
Install Gentoo

Attached: install gentoo.jpg (165x165, 5K)

i would but that logo is ugly as sin

microsoft is dum

No u

Why does Gentoo use Pac-man as logo when it's actually Arch's package manager?

It is a stylized "g."

I thought he told logo was a cow

what's the point?

I always hear "install Gentoo" in my mind with the same singing as the verses in the Jetsons opening theme.

I find it to be a very recognizable logo, it's efficient.

I already did

No, Guix should be the new Jow Forums distro.

anyone else too nervous to install gentoo?
kernel configuration is extremly convoluted and i will never get it right 100 percent

You can use an automated installer like CloverOS, and convert it to gentoo with the instructions from the clover wiki.

funny, I thought it looked cool until I installed it


Already running Gentoo, what do I do, user?

What? Why do you say that logo is of the Pacman package manager?

What if I do it????

reinstall gentoo

Can I pay someone to install gentoo on my terminal ?

It's too much work.

just use gentoo, don't listen to nigger advice who meme nugentoo.
i don't get how can you be "nervous" to install an operative system lol, just install it from your already running linux with a chroot. Is what I did and probably most people who aren't retarded do

mount partition /mnt
mkdir /mnt/boot/efi -p
mount bootpartition /mnt/boot
mont efipartition /mnt/boot/efi
cd /mnt
tar -xf gentootarball.xz.tar
for i in proc sys dev run; do mount --bind /${i} /mnt/${i}; done
cp /etc/resolv.conf etc/resolv.conf
chroot /mnt
emerge --webrsync
eselect profile set 16
emerge @world -avDUu
emerge grub gentoo-sources genkernel xfce4-meta xorg-{drivers,server,x11}
genkernel all
echo 'partition / ext4 defaults 0 0' >> /etc/fstab
echo 'bootpartition /boot ext4 defaults 0 0' >> /etc/fstab
echo 'efipartition /boot/efi vfat defaults 0 0' >> /etc/fstab
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

from the back of my head
that's 3214321 shekels sir

kek, and this is without configuring the kernel or having an encrypted setup, which is not more than half additional work.
But if you don't want to be cucked by distro maintainers shipping with cancer because it's to maintain for them this is your only option