production. maybe for zen 2.
Nice try Zhang
fuck mao
fuck stalin
fuck china
fuck you idiot statist fucks
>muh people's revolution
Why yes, give the chinks your intellectual property, what could possibly go wrong?
>Statism is when you do capitalism better than America. The more money you make, the more statist it is.
taiwan is china
Its really nothing special. the Chinese government has a few crypto instruction sets, their made to order VIA chips have the same.
>heartless bugpeople versus shitskins and their kike handlers
What's the logical choice to support for future rulers of the world?
perhaps the beautiful swedes can come up with something
>AMD cockblocks China on Tiananmen Square massacre anniversary
What did AMD mean by this?
Fuck China t. lisa su
Lisa Su is a Chinese traitor
Chinks don't really need Zen, they have multicore Alpha AXP clones.
doesn't matter, they already have their own Sugon/Hygon - chink version of first Zen which is more than sufficient for all the secure government stuff safe from israel/US backdoors
I don't think you understand capitalism as practiced by the west. If you did you wouldn't look so retarded and think it's capitalism practiced in China.
dont let this happen in your country, protect your freedoms and civil liberties
Wow she is very beautiful
>Burgers spend decades redefining freedom and civil liberty as the ability to own capital and move money freely.
>Former communists like Russia and China adapt Capitalism, but are still ruthlessly authoritarian.
>Burgers mentally incapable of parsing this, so they build Putin and Xi up as unique 1984 dictators with an army of Hyperspies and a citizenry of drones.
>Meanwhile American civil liberties are being more and more eroded by the day.
you hate to see it
"Real capitalism has never been tried"
thats why USA badly needs to combat the subversion of the education - 'liberal' colleges became SJW factories
Wow im buying amd next build. Fuck chinks and kikes
sauce pls
imagine being such a piece of shit commie that you think everyone is ENTITLED to living equal. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
>technology board
>doesn't know how to reverse-search images
I have no words... silly boy, do yourself a favour and install 4chanX - then you'll have easy image search options, and use yandex, cause goolag is inferior and cant find anything
This is great. China puffed itself up and acted all big and strong and tried to Resist Drumpf but in the end it's going to cost them the entire Western tech outsourcing scam they built up.
China does not need 7nm right now, since there are no factories which will produce 7nm for them. 14nm, on the other hand, are quite achievable for them to make bootleg Ryzens if it comes to that.
>capitalism is ebil because they don't give my communist shithole free food
>cummunism is ebil because they don't give my ukrainian shithole free food
inb4 PSP free zen1 chinese clones aimed for the freetard market
Um sweetie... don't you know that the USSR was state-capitalist? Like seriously yikes... I hope you don't actually believe that Communists are smart enough to make a country!
pic related is the closest thing that REAL Communists will ever build.
>wanting capitalism with authoritarianism
Wei Wang pls go.
Perhaps you wanted to search "Red fascism"
gas the commies
This probably means that China is going to kick off the Desktop ARM rennaisance in response
What am looking at here?
Tobedesu if the minimum for everyone is space luxury, then I'm all for it. Nothing wrong can come of it, nothing at all.
>Capitalism isn't perfect, therefore, communism.
[This post has been removed by the Chinese authorities]
What a retarded strawman
That isn't even what he said or implied.
You Chinese are laughably brainwashed
and redpilled
שחררו את פלסטין Free Palestine תקרית_ליברטי The USS Liberty Incident of 1967 עברית Zionism קבאל של בנקאים יהודים Cabal of Jewish Bankers כיבוש המזרח התיכון Occupation of the Middle East ארסנל גרעיני ישראלי Israeli Nuclear Arsenal השדולה הפרו-ישראלית בארה"ב Pro-Israel Lobby in the USA זכויות אדם גוי Gentile Rights פשעי מלחמה של הצבא הישראלי Israeli Army War crimes שואה מזויפת Fake Holocaust חתרנות של האירופים Subversion of Europeans סוחר שמח Happy Merchant
>intellectual property
thats communism
"If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it."
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Isaac McPherson, Monticello, August 13, 1813
sounds pretty cool, what is the availabliity ouside china?
The US tried one of those but stopped because nuclear powered jets are retarded and wind up irradiating your own country. It makes sense that China would use it.
Which is why I didn’t even bother replying to the commie shill
Capitalism IS authoritarianism.
>freedom is slavery
Commies confirmed for being full on 1984 mode. Not like there was ever any doubt.
And if China restricts rare earth exports? The USA is fucked.
>Equating capitalism with freedom
see America has a shitload of rare earth deposits, its just that American companies are too cheap and lazy to spend money mining them. America could drop their dicks on China tomorrow if they just invested in themselves for once.
Freedom to trade goods is a freedom brainlet.
Capitalism isn't synonymous with trade, it's an economy owned and controlled by owners of capital. That power is inherently authoritarian, which is why Russia and China aren't suddenly bastions of human rights, why countries with massive wealth inequality are littered with corruption, and why the rich are steadily becoming more and more powerful in America.
>Capitalism isn't synonymous with trade, it's an economy owned and controlled by owners of capital
Everyone who participates in the economy influences it whether they have "capital" or not. Choosing your profession, your skills, and you employer all affect the economy. To give the government absolute control over the economy is authoritarian and stupid.
