I’ve been hearing beeping in the basement for a couple of weeks and found this stuck in the insulation. No camera or sdcard so I don’t think it’s a hidden cam. What is it?
Hidden Electronics
This appears to be some kind of arduino. Connected to it are a battery, some switches, and a piezo speaker.
Unless there's something funny on the back, I think this device's sole purpose is to beep.
enjoy your radon
whats on the other side OP
Just the battery
Something some one made to bother the fuck out of you. An unoriginal idea, but effective.
Yeah if anything its a poorly made annoy-a-tron
I guess I just got pranked by a buddy
itt: user larps
Speaker could be used as a shitty mic. LED could be used as a shitty light sensor.
This looks like some kind of detector. Maybe Co2, I see someone else guessing Radon. Probably the battery was just dying, I recommend calling a professional.
Are you trying to tell me LEDs and speakers can't be wired to work as photo sensors and mics?
Take your headphones, plug them into the mic/line-in jack on your computer. Talk into the headphones while recording.
Here's some easy to digest information
>click embed
>indian voice
>immediately close
While the phenomena you see is true, I believe piezoelectric speakers work differently and can't be used for a purpose like this. I could be wrong, but I would need it demonstrated to me.
Literally the first result I found. Either way you can do it. You can use the LED to tell when the light is on, and start broadcasting a wireless signal. This way you're using as little battery as possible to snoop.
Those still work as microphones. I can't imagine them working from a ceiling very well though.
>go through the work of implanting a physical device into user's house so I can tell when his lights are on
The light sensor could be used to kick the device out of a low power state, and let it start using more energy to wirelessly broadcast whatever the mic is picking up.
yeah and lets install a piezo beeper instead of a condenser mic thats exactly the same fucking size. Also there isn't a transmitter onboard.
Hey man I'm concerned about his electric bill!
You don't NEED the computer to have a wireless antenna, but yes at that point it'd be retardedly unlikely.
maybe they're trying to burgle him
>mfw someone mentions van eck phreaking
It's been used in practice, and the 2013 Snowden documents showed it's something the NSA has done to targeted individuals. It's a valid attack vector from the state, even though it's unlikely.
Pic related is the best example of "passive" listening devices.
no, your typical piezoelectric speakers cannot function as microphones because of the circuit that is built only to generate sound.
Piezo transducers on the other hand can be used as speakers and microphones.
omg jc a bomb
Call the bomb squad!
I know that this will sound like basedboy speak, but I absolutely love this kind of discussion. Is there a way to work with this outside intelligence agencies and criminal outfits?
piezos can also be used as microphones, albiet tinny ones, but I think that's just my inner schizo speaking
the sole purpose of piezos other than beeping is that they are reversible
very possible though, microphones are just reverse speakers. Hell, you can use a headphone/speaker as a microphone with the right amount of gain.
most likely just an annoying machine designed to drive you insane dropped by an alphabet agent who is gang stalking you so others believe you're a schiz
This is somebody's poorly built DIY project not a consumer product and there's no component that looks anything like a radon detector.
Funny prank in my opinion. If you use a passive buzzer and a transistor, you could play tones or random noise with it.
Can someone tell me if this true?
Technically it can but a very poor one. Also even with a proper mic you need a preamp circuit before a microcontroller can read it. You can't just solder it directly to an adc input.
>start broadcasting a wireless signal.
No, not with an Atmega328P.
Yes, but you need amplifiers. There are no amplifiers on this one.