Nucular is techno

So how the fuck DOES an RBMK nuclear reactor explode? Steam make-a-go boom boom?

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cia planted a c4

positive void coeff.
there are still 11 RBMK operating, but they've been modified to prevent the same accident occurring again


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Okay, so I work in nuclear energy operations in the USA. We have to read the SOER on Chernobyl every year. A bunch of fascist government shit heals forced the plant to power up for a test while under xenon dissipation.

Lessons from this, fuck the government before it kills you.

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>So how the fuck DOES an RBMK nuclear reactor explode?
>Steam make-a-go boom boom?

There is another model who has the same body and a very very similar face as this model but I can never remember either of their names.

Is that Denise Milani?

denise milani

Thank you frens, I will pursue the other name and report back if I find it

>Positive void coefficient
>Xenon poisoning
>Graphite-tipped control rods
Press AZ-5 user

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After a very quick google search it turns out the other woman I was thinking of was Wendy Fiore

Attached: Wendy_Fiore_Pinupfiles.jpg (298x455, 21K)

thanks fren
i will now proceed with my due research on the subject
arigatou gozaimasu

Literally a hole bored on the ground filed with concrete, fuel, pebbles and hold together with prayers to almighty Stalin.

RBMK reactors can't explode

>t. Viktor Chebrikov

Why isn't there some kind of nuclear energy lobby in American politics? They stand no chance of ever getting any nuclear reactors at this point and I'm sure there are some people who would profit greatly off of them.

There is but it’s been a losing battle for the last four decades. The green lobby figured out all kinds of tricks to stall projects until the companies gave up on them.

Do you think horror movies, which are 'based on real events' portray those 'real events' correctly? Of course they don't. Same thing with the miniseries. There was a hydrogen tank explosion, the tar on the roof was on fire, which went on for all night, the city was closed down for the public's benefit, but the series overdramatises the events and blows them out of proportion. There was no fault in the RBMK reactors, and most of the plant workers survived, and were simply delusional. Some people had to be pulled in for the repairs, and there was a small radiation leak - 3.6 roentgens, not great, not terrible. Everything else was made up for drama.

positive void coefficient


Soviet mindset.
They believed that automatics are unreliable and dangerous, so all stuff was designed so human can do whatever fuck he wants.
You can see this even in aviation, they used to value ATC over TCAS because of the same reason.
They even tried to automate Subway in 1980s, but dudes said that shit will break, better hire a nigger who would drive the train.

It other words, Soviet equipment is like GNU/Linux, doesn't have retard protection.

Why invest in automation when you have a limitless supply of replaceable human resources you can force to work?

Why is the whole internet suddenly interested in nuclear reactors, wtf? I've had enough of that shit this semester and now i can't even go to kyrghyz yak milking forum without seeing a thread about nuclear reactors. Fuck you whoever caused this.

Chernobyl HBO series

the tips on the control rods seemed to not absorb neutrons and instead they built up on them and when the tip hit the water there seemed to be a massive uncontrollable reaction and about 30% of the fuel was used. Which is quite something considering a nuke only uses a few % of fuel

Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off:

Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are

(nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.

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Too few barium rods = reactor gets hot = melts barium rods = can't control reaction anymore = vicious cycle

The nightshift thought the evening shift already prayed
A crucial and fatal mistake.

they xenon poisoned the reactor for 12 hours
they disabled 2 automated safety systems
they pulled all but 11 of the control rods, some of them manually
they stalled the reactor and ran the test at too low power
they cut the power to the water pumps which created excess steam in the heat exchanging system
they created a dangerously primed positive feedback loop
once the power started to spike they hit the panic button and the graphite tipped control rods made the reactor go nuclear

a lot of human error and a lot of design flaws/short cuts


Why everyone is so delusional?
It can't explode.

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anyone know how accurate this guys character is? I feel like his assholishness was played up for TV

Everyone in the Soviet Union in position of power was an asshole.

Almost everyone who worked with him hated him.

The last chapter explains it all very well.

