Why did Europe fail?

Why did Europe fail?

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you can ask that on 4channel in the /his/ subreddit

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They turned away from imperialism

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Is this English? Asking for a friend.

Retarded as fuck. This FEE ID is wasted on you.

yo no sé

What faggot?

Claramente te he dicho que puedes hacer esa pregunta a los historiadores del subreddit de /his/ en 4channel

Donde esta? Homo.

>no poniendo la ¿

This is why

Everywhere that gets comfortably ahead gets some socialist cancer that never experienced hard times.

Change that 29 to 163 or you will suffer way more than just having your dick cooked from its inside with an extended loop tipped soldering gun *which heats way faster and gets way hotter than irons* then having it force fed to you.

So this?

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Seems harsh

You are weak. I'm my department's MVP and I already have a coworker adding his online voice to my battle with Google's WEAK braindead "men".

Don’t hurt yourself homo

Banning memes
Like holy shit they're so cucked

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My parents are european and they complain about their home country’s government all the time

Homos take up for Google you braindead shiteating cocksucker.

Why did Europe fail? What’s your thinking?

Europe < Anglo Empire ~ Japan

Is that it?

entropy hemism

imperialism and nationalism.

Communism for you



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also Europe is doing epic right now I don't know what you are talking about. please stop trying to say "everything was better in the good old dayz" You are just parroting a white nationalist talking point

Milticulturalism, refugees that literally grope people on the streets, England and France being a thing.

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Is it?


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Dark green > light green


imperialism, according to toynbee.

in terms of prosperity, yes
I'm a huge fucking leftist (literally a communist and unironically a male feminist). racists are the ones pushing the narrative that "western culture" is on the decline. I don't think we should make any racial distinctions.

Attached: 2015-Prosperity-Index-explained-3[1].png (1024x512, 285K)

Thank you for making the point

women given authority

So what's your vision of an ideal commie society?

if we treated women equally and if they were experienced like males, europe wouldn't collapse.

we gave inexperienced women authority.

People should live in small workers collectives of 150 people (Dunbar's number) where they own the means of production and form a direct democracy to manage their own self interests. They would preferably use star voting all non binary decisions and first past the post for any other decisions. 75 of these collectives would form together to create a ward and they would send two representatives (selected randomly, not by elections, which would lead to unbiased representation) to a ward committee that would be used to facilitate contracts between collectives to allocate resources to increase the prosperity of the wards. the representatives would also follow the same voting rules. The wards would also facilitate contracts with other wards so that they can exchange resources and create committees for the sake of humanity. All the workers in collectives will be paid equally and practice regular job rotation (except for specialists like doctors) so that some people don't get harder jobs. the ward committee representatives will be replaced every three months to help with corruption.

because they're cringe

americans sold the west to the jews and negrified it

why is it always our fault

>All the workers in collectives will be paid equally
Would there even be a need for the concept of money if you can negotiate the exchange of resources at the ward?

I meant paid in resources.
not in wages.
Like everybody will get the same amount of food and clothes.

Welcome to Europe

Attached: Vow-of-Poverty.jpg (500x333, 48K)

Hard times create weak men: testing only drains things. Everything is built from vectorial investments by others.