Attached: FB_IMG_1559672660140.jpg (278x278, 6K)

At this point, if you're a medium-to-large company and you DON'T make any kind of pro-fag statement you're going to be the target of a smear campaign and/or boycotts.

Attached: thisshitagain.jpg (807x659, 37K)

Hiro should add a rainbow theme for the pride month.

more recaptchas for you in faggots month

Rightfully so.


>hey guys it's the faggot thing month, tell the graphic designer to do something real quick


Would be hilarious to see polfags from reddit assblasted. Sounds like it'd be ugly as shit tho

Everybody but neolibs and some neocons hate the corporate pride month shit
>socialists and progressives think it's rainbow capitalism
>anti-leftists think it's pandering to SJWs
>christfags and tradcons think it's anti-family values
>Jow Forumsacks think it's pushing degeneracy

>socialists and progressives think it's rainbow capitalism
Yeah but like I said, if you're a company and you fail to put a rainbow in your logo or some other gay shit those socialists and progressives WILL let you know it.


Work for one of these tech companies and god is it tiresome. 90% of my team members are conservative and homophobic, but everyone keeps their mouth shut due to fear of prosecution. Mostly, people support it with a very thin almost unnoticeable layer of irony.

The design peeps have nothing better to do than pander this stuff. Pretty fucking sad, can't wait for the recession and for them to get laid off.

Attached: contempt2.jpg (232x259, 7K)

This. The logo looks like shit, it's not even centered.

What would a rainbow theme even look like?

And this is the original resolution from Facebook a 248 px logo

Attached: 1508795031239.jpg (360x345, 67K)

closet homosexuals are furious over it too. why else would they get so emotional over this faggotry?

>Have a worldview that promotes persecution of people you don't like
>Get upset when others persecute you
Do you not see how this makes you a massive hypocrite?

Do you not also see how those "design peeps" are just doing whatever is trendy in order to increase sales?


Attached: We_XjtnM_400x400.png (300x300, 2K)

penis in pooper is normal human behavior and if you don't pander to poopy pee-pee you're literally hitler

You're implying that I am homophobic. I am not. I have beliefs however, that would have me persecuted by others and prosecuted by my company. I do believe that homosexuality is not a trait that should be desired (the same way infertility is). I also believe that homosexuality is a symptom of sexual abuse.

Celebrating something that is an undesirable trait is strange to me.

Got a free diversity IBM tee shirt, it's great for the gym.

Attached: sadadmiralspock.jpg (640x480, 30K)

I'm sure that is the root cause for some but it is a baseless generalisation to claim it is for all.
Every man has undesirable traits that are likely not fixable. You can either hate yourself for them, or you can accept them and celebrate them as the thing that makes life nuanced and interesting.
You may feel that you are being persecuted for not being able to "bring your whole self to work" but know that every social group has its taboos, even Jow Forums.

>know that every social group has its taboos, even Jow Forums.

true this

>neolibs and some neocons
That's 90% of America at this point though. Amerimutts are all drones

Use StackPath, just a bunch'a cowboys from Texas. No niggers, no trannies, and limited Pajeets.

Attached: apple_rainbow_logo.jpg (300x333, 15K)

Genetic abberations arent something to be celebrated. It has as much import as someone being colorblind to say the least. Whoop de fucking doo.


Attached: download.jpg (174x140, 6K)

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>no black on the rainbow
fucking racist

You are speaking from a point of view of insecurity. Just remember that there are two sides to every story, what you may consider to be strange and different and undesirable, may be a great advantage to some. user I'm sure you also have some personality traits that could be considered negative by others.

How come sodomites and all the other varieties of sexual pests just appropriated the rainbow?
Also why is this now the peak of culture? What exactly is so wonderful and enlightening about sexual fetishisms and promiscuity?

This is why the mentally ill need to be locked away in advanced societies, and are disposed of in developing societies, they are always so adamant about spreading their illness everywhere, and now they are defining what is mentally ill or not. The fucking mentally ill are defining what is mentally ill. I just don't understand how this shit has been allowed to fester, everyone seemed so rational in the mid 2000s with finally disposing of religion but then swallowed this shit hook, line, and sinker. Un-fucking-believable.

reminder that not all gays are part of the lgbtq """""""""community"""""""""

LGBTQI+ is not mentally ill. Gaymers are, i.e. 80% of this board.

Attached: 1559686201.jpg (1226x1395, 344K)


Yeah keep honking you mentally ill gaymer. Soon enough it will be your kind that will be put in mental wards and denied the basic rights of society. Not that you need them anyway LOL.

>Do you not see how this makes you a massive hypocrite?


I sure am glad not to be a murkan. In my dumbfuckistan degenerates like LGBTQLMNOPXYZ belong on a cross.

Attached: 1556842304644.jpg (768x384, 36K)

remember when rainbows was cool?

I fucking do and that makes me hate homosexuals with the force of a thousand suns. Seriously.

Come on OP, just declare yourself a LGBTQ###TM46#######NIDORAN############################MISSINGNO####################I like shorts, they're comfy and easy to wear#################### supporter today and get your free gay meatshield!

There is enough faggotry here already. Look at your post, for example.

Out of the groups you listed, most are fucking retards, fringe and also just a blob of nearly identical shit.
Meanwhile what you lumped together "neolibs" are actually more numerous, politically aware and less similar to each other than the groups you split up to pad the "list of people who agree with me".

What is your cope here?
I mean, you're losing and pretending your enemy is just a tiny group that somehow manages to include everyone who matters.
How do you not manage to notice that you're wrong?

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Moot would have done it

The brainlet answer.