Gay boys, sorry(not sorry)

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I just match’s with a Thai guy on tinder

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Hello ashleystraight
Get out kindly thanks

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heck ye, no faggots in my secret club

says faggapore

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>t.chinese underground gay

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Spartan men shagged each other this is well known

fakest of news

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but only the bottoms were gay

its true
in fact, male homosexuality was enforced as law in sparta

And that's what will happen by 2050 if we don't fight the gay menace!

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why are you assuming that I am chines? And you gay desu.

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he's coming

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Are you not the guy from China using a proxy?Also no u

What guy? I just switched to IPv6 address to hide my banner for shitposting. And no u.

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okay fag

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gayposting ban on r/blogs WHEN

r/banter is the edgiest board on 4kids!

I chuckled

>I'm quoting the subject
>I'm quoting the OP

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sanae has gone insane

so when did you decide to become straightapore, fagapore?


this thread is very bad thread

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this is a very good thread

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disgusting filth

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