How come India and Argentina are such tech giants yet this country produces neither electronics nor programmers. Do they not have education?
How come India and Argentina are such tech giants yet this country produces neither electronics nor programmers...
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Argentina is a tech giant? Since when?
Here in Argentina there are excellent professionals and education (free public universities). But due to economic and political problems (lack of investment) many will go to work in other countries. We are a mentally young country.
because futebol e futebol huehuehuehue
Excellent university education (free, come from South American countries to study) but a bad previous education. In the last few years, education in programmers has been concentrated, a lot of free training throughout the country since young. Probably in 2 or 3 years things change a lot.
>tech giant
what have you been smoking?
Argentina is an alfajor giant, not so sure about technology...
>tech giants
stopped reading right there
Cristina, please.
Why the fuck you posted the kazakhstan version of the brazilian flag? Why what you said makes no sense? Was this post made by some AI?
Don't forget about the choris
Doesn't exist.
what’s anything of value in argentina?
The penguins.
We are too redpilled to fall for frivolities like internet and "tech" that pretends to solve shit when it only makes things harder.
t. boludo
>tech giant
>tech giant
But on topic, we don't produce electronics because protectionism basically made our tech companies lazy, there's no reason to produce better shit if you can produce something for cheap and sell it for even cheaper. If a poorfag wants to buy a laptop he won't think twice between choosing a i5 Dell for R$3000 vs a garbage Celeron Positivo for R$900. About programmers, yes, we do have them and they are pretty good in general. But the thing is, codemonkeys never leave the country and CS majors either don't leave the country and set for something like working for the government or some big company, or they leave, and end up occupying high positions in the exterior.
>tech gi-
Bariloche is pretty cool
>tech giant
because trabas, taringa and nyan
Argentina tech giant reminds me a lot of mexican intellectuals. At least mexico manufactures a shit ton of tech.
as an argie programmer I can say that there is a software industry here, but I wouldn't call my country a tech giant lol
in the same way european colonies in the 19th century were "giants", they were giants as long as the product that they generated was appropriated through the economies of the central imperial powers and made them richer. When an empire depleted these places and left, they usually returned to their third-world existence.
Basado y alfajorpilleado.
I'd say we have above average academics at least on STEM, but 0 money, nada.
Puna is qt.
>south america continent
>Good in anything other than being faggots
what a weird cowe
Please don't compare us with Pajeets.
We are Eastern Europoor tier not Pajeet tier.
Also, I wouldn't say we are a tech giant. There is a good software industry because the public education system is good but aside from that we have very little IT manufacturing and mostly assemble components from cheaper places (Thailand, China, etc.)
If we got rid of the socialist unions and Espert became president we could be a real tech giant but imho this country is too retarded to change its ways.
Don't you guys have like 5 nobel prizes?
wot cunt is this
We will be tech giants soon OP
>Eastern Europoor
cuantas copas tenes?
I get along really well with my Argentine coworkers (am Canadian, working in Spain)—but jfc, you guys never stop bragging about your country! I thought argentinos echonetos was a meme
>Argentina is a tech giant
Said no one ever
t. Chilean street shitter
>venezuela slightly green
Is that a picture from 1995?
no capo but i am with you about chile lol
We ain't a tech giant, but we do have a developing programming industry, also yeah yain't gonna get a programmer living in fucking Salta unless they are some Stallman tier fuck, but Buenos Aires and Cordoba are wayyyyyyyy more developed.
Venezuela went to shit pretty quick.
What the hell is this flag? Imperial Brazil?
>tech giant
>tech giant
Not even the biggest in the continent. Colombian startups get far bigger investments. They do dominate the media though, as American media giants usually have their South American HQ in Argentina.
I think kazakhstan's flag and the brazilian flag mixed together
nothing really, argentinians are undeveloped apes
>Tech Giant
I dare you to come to the Patagonia (South Argentina)
full of aboriginals always living on welfare
Here's a more updated version
In your dreams, narigón.
We have several "tech unicorns" (MercadoLibre, BlueSmart, Globant, Despegar, OLX are all Argentinian) which are among the highest market cap tech companies in LatAm, but I agree I wouldn't call us a tech giant. There is potential, though.
Ahead of most of Eastern Europe according to your map but yeah I agree with the rest of what you said.
Nice photoshop.
Here's the wikipedia for 2019.
>filename says 2018
>Argentina, Chile, Russia and basically all Europe the same color
>Venezuela is dark blue
sure thing senpai
Here are the two versions, go complain to the wikipedos if you don't like them lol. It's better than your photoshop which google search tells me comes from some redditor (lol, go back).
Innacurate as fuck. There's only 4 colours, probably 0.100/0.150 steps. Who's the retard that made this?
>Russia and USA using the same colors
I guess we know who.
Those are the categories the UN uses.
Russia made it to "very high" (dark blue), last year.
A more broken down version is here
Your source is garbage, so is mine (at least mine got the metrics right lmao). But here's one from UNDP.
>Russia made it to "very high" (dark blue), last year.
Which means nothing. These categories are just for classification, top very high and low very high are a world of difference, same for high, medium and so on. Either use raw data or don't make a map at all.
