Alright Jow Forums, what is the undisputed superior distro of choice for a laptop with 8gb of RAM?
Best distro for laptops
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Manjaro if it is too recent or Ubuntu LTS if it has more than two years of released.
I like Debian because it's fast and there's a very large community for help and support, but people complain that the packages are old--which is true. It's partially a cost of stability. If you want newer packages, Fedora is good but always seems to be slower on the same hardware.
Ubuntu (LTS if you plan on keeping the computer for a while between reinstalls) is still the best choice for complete noobs or people who want a more macOS-like experience where everything is handled for you.
I was thinking about Fedora just because Debian is so outdated. Does Fedora's installer not give you options between different DEs? I'm not seeing anything about that on their website.
I absolutely despise Ubuntu specifically because it has more of a mac feel. Can't stand it. Might consider Ubuntu MATE or something. I also like Mint's DE.
Arch GNU/Linux
this. its easy and you can get the out of the box experience by just installing gnome + gdm or DE of your choice and rebooting
Linux Mint
Get alternative desktops for Fedora from
gentoo obviously
install it
Microsoft windows 10
LMDE Cinnamon if you're a newbie
Arch xfce if you want a powerful and light machine
This. Manjaro is easymode where you get the benefits of Arch, while also making sure the packages you update are stable and having the option of a great GUI installer.
>separated at birth
distros are literally just a literal meme. you can literally just build your own and call it literally anything literally.
8gb is desktop tier. My laptop chipset won’t accept more than 3 gb.
fedora with minimal install, KDE as DE.
avoid debian and anything debian based, it's all buggy garbage
Install Gentoo
Manjaro or Arch with i3. Even when multiple tabs and windows are open, it barely goes past 3 gigs of RAM.
I'm using KDE and when I use spotify + firefox with like 10 tabs + telegram + vim + tmux, it uses 2.8-3.4 gb max, so he'll be fine even if he doesn't use your shitty wm
>I use Arch, btw
Gentoo unironically.
Once you get past the installation time, you have the mosr lightweight and fast distro for (you)r laptop
>undisputed superior distro of choice
Manjaro with any flavor you like, its easy install and maintain
I installed manjaro on my lappy but the touchpad doesn't work 20% of the time I boot it and it bugs out when waking from a suspend, instead of the -brightness key setting the brightness lower it turns off the screen.
Debian testing is not outdated
is manjaro older than arch lol nice one user