CONSOLE gaming > PC

>still playing computers with their small monitors and keyboard/mouse
>Not preferring to play consoles
Explain yourself pc mustards

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why not build a gaming PC for the living room and have the best of both worlds?

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LMAO how fucking short are you manlet


pick one

>still playing computers with their small monitors and keyboard/mouse
I have my PC connected to a full 1080p projector that projects to a 9' screen in front of my bed in my bedroom. When I'm at my desk, I enjoy a 144hz panel with mechanical keyboard and precision mouse. And it's also connected to my TV in my living room for guests. I have ultimate freedom in where and how I game.

>wearing shoes in the house

The PC can connect to a big TV, a big monitor, a gamepad, VR devices or whatever the fuck you want. It also doesn't have gimped to hell graphics and framerate like your shitty toy box.

yup, I did this, haven't used my potatostation in months, assembling was fun too.

this post belongs on /v/eddit

>this post belongs on /v/eddit
gaymen is technogloly


Why don't you incel faggots grow up and stop playing games? they're for kids less than 13 years old.

try harder incel troll, this isn't 2002 anymore, competitive gaming is a trillion dollar business and "nerds" aren't considered "losers" anymore.

When you get a PC you have a lot of options instead of one with the consoles, if buy a PC you're getting a lot of stuff in one package, so shut the fuck up you nigger faggot, consoles are for third world nigger faggots like you kys bitch

>"nerds" aren't considered "losers" anymore.

They still are

You are not my mom.

You complain about small monitors but post a pic of someone playing 5m from his screen?

>this sterile urbanite decor
pig disgusting

Is that the PlayStation ui?

Gears of War is a Microsoft title, so I believe it's the Xbox One.

What does playing games have to do with hating women?

>wearing shoes indoors
What's wrong with Americans?

>and ultimately to safeguard civilization and ensure the continued progress of mankind
Cringe. Go be a stuck up cuckservative homo on reddit, mongoloid.

>it's mainstream so that means it's good xD
A lot of shit is mainstream. Apple is mainstream. Capeshit movies are mainstream. Rap is mainstream. Ariana Grande is mainstream. Instathots are mainstream.

Gaming being mainstream is just another expression of the decadence of Western civilization, the progressive destruction of the protestant work ethic being replaced with artificial, nonproductive economic activities based on escapism, hedonism and vanity. Generations of men that toiled and bled to survive, get the bare necessities and ultimately to safeguard civilization and ensure the continued progress of mankind, only to end up becoming the grandparents to onions manchildren that are completely unable to fend for themselves, that do not know the meaning of sacrifice and that live in a suspended state of perpetual childhood obsessing over consumer products and mindless activities rather than use their unlimited access to information at their fingertips for higher pursuits to elevate mind and spirit.

Billions of people that have acess to unlimited knowledge at their fingertips and leisure time to a scale undreamed of when Thomas More wrote pic related, and they use it to chase pixels on a screen or post duckface selfies.

In the past people dreamed to become engineers, doctors, businessmen and astronauts. Westerners now only dream to become youtubers, streamers, rappers and instawhores.

These are the symptoms of a civilization dying.

Fuck you and your gayming.

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>competitive gaming is a trillion dollar business
nope, but it's a massive bubble waiting to burst

Why the fuck would I want to play video games in the god damn living room? Hell why would anyone on Jow Forums do that? You act like we have IRL friends. KEK

It's their fault for dying for the advancement of the Jewish interests. You reap what you sow.

How do you feel immersed in a game from that far back

>dude I'm in hell killing baddies but also, I see my feet, the sun shining through my giant windows, my cat barfing, last night pizza box on the counter

Typical boomer cope.

I built a gaming PC a few years ago but didn't really play a lot of games on it, still don't. The only games that interest me are ps4/switch exclusives. Still put the GPU to good use and enjoy the fast computer. There's no reason to not build a desktop with gaming PC specs, as long as you don't get gay rgb lights and shit.

>trillion dollar
The gaming industry is barely over $100b, eSports is a joke if you think it'll make 9x that.

it's well documented that the amount of money being poured into esports is a joke compared to the revenue it generates

stop living vicariously through these ecelebs retard zoomer

Is over there

this thread is 90% shit flinging holy fuck

anyhow what TVs have the lowest lag, id take anything 10ms and under

>Why yes I bought a PS4 just to play FIFA on the 50" TV in my living room, what gave it away?

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Take off the shoes goddammit.

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Practically everyone i know around my age (late 20s) regardless of relationship status or employment status enjoys vidya, why can't you user?

My dad played vidya until his untimely death, so will I.

