Start new job

>start new job
>suddenly 2 of 3 monitors are mirrored for no reason
>tried fixing it, but monitor doesnt show up in settings
>ask the "Ubuntu specialist" guy before wasting my time on a minor inconvenience, probably happens a lot
>he turns screens off and on again
>reboots my pc without warning which closes all my open terminals and connections
>once it reboots, opens browser and closes it without restoring session first
>now all my tabs are lost
>i shudder internally in disgust of this utter disrespect
>deactivates all my installed programs using vim, because they might be causing problems (they're clearly not)
>updates ubuntu and crashes the pc during it while trying to fix / reproduce the error
>and straight up fucking around
>sit next to him patiently entering my pw over and over again (I done offering my seat and he definitely not getting it anymore)
>updates ubuntu again
>did absolutely nothing
>opens system logs which are flooded with "Screen Flip" related errors
>tries to install additional software but fails, googles and then gