The comprehensive Jow Forums guide to kill shill threads

I used to love coming here and reading about events and news and politically related subject, but recently this place has morphed into something else that, like many of you, I don't enjoy much anymore. 70% of the posts here now are leftipol shit tier shill threads that are nothing but noise trying to drown meaningful and interesting discussions. Their strategy working. It's time that we devise a common strategy to kill these threads. Let's create an informal and very fluid code of conduct that some of us can choose to adopt or not. Let’s put all of our brain power together to create the ultimate Jow Forums's immune system. This place is attacked constantly by parasites and mental viruses. They are attacking the host, which is you and I, a vaguely defined anonymous but still very alive entity. This is an information war. So let's act accordingly and let's train to fight the enemy. I'll start by listing some of the most active agitprop players that post here.

Shareblue Media
Correct the Record
50 Cent Party
Internet Research Agency

We can't gore threads anymore, it used to be relatively effective but it's now banned and most newfags don't even know about this practice. Let's brainstorm about new strategies and create a guide that everyone can refer to when encountering these threads. Once the guide is ready (pastebin?), the only thing that you should post in these threads should be links or information about this guide and how to kill these threads. I’m certain that we can come up with very creative and efficient ways to clean up the board. I look forward to see the day where each time a new shill thread is posted, the only replies are from people that are aware that it's a shill thread and that the only content that they post is intended to shut it down. United we stand. Together we fall.

Post your suggestions and ideas. Feel free to create new threads to discuss about this subject and make the concept evolve.

Attached: ShillCard.png (960x539, 467K)

Filter nigger vernacular such as "based" and "nigga" and the site improves instantly

"Memeflag, opinion discarded" works about 80% of the time.

I am a faggot who doesn't know how to operate Jow Forums. How do I do this?

Check ur pm

Ain't nobody having time to filter any of that shit. It would be more fun to devise a common strategy, Jannies friendly I guess (or not if the goal is to kill and delete the thread) and to do so without getting banned. We could come up with a simple image/meme that says it all and just post it Ad infinitum on these threads. Or some efficient pasta. These threads are shit and they deserve a concerted effort to neuter them and render them useless up to the point that absolutely even click on them eventually, because they know they will be filled with whatever we come up with.

There's no way to stop it except to sage their threads telling newfags what is going on and posting red pill generals every day. This has been going on for years already.

The key to success is to come up with something that will become part of the culture here, similar to what goring was before it was banned.


>"Memeflag, opinion discarded" works about 80% of the time.
>There's no way to stop it except to sage their threads telling newfags what is going on and posting red pill generals every day. This has been going on for years already.
>The key to success is to come up with something that will become part of the culture here, similar to what goring was before it was banned.
these are pretty good so far. not much to add.

go to catalog, look to the right above the last picture in the first row, in blue letters

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The goal is not to try to stop it, but more to render these threads useless by filling them maybe with nonsensical and unrelated posts, almost as if bots were replying, destroying any chance of real discussion about the OP. Posting red pills and engaging in any ways with these threads validates them and they always end up with some people posting in them unironically, unaware that they are shill and slide threads. Imagine these threads constantly filled with wall of texts with the same replies and images, and you can see how eventually no one will even bother clicking on them.

like pic related

Attached: Ignore_Memeflag_threads.png (838x826, 22K)

The problem is that these images are not known enough and we always end up seeing only a couple of posters replying with that kind of post. What we need like I've said is a uniform method to reply that people get familiar with and all use. It's time that we create our own code of conduct /s.

You forgot the
And the occasional nigger who can figure a computer.

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Good additions user.

cry some more

Pointing out shill techniques like D&C helps sometimes. It will never stop though. They pay niggers to do this. They flood the board with useless shit and because of the nature of the board important things get glossed over, ignored, or discussed well but quickly moved to the archive which most people can't/don't use. My pov is that it will forever be this way. the only way to chage it is to start a new and better page that you can moderate and hold actual political convos, cause it's not happenning here.

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You're welcome user ;)

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Keep making these kill shill threads daily.

Here you go. Cointelpro 101.
I imagine that you'll be the one crying after this post exposing your entire playbook memeflaggot.

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No, we need more mods that are worthy.

No one is crying. I just think that we can end up having fun with these threads instead of being annoyed by them. We can turn them into the ridicule that they deserve. Like someone said, they're not going away anytime soon, so let's fuck with them instead, in a loosely organized manner (as much as it's possible on a board ruled by chaos).

Drop red pills in each one

awww....I'm so sorry that facts and truth hurt your narrative

you stupid worthless cucks can't deal with the facts and truth - that's why you asshats keep autstically reee'ing about 'fake news'

Attached: Drumpfy Safe Space.png (600x579, 359K)

Is pay for sex morally wrong?

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Isn't it ironic?

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Developing a good filter and hiding threads/adding them to the filter when new tactics arise is a pretty easy way to keep their tactics from even passing your brain barrier.

Radicalizing people in your immediate enviornment is insanely important to induce cultural change but you can only do this from a position where people respect you and your way. I.E. you are cleab, smell decent, not late for work, dress in a respectable way, do not get too drunk or so high that you cant function, etc etc.

you forgot FUCKING LEAFS.
No but seriously, we could figure something out.