1. They decided to postpone the test instead of cancelling it as they should have. This meant the reactor ran at low power for hours, allowing xenon to accumulate. This is called a "xenon trap" apparently.
2. When they tried to run the test, with a fresh night shift that wasn't trained for it properly, the reactor stalled as a result of the accumulated xenon gas.
3. Dyatlov freaked out and ordered them to remove all the control rods to get power back up from the stall condition, instead of doing it over the course of 24 hours. With nothing to slow it down, the reactor starts going into overdrive overshooting its power capacity.
4. They initiate the failsafe to shut the reactor down, lowering all control rods at once. Unknown to them, the control rods were tipped with graphite, which increases reactivity.
5. The graphite tips make the reactor go into overdrive before all the rods could be lowered all the way down. The steam ruptures the lid off, and the oxygen and hydrogen from outside create the massive explosion.

tl;dr - Fucked up decisions from the engineer in charge (Dyatlov) + Shoddy Soviet design

The fact that the green lobby opposes nuclear power has cost us years or decades in the fight against carbon emissions. Greenpeace should hang.

This was covered well by watching the show - Dyatolov treated his underlings like shit, just like Dyatolov's bosses treated him like shit.

That's Russia for ya, Comrade.

>Fucked up decisions from the engineer in charge (Dyatlov)
Dyatlov literally did nothing wrong (other than lying about going to the toilet).

The control rod thing is an insane oversight. Pull all the control rods out, reactor powers up. Slam them in, and the first thing to enter the reactor is graphite. Which INCREASES reactivity.

Yeah idk about that.
He allowed the test to continue at 200 MWe even though the procedure stated 700MWe-800MWe.
He threatened the engineers with firing if they didn't continue with the test.
He pretty much single handedly allowed the reactor to be primed for a critical failing.
The only thing you can't fault him for is not knowing the control rods would act a an ignition switch.

Thanks anons, I finally understand now. One thing though—oxygen was the final ingredient that led to the explosion, right? And it was the lid coming off that let the oxygen in. Sooo...if they had a much much heavier lid, would it have sustained for a while?

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Because they were a 1st gen light water reactor. China is the only country building fully failsafe pebble bed/molten salt reactors.

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If it had a proper containment building it wouldn't have mattered

did the Fukushima reactor also not have a containment building? Or any of the other famous nuclear incidents?

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ok so apparently fukuchinka did have a containment building, but I havent gotten into what actually caused the accident. I think I remember reading that the barriers they made were not high enough, so the massive waves meant water got in

Fukushima would have never fucking happened in the first place had Tepco done their fucking jobs with the sea wall and not put the goddamn backup generators in the basement where they could flood.

When the quake hit, the reactors SCRAMed as designed and the diesel generators kicked in. Then the resultant tsunami hit and promptly drowned the generators. With external power offline due to the quake and subsequent tsunami fucking up everything and the backups drowned, the coolant pumps stopped and the cores started overheating. Couple days into the accident as the cores are in meltdown, the temperatures were high enough that the super-hot Zirconium cladding of the fuel had begun catalyzing the breakdown of the coolant water still in and around the core the core, resulting in hydrogen formation which collected in the containment buildings. Once the concentration got high enough, all it took was a suitable ignition source to detonate the hydrogen, which in turn cracked the containment buildings open.

It didn't help that fucking Tepco was being incompetent the entire time.

Waves got in and took out power for the pumps. After that all the reactors for so hot they started to melt. Hydrogen gas escaped and filled the containment building blowing it up.

Just because he thought there was a working failsafe doesn't mean he wasn't in the wrong. Failsafes aren't built for the purpose of allowing retards to "safely" push things to the edge of disaster.

>did the Fukushima reactor also not have a containment building?
Idk, have there been any Tsunamis in Chernobyl lately?
>Or any of the other famous nuclear incidents?
Oh no, those big bad nuclear incidents that killed about as many people in total as an Arab with a truck on a good day.
>inb4 "akchually the total number of people killed is slightly less insignificant"


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chink shills everywhere

The lid was 2,000,000 lbs user.
Funny thing, the Russians had a plan for dealing with hostile extra terrestrials that was almost identical to what happened at Chernobyl. In a nutshell, a cylinder is dug into the ground and filled with water to a precise mathematical amount and a nuclear bomb placed inside. Then a huge ass copper cap is placed on top of the water. The bomb detonates, instantly turning all the water to steam and launching the copper plate (which weighs hundreds if not thousands of tons) to speeds within 10% of C in the planets biggest single shot rifle. Chernobyl did the same, but it was missing the dug out cylinder barrel so the upper biological shield didn't break orbit.