My dad is in his 60s and still plays vidya. Mostly classic Master of Orion and golf or football management games, but he still plays them.

>plug pc into a tv
>get a xbox controller
damn that was hard

My dad loved FPS, from Alien Breed 3d on Amiga to RTCW on PC, and RTS games; from Dune 2 on Amiga, Warzone 2100 on PS1 and, his last game, Rise of Nations on PC.

His first "console" was Atari Pong knockoff, first computer C64. I was raised in a gaming household.

You do realize consoles are just shitty PCs with garbage os right?

You do realize PCs are just shitty consoles with garbage os right?

>implying there's a console that's non-shit and has non-garbage os

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Ok, retardo. You know jack shit about investing, so just keep your miserable brainlet input to yourself.
You, too. Imagine actually thinking that the gaming industry won't blow up in the next decade. Literally a rigid boomer thinking that led to the same mistake that cost IBM trillions, because they underestimated the PC market.

Console only for me.
I care about the games, not autistic specs.
Consoles give me all the exclusives and I don't have to set up jackshit, compared to the shitty ports on PCs that I have to keep upgrading the GPU every other year.

Also, a console belongs to a living room, a gaymer PC belongs to the children's bedroom.
I've always liked the UNIX way, i.e. do one thing and do it well. Consoles are single purpose dedicated machines for gaming, and they do it well. End of.

>using stick for camera
Pathetic. I'll continue enjoying Steam Controller.

>having to huff girl farts while you aim like shit with your 3D platformer inspired wireless controller in your $60 annual shooter on your locked down, underpowered day 1 obsolete kiddie console

> that speaker setup

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Im partially deaf in one ear so this sounds balanced to me

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all of my this

Not everyone wants to humiliate themselves with sub-30 fps with terrible frametimes and utter fucking garbage console hardware. Fake resolutions, insane amounts of blur, insane amount of time wasted on loading screens because SATA-II and shitty HDDs, shitty toys as controllers instead of proper KB+M, etc.

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the day they make a 144hz tv and a console that can push it is the day I switch back to consoles
once you've had high refresh you can never go back

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this is just poor skill, what kind of moron holds still in doom

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thought this was falconpunch.gif from the thumbnail

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Why even reply to a exclusivenigger? He is probably jacking off to bloodborne again.

playing on a gamepad with a kb+m in front of you, on your 144hz monitor and pc is really the patrician choice at this point in time

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Because i love BTFOing low effort shitposters with A SINGLE PICTURE and no words. It brings me joy.
The day is here when you can play PC games on a TV. OLEDS are able to play PC games even at 4k/60fps or lower with 120hz and have solid response times. We are on the age of gaming that when HDMI 2.1 comes out next year we will be at the point where TV and PC monitors are near identical without much difference between them.

The only reason to even consider buying a playstation are good exclusives (which you can count on one hand). Everything else a console can do, pc can do better. Microsoft abortion aka xbox is dead, its gamepad is good tho.

hah I found it, guess it's not really that similar

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they haven't been for kids less than 13 since the fucking 80s grandpa. it's just another form of entertainment like watching tv or playing chess. stop being a fag

>Explain yourself
I don't want to pay for games

Don't want to buy multiple consoles and $60 games when there's so much good shit you can play on a PC. Plus it looks better

Your pic doesnt have any facts though. It simply appeals to emotions. Thats like the direct opposite of what i said.

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i'm ok with being a loser

and redpilled

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>palying games on a tv

I see the difference the problem is both look like utter shit

those PC trees look almost as comically bad as the PS4 trees

Imagine being an adult and not only playing video games but playing video games on a console as well.


Fuck off back to bitch
No one cares about your shitty man baby toys.

Thanks for the bump.

>my first game was Prince of Persia
Holy fuck I'm getting old

He's sitting so far away from that TV it's taking up less of his FOV than a 24" monitor would on a desk.

So what do you do with your spare time, user?

No fuck off back to /v/ faggot

eat shit and die faggot

Take your shoes iff you filthy heathen

why do you wear shoes inside?

this isn't animuland you weebs

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You do realize asian not only means chinks

HDMI 2.1 is already out, the LG C9 OLED and the Samsung Q900R have it.

TVs with PC or game modes have always been on par with monitors.

LCD monitors have pretty terrible input lag literally more than a thousand times worse than CRTs.
The monitor manufacturers quoted g2g pixel response times are complete bullshit.
People thinking they have noticeably better input lag is a placebo.
The crappy scalers monitors use often results in them having more input lag than TVs on nonnative resolutions.

quake live is not for the couch

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literal autism. hope you got home safe from school, little timmy