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That’s alanis? NOOOOOOOO!

>"can't deal with facts and truth"
>literally spoonfed by a bias glownigger controlled mockingbird media that once tried to brand logic and reason as racist
Kys sweetie

friendly bump

I'm happy to see you guy posting here, that makes the thread even better. We can study your retarded replies in real time and devise strategies based on the content. Hopefully this thread will attract a lot of shills like you (assuming you're not just trolling).

This is Jow Forums faggot a shitpost anime board. Go take your autism elsewhere

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/pol explained in a picture.

If anons are too dumb to figure this out, then they deserve the shills.

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>sorry that fact hurt your narrative

Attached: world-IQ-map-becker-2018.png (1155x619, 173K)

While everything in this pic is true, not many people take the time to read this kind of post. We need something punchy and straight to the point. Thinking about it, maybe a brand new pepe created specifically for shill threads?

Shitposting is many if not all of us take joy at partaking in this activity. But shill posts and bot posts are just creating noise and diluting the Jow Forums divine experience. The repetition is what makes it maddening. itsallsotiring.gif


>Shitposting is
Shitposting is something...

>denigrates Jow Forums
>addicted to memes that started here
Remember: You're here forever. We were all blind once just like you. You'll be converted in due time. Gooble gobble gooble gobble.

Those people can't be helped and you're probably wasting your time trying to accommodate them. They're the product of a generation that had parents that never read to them and they chose to not read and subsist off of video edutainment.

shill spotting pepe sounds cool tho

Yeah, I like that.

The problem with that is that eventually, just like anons spotting shills legitimately, newfags will misuse it and be retarded, but that will probably happen regardless so, eh, I guess might as well try the shill spotting pepe idea.

First and Foremost we need to stop replieing to any thread made with a mem flag. this needs to be rule one.


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Make a copy and paste about Simon of Trent and Jewish blood sacrifice of children.

It is the one thing shills will not discuss, and if everyone makes a copypasta and puts it in literally every single post we will know who isn't a shill.

If they use it to shill they will be redpilling everyone on Simon of Trent and Jews drinking children's blood lmao

It's absolutely subversive

It's been getting worse. And I think all the non happenings are making it worse.

Here for everyone, Copy and paste on every single plate.

I am not a paid JIDF/correct the record shill.

I acknowledge Jewish blood sacrifice and ritual murder of children such as Simon of Trent.

Save kids, call out Jewish ritual murder.

Maybe a sage pepe? Something that looks innocuous at first glance but with a strong symbolic meaning. We need something low effort. Posting wall of texts images, while informative is futile and won't work with the ADD generation.

Imagine being so delusional that you actually think everyone who isn't as "red pilled" as you is a shill and false flagger.

What about taking their posts to the extreme, making it a parody. Take their position, and make it look so retarded even newfags will notice.

Attached: Torahbloodlibelmoloch.png (1404x934, 2.89M)



(i don't know but i've been told)


Imagine thousands of daily posts mentioning this, literally everyone who comes here will research it to see if it's true lmao

Shills will have fucking meltdowns and we can just ignore any posts without it.

Checkmate, I am the Jew now

What needs to happen is jannies deleting bait threads. Board fixed

Same thing but different angle and layout. Cheers m8.

Attached: Torahbloodlibelmoloch2.jpg (1316x4106, 730K)

I am not a paid JIDF/correct the record shill.

I acknowledge Jewish blood sacrifice and ritual murder of children such as Simon of Trent.

Save kids, call out Jewish ritual murder.

Imagine trying to come up with a way to defeat this system kike.

To blend in you HAVE to redpill people lmao


Thing is is that if you're a lifer you already know all this shit. A new guy might think something is a board norm, when in fact it's a shill thread.

For example, when one week these orgs propagate black fetishism, posting attractive black women, anecdotes that make it seem like a reasonable portion of us do like black women.

Then the next week posting counter to that to induce shame

Who knows how many newfags went and looked up some kind of porn and beat off, then were later confronted with the shame.

At this point the user has a choice. Do I double down on my previous actions, or do I run counter to those.

Most will do what feels good, and that creates a lot of psychological noise and internal reflection.

It's pretty insideous, but most lifer polacks know these tactics and avoid them from the start.

Its our job to teach the newfaggots, as irritating as it might be.

You have to read about cointelpro operations, what the feds do. How they started arab spring, how these ops are conducted.

Think about what tactics you would use, then apply them on leftist hives to test. A good place to start is on more obscure reddit boards.

Every polack needs to be on the same level as people who do this for a living.

Applied social theory.

Posting over and over stupid posts about ar-15, Blacked, why are men checking out society, why aren't millennial owning homes, Drumf is finished this time, I'm going to prison soon I need some advice. These are bot threads, threads created by people with an agenda, or just plain mentally retarded (e.g. leftists). I like that the people that react the strongest to this threads are meme flags posters. Are you feeling threatened because your fun might be coming to an end? Interesting.

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As long as you don't use private browsers, or VPNs, you simply go to settings, go to filter, and then input whatever key words you want that, if included in the OP, will hide the respective thread(s).

Fucking kys honeypot kikecord spammer

We all know its happening, it's an unending tidal wave, but good threads still happen.
They won't shut Jow Forums down, because then anons will rain terrible memetic vengeance upon the interwebz and out in meatspace.
The tide is turning, the left is managing its own decline - here, in Europe, and elsewhere.
>ride the riger familia

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A somehow possible theory is that these threads are created by the board itself to generate traffic. That's also a possibility that we need to take into account. More traffic, more ads revenue. This would explain why there is so many of them when there is not happenings.

Maybe don’t throw “shill “ around as often. Some people on here seem to think literally everyone that disagrees with them is a paid agitator.
>inb4 I’m called a shill

Expose memeflaggers as the Israeli shill that they are

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Can confirm.

I've seen threads I have posted in be reposted with all the same ID's and exact same posts.

Mods are running bots or some shit.

I saw the second thread and called it out and was saying what posts would come next and they shut it down

>posting on this glownigger board without a VPN

usually sage or report if caught early. if not, maybe flood threads with antisemitic animu, both boomers and shills hate that kek

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I reiterate, kys honeypot kikecord spammer

Nobody is ever going to fall for your shit except for the newest of newfags that have no memepower on Jow Forums to begin with so, enjoy wasting your time and efforts to honeypot people of no real consequence while the real anons who get shit done continue to report and call out your faggot ass kike. Cheers shlomo!

The mass psychological movement of any given population is of extroardinary importance. How do you manipulate mass populations as an individual? This is something every polack should try to learn and attempt on a microscale.

Thats how you induce a social revolution.

Reporting from the catalog. I'm glad to say that right now it's relatively clean. Feels good.

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there's nothing to be done

the anonymous imageboard thing is dead, it's inherently weak

we need pseudoanonymity and a p2p hosting system


Preaching to the choir. Memes. Good memes always have a notion of truth to them, which is why they stand against the crowd. This is why they can't meme. They avoid the truth and avoid honesty.
>switched proxies again
>zero argument
You have zero understanding of just whom you're up against and you vastly underestimate me, kike.

the thing is that even if you make a good thread there are still going to be bots and shills swarming it with retardation

there is no way to have unregistered anonymity

Mods and jannies are comped now anyway. Ever since Q came and left this board began to slowly rot.

That's why we need to fight back with anonymous content, but on a mass scale. Together, we can create a common language to deal with this stuff. Like I've said, we need to make the culture of the board evolve. Reinforce Jow Forums's immune system. It really sucks that we can't gore threads, it was extremely effective.

you're the one wasting energy responding to a literal bot

>you vastly underestimate me
you're retarded

Mods and jannies have been infiltrated since like 4 years ago, it's nothing new.

Yet Jow Forums set off said cultural revolution around 3 years ago. They are behind the curve in a big way.

Where we are running into trouble is maintaining it and taking it further.

A good recommended read into leftist tactics and how far it was taken in the 70s with radicalization is "Steal This Book".

They developed the real life infrastructure of revolution, full house. Thats how the cuban bombers were able to get away with what they did.

We need to develop the same level of infrastructure and radicalization full house, and we need every polack to do it.

This is a good exampled of bots that end up filling threads with relevant content. If you are not a bot, then kys, thanks.

Sure, kike. That's why you've switched VPN's on each of your posts, amirite? What you're engaging in right now is an attempt at pilpul through emotional manipulation of the reader using adhom. Kys
>literal bot
>calls me retarded
>he thinks bot behavior is this advanced
Projecting like an old drive in movie theater. Wew

Speaking of which, has anyone ever infiltrated this (((secret))) discord channel and reported back / created a thread about it? This looks like a goldmine of cringe.

How is it a false premise when kikecord is a honeypot? The fucking name alone should have been an obvious tipoff to most, but people have a shit vocabulary these days and don't even think about the hidden meanings of things. Discord is literally the opposite of unity. i.e. divide and conquer. What I am saying is not a false premise at all, but what you're saying is and you have done is repeat the same thing over and over as if that somehow reinforces it when it doesn't you fucking kike brainlet. We're not telling you to keep yourself safe. we're telling you to kill yourself kike faggotshill.

They don't like it when we threaten their business model.

Kill yourself.

Doesn't matter if the thread was moved. We can still brainstorm ideas and apply them to Jow Forums.

you gotta be fuggin kidding me

If anything, it only proves that we are onto something important. It touched a nerve.

he's coming

Attached: it's getting cold, isn't it?.gif (736x736, 183K)

the thread is still on the boards retard

Even if discord is a honeypot why can't it be used as a platform? What can they get out of you when you use a vpn and don't talk about any real info? We use the discord as a staging ground not for anything real.
We can't do this alone and we have to use every tool available to us.

>Jow Forumstards unironically beleive people care about thier shitty board

The thread has been banted.

Attached: banted.jpg (1880x789, 244K)

Let's test that theory of yours and see how this thread goes.

If anything, this thread will get more visibility here, after what just happened. Everyone's welcome to join the discussion. Shills welcome.