Rate my setup Jow Forums

rate my setup Jow Forums

Attached: F9784AAD-6B6A-4D18-B014-AB8425FC9437.jpg (3996x1498, 1.76M)


>meme mouse
Please go away

Almost 100% gay

This is the gayest shit i've ever seen. The keycap on the Esc key looks like it's made out of pure horse shit. Probably reflects your personality.


>fag mouse
>fag esc key
almost had it

Attached: 1559278421376.jpg (665x718, 173K)

Anything other than a k70 is gay

missing your butt plug

Imagine being this gay

that's actually shit bumping thread so other can laugh at you.

It looks like a stripper vomited cum and glitter all over your desk. Post more.



My keyboard is better than yours

Attached: mitsumi the undying.png (1468x604, 1.68M)

Its coo,l I like it
Fuck those niggers that see faggotry everywhere


+1 for tenkeyless
+1 for keeping fkeys
+1 for wired

it looks terrible though


It looks like you bought the cheapest mouse and keyboard from aliexpress.

>fuckhueg enter button
no thanks

I don't remember seeing that mouse at the Apple presentation yesterday


Post feet pics in your cute programmer socks you reddit cuck

>cheese grater mouse

I hope this is bait, otherwise you're legit mentally ill. There's no way a healthy person can be THIS tasteless.

>not the G Pro Wireless