Is application development the lowest form of programming or am I being too hard on myself?

As I try to break into the world of "getting paid money to do computer shit instead of the hard labor I'm used to", I'm blocked by the feeling that what I do is actually piddly kid shit and REAL professionals do leagues more than I've ever tried.

Like, anyone can do database shit and write Python, right? Disregarding HTML/CSS shit, isn't "hurr durr I can make a window lololol here's what's in your Pictures folder" the bare minimum of programming? Honestly, the most advanced thing I've yet done for money is realize that a Raspberry Pi knockoff was fucked because it internally couldn't keep straight whether or not it was a 32- or 64-bit system (it tried to be compatible with both in a very specific way that broke any unofficially-made program). Determining that something isn't worth the trouble hardly seems like noteworthy ability.

For all of my 20s, I got by on hard labor; running trucks, cleaning kitchens, removing floors, etc. Everyone always told me to get into tech stuff because I was good at it, but... well, am I? What the fuck do all those high-paid code monkey type folk even DO? It's impossible for me to accept that people get paid enough to have a house, a car, and food off of doing the kind of bullshit I kill time with in my underwear for fun: there's GOT to be something more going on.

Thanks for reading all this, if you did. Call me a faggot, ban me, whatever: I don't know where to vent these insecurities, so here seemed like a safe place to experiment. I feel like I'm close to being good enough to really put myself out there. All I need is one or two more things I just can't put my finger on yet. Any advice or perspective you can provide is appreciated. Thanks again.

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It's a massive bubble ready to blow up.

Aw fuck. The fuck am I supposed to do now, then?

>hurp derp, here are your medicine. Please don't choke on your food.
>Welp, my guess is that you have [something all others that came to me had]. I can't be sure, but I'll just refer you to someone who can either give you medicine or cut a piece of flesh out
>herpaderp, I just looked up some case law and it says you are wrong, unless I bend the definition a bit with a bullshit story
Test engineer:
>let me code a program that will press all the buttons, over and over again
>mMmm, i'll put the menu here and the image here
>ah yes, let's drill a hole here and fill it up again. Next!

The entire paragraph where you talk about a Raspberry Pi """knockoff""" shows you understand next to nothing about anything you're talking about.

Retard faggot.

just have sex

OP whether or not you are trolling the reason you get paid doing ANYTHING is because there is a demand for that thing you are doing.

Whether you find it easy or not coding still takes time and you can and should put a dollar amount on your time.

Once you can start writing long blocks of code and actual programs, you're set
With a little hard work, you can stop fapping and being a neet

what is with you and sex?


>what I do is actually piddly kid shit and REAL professionals do leagues more than I've ever tried.
those real professionals all started out like you, working on piddly bullshit. but they kept doing it and they kept working on slightly harder stuff. once enough years had passed, they had a ton of experience behind them and they had learned how to work through lots of different problems, so they can now work on really complicated shit because they know how to make all kinds of things work.
just keep at it, kid, and you'll get there some day.
a big part of being a professional is looking at a problem and going "oh, i've seen this kind of thing before" and then fixing it. it's part of the reason why pros can get paid $150/hr: they won't spend 20 hours trying out a bunch of solutions that don't work.

Point taken.

See, that's the charm I know and love.

But for real tho, the Onion Omega is kinda shit.

I tried it once and it was horrible.

The most complex thing I've made so far is... the gist of it is that's it's a way to pull media from a DICOM machine/server and package it for a patient's personal archives. There's an administrative panel for offices to use, a corporate panel for managing the offices, and a whole setup for emails and SMS. I'm the one that stitched it all together. I used an open source DICOM server for part of it, yeah, but it was essentially a solo project.

And I will never stop fapping.

I am not trolling. I just have a crippling case of impostor syndrome. My worry is that the demand for my level of expertise is far outmatched by the supply of nerds capable of doing it.

My guess is user thinks about it a lot ever since he cut his dick off

Yeah, I'm still at the "well THAT doesn't work"-phase with some things. Just lost a week to figuring out what I can and can't get away with in Android development. Either cellular networks really are fuckin' complicated, or is right and I truly am a retard faggot that can't even do push notifications without a central server.

Look up imposter syndrome. Becoming an expert in programming is much easier done than becoming an expert in chess. I sometimes wonder too why we are getting paid for what we do, I just love everything about this job. But you should now that getting the job done is not the only goal, but the resulting program has to be mantainable as well, and that can be a hard task that takes experience. Good software is no magic, but also not easy.

>get my first internship
>be super excited about it
>get assigned to do web dev shit with JavaScript
>work is pretty chill
>I like my coworkers and managers
>can’t stop thinking about all the web dev shitposting on here
>feel ashamed that I’m not working with a proper language
Is this how it’s always going to be or do they usually stick interns with web dev positions

good job, you are stuck on the webshit career path now

should have done an actual internship

The difference is, all of those things require licensing and someone present there. Programming is the high tech equivalent of a factory job.

Programming doesn't require a license ( despite all the major security and quality risks ) so can be expedited to India or some other shithole. As long as it works it works, even if it sucks. As long as the manager can say they save money it furthers their own career.

But it was suppose to be a Java API development internship

The programming world is vastly diverse. There are people writing driver and going to sleep with their datasheet, people who work on research where they write more math functions than actual code, game devs, etc.. But yeah the lowest common denominator is pretty much what you just described.

>anyone can do database shit and write Python, right?
you'll be surprised how braindead the people in the enterprise sector are

Good, then all they sòydevs will move on to something else.

push notifications are a pain in the ass. they used to be a lot fucking worse. mainly because when they don't work, you don't get any useful error messages. they just fail silently and you're left going "wtf?!?"
i recently started using google's cloud messaging system and it's actually pretty decent. the main cool thing is that once you configure your project in their dev console (and in your app code), they have a "send a test message" feature in the console. so you can at least verify that the configuration stuff is set up properly and that your app code for *receiving* a push notification is working properly. once that works, then you can move on to making sure that *sending* a push notification works. it's nice not having to try to debug 2 different parts with zero useful error messages and wondering which part is fucking up.
and it works for both ios and android push notifications.

web dev is legit. the browser is the new desktop. applications in the browser are getting more and more complex and people expect to be able to do useful shit in their browser on a webpage.

no, webdevs are the lowest scum of earth

I want to be an AI researcher and lecturer at Silicon Valley and also venture capital investing. So do I need a PhD from Harvard to do this?

Look, it's all relevant to your domain.

Webdev is a field that moves incredibly fast and only seems to accelerate every year.

Embedded is incredibly stable and hasn't changed in a very long time.

Both require very different skill sets. I wouldn't say that embedded guys who CAN keep low-level details in their heads are any more talented or knowledgeable than folks who can wrestle a complex react app and it's webpack build.

People specialize in different things, that's all!

I've recently been taking on more of a SRE type role at work - introduced CI/CD pipeline, introduced swarm infrastructure and containerization for our applications, doing mqtt->kafka->spark pipeline work. Embedded guys at my work think I am a fucking wizard, where's I think they wield black magic itself and command demons.

The trick is to find challenges that interest you

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In case you are not trolling:

> AI researcher
I never see folks without at least a masters doing this sort of work outside of academia

> lecturer
I suppose you could do teaching and research, sounds like PhD level

> Venture capital
You need connections

people these days are too obsessed with their own and each others crotches.

I have a BS in Economics. Am I too brainlet for this field?

>Like, anyone can do database shit and write Python, right

I get paid ~200k (TC, in the SV) and this is basically all I do. I think the only additional skill you need is making intelligent architectural decisions. Like, basically everyone on my team I'd trust with coding, but left to their own devises they'd be designing stuff in terrible ass-backwards ways.

Yeah, I've seen that; "Firebase Cloud Messaging" it's called now. Seems nice!

The downside of it is that I can't use it in my current project. There can't be any central server involved. I've given up on push notifications within the scope of what I'm doing, and just use polling.

yeah I feel the same way OP. Currently my job is just fucking around with Laravel/Angular/Nodejs projects and some CMS stuff, feels kinda pleb tier honestly and it's mindnumbing. Sometimes I wish I was programming fighter jet software or creating something revolutionary instead of codeslaving, but I'm also a bit of a brainlet so maybe this is where I'm doomed to be

>It's impossible for me to accept that people get paid enough to have a house, a car, and food off of doing the kind of bullshit I kill time with in my underwear for fun: there's GOT to be something more going on.

You are dumb. Show your github\gitlab\gitgud with what you have coded.


applications are a pretty vast and varied space, even if you're just writing shit with a framework there's a lot you can do