>That power is inherently authoritarian, which is why Russia and China aren't suddenly bastions of human rights
There still a lot better than they used to be. No one would reasonable expect introducing some freedoms to mean you suddenly get all freedoms.
>why countries with massive wealth inequality are littered with corruption
the worst of those countries identify as communist
>Everyone who participates in the economy influences it whether they have "capital" or not. Choosing your profession, your skills, and you employer all affect the economy. To give the government absolute control over the economy is authoritarian and stupid.
Limiting or eliminating the power of capitalists (as in, actual owners of capital) isn't the same as having a corvée system. You can have every benefit of capitalism without giving absolute free reign to leeches.
>There still a lot better than they used to be. No one would reasonable expect introducing some freedoms to mean you suddenly get all freedoms.
See pic. "We're better than we used to be" is the same line China uses for Tienanmen Square, even though it was carried out by the guy who liberalized their markets, and they still try to censor it as much as they can.
>the worst of those countries identify as communist
All the world's poorest countries are capitalists, and the vast majority of poor people live in capitalist countries. The only people i've ever seen deny this are the ones that think real capitalism has never been tried.
mmm... that pic
who /asianfever/ here
>Limiting or eliminating the power of capitalists (as in, actual owners of capital) isn't the same as having a corvée system. You can have every benefit of capitalism without giving absolute free reign to leeches.
There is value in having successful people with a proven understanding of economics directing the investment of money in the economy. Why you would call that leaching I have no idea and preventing it would likely make everyone worse off.
>See pic.
Slavs are dumb m8
>"We're better than we used to be" is the same line China uses for Tienanmen Square, even though it was carried out by the guy who liberalized their markets
It's also true. Doesn't mean the Chinese government are good guys.
>All the world's poorest countries are capitalists, and the vast majority of poor people live in capitalist countries.
Not remotely true. See pic.
>The only people i've ever seen deny this are the ones that think real capitalism has never been tried.
Its really cute how you guys are trying to turn that around
very nice.
China no 1
>There is value in having successful people with a proven understanding of economics directing the investment of money in the economy.
Capitalism doesn't work that way; it isn't a meritocracy. Power belongs to anyone who owns capital or the means of production, no matter how they came about it. Most of that money and power is either inherited, or built up from other capital. A 'pure' meritocracy would have maximum incomes, asset limits, and a 100% estate tax, but nobody wants that because everyone knows what's actually up.
>Slavs are dumb m8
Ah yes, the "Capitalism is perfect, it just doesn't work in most places because Africans/Asians/Eastern Europeans/South Americans are dumb" meme.
>Not remotely true. See pic.
>Its really cute how you guys are trying to turn that around
That graph is from the Heritage Foundation, a reactionary think-tank that actually unironically argues that "real capitalism" doesn't exist anywhere.
>capital or the means of production
If you mean money just say money brainlet. Do you think the economy is still centered around factories? Do you think you can't just buy "mean of production".
>Most of that money and power is either inherited, or built up from other capital.
Making interest off an investment requires risking the initial investment. Without merit you are likely to fuck it up. 70% of rich families lose their wealth by the second generation
>maximum incomes
Retarded and pointless. How is that anything but envy?
>slavs aren't dumb
lol ok buddy
>Africans are Capitalist
>Heritage Foundation bad therefore wrong
Which economic freedom rankings do you actually disagree with? Or are you just looking for and excuse to ignore it?
how to get instantly censored in China and have the secret police visit your house. It's just a bunch of phrases and events that make the gov't look bad "Tianneman square massacre, the president looks like Winnie the Pooh" etc
Bug spray
It's a gif, retard
>Thinks capital is the same as money
Jesus Christ read a book. Yes, you can still buy factories. And rent land. And own stocks, and debt.
>Making interest off an investment requires risking the initial investment. Without merit you are likely to fuck it up. 70% of rich families lose their wealth by the second generation
Who has the means to take on a risk, or bear fucking it up? Also, that 70% figure is a made up stat that comes from an estate planning consulting firm.
>Slavs are dumb and Afrrica isn't capitalist
There's literally no helping someone who thinks like this.
>Which economic freedom rankings do you actually disagree with?
The "Economic freedom" framing is completely bullshit and made up. Most of their metrics are subjective, and it only exists to argue that "true capitalism" isn't real, and capitalism is a spectrum of "freedom".
>>Thinks capital is the same as money
My point was that in the modern world it may as well be and obsession with "the means of production" is one of many Communist anachronisms.
>Who has the means to take on a risk, or bear fucking it up?
Certainly the rich can survive fucking up, but they won't be quite as rich if they do now will they?
>Also, that 70% figure is a made up stat that comes from an estate planning consulting firm
prove them wrong
>>Slavs are dumb and Afrrica isn't capitalist
>There's literally no helping someone who thinks like this.
lmao die on that hill if you want
>The "Economic freedom" framing is completely bullshit and made up. Most of their metrics are subjective, and it only exists to argue that "true capitalism" isn't real, and capitalism is a spectrum of "freedom".
Yeah sure because there no governments that exert more or less control over their economies. Yup totally not a gradient.