>Greece is on the same level as UK, Norway and Japan
>Botswana and Ukraine
The more you look to this map the funnier it gets lmao
>tech giant
>All Argie provinces are lower than the national average for Argentina
Do you even know Math?
Page 175, "subnational HDI for Argentina is not comparable to the national average due to different data sources". Therefore your map is trash, you are not using the same variables to compare regions in different countries.
Fuck you for making me google this shit to explain your nonsensical map.
At least I recall the Brazilian that got cucked by Zuck and the kinect guy, is there any Argentinian that did something relevant in tech?
These countries suffer from massive brain drain. Specially Argentina, where economic situation looks pretty grim and every competent programmer that has good skills works overseas, where they don't get taxed into oblivion.
lmao, post the sources of the Wikipedia map, I'm sure it's better than the UNDP map. Stupid argienigger.
>Argentinians really think they are first world
The only huehue contribution I recall is LUA, but I have absolutely no idea what Argentina ever did. India never did anything other than export "legal" slave labour tho
Here is the actual HDI map with the sourced HDI report using the same national variables for all countries.
I don't pretend we are better than we are. You are the one using r/mapporn frankenstein maps of regions made by amateurs to try to make your country look better.
This is definitely a better map.
>I don't pretend we are better than we are.
Sure you don't.
>You are the one using r/mapporn frankenstein maps of regions made by amateurs
And you posted shit from Wikipedia, come the fuck on.
>try to make your country look better.
England already looks good enough, thanks.
Aren't those spics carrying a massive debt from IMF and most educated people licking boots in Florida? I have a friend who is tired of fucking Argentinian sluts from that goddamn hellhole.
>England already looks good enough, thanks.
England is not a country, Chilean rat. It's called the United Kingdom.
>England is not a country
Can you repeat, please?
>England is not a country
Any real English person will point that out to you, the country is called the UK, not England. They get pissed off if you refer to it as a country which is a common Spanish-language mistake. But of course you are shitty troll samefagging and larping as another nationality (number of posters in the thread is not going up) so I'm not surprised you don't realize this.
nope you are wrong, chile is a british colony, long live the queen chile
Every country have a shithole-look place, pic doesn't count.
>England is not a country
peak argentinian here
Find me the word "country" in any dictionary or encyclopedic definition of England, you stupid Chilean larper.
UK is the country, England is a subdivision of the UK. You fuckers are retarded, can't even larp right.
what country is this
>England is not a country
The absolute state of niggertina
Still waiting for you to prove me wrong. Should be easy, right?
What’s the capital of UK?
you forgot chile is not a country, is a british colony
Sawf Landen
Mercadolibre is worth more than Twitter now. Not even Amazon dares to set up shop in Argentina.
>England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom
I read once that Brazil is the main source of MercadoLibre sales, is this really true?
comfy houses would live in
I think that's correct, but the platform HQ is in Argentina.
In fact today they posted they're hiring 1000 new devs. Last year they hired 800. In a city of like 3mil
>England is not a country
I-It’a not?
this just proves that the Kazahk flag is the best
Wow they really love minecraft there
India has the second biggest population on earth, soon to be the fifth biggest economy.
Argentina is trash.
Still, Lua is fucking based and there are very few wideluy used programming languages developed outside the US.
It's a traditional town ("World Heritage Site") kept that way for tourists. It's backdrop is the "7 colors hill" which is a big attraction. Pretty comfy actually, they have wine tours and shit.
>England is not a country
>England, predominant constituent unit of the United Kingdom, occupying more than half of the island of Great Britain.
>Outside the British Isles, England is often erroneously considered synonymous with the island of Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales) and even with the entire United Kingdom. Despite the political, economic, and cultural legacy that has secured the perpetuation of its name, England no longer officially exists as a governmental or political unit—unlike Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, which all have varying degrees of self-government in domestic affairs. It is rare for institutions to operate for England alone. Notable exceptions are the Church of England (Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, including Northern Ireland, have separate branches of the Anglican Communion) and sports associations for cricket, rugby, and football (soccer). In many ways England has seemingly been absorbed within the larger mass of Great Britain since the Act of Union of 1707.
Brazilian here, Mercado Livre is simply better than Amazon, eBay or anything. These are only big because Americans don't know any better.
Brazil has had long-standing import taxes that make it quite difficult to afford computers. You have to keep in mind that programming work is great for economically fucked third-world countries because it's easy to do remotely and pays in dollars. Brazil, however, has historically been far more stable than most South American countries, which dulled that effect
What about some official sources now?
> The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) consists of a group of islands off the western coast of Europe. The largest, Great Britain, comprises three countries: England, Scotland and Wales. Ireland, to the west, consists of the UK’s province of Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. There are several offshore islands and island groups, the largest lying off Scotland.
The UK is a union of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The Crown dependencies (the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) are largely self-governing with the UK responsible for their defence and international relations and are not part of the United Kingdom.
>England is not a country, Chilean rat. It's called the United Kingdom.
Ameritards assblasted Argentina is superior in every way
Stay mad
Who is the ruler of England? What's the capital?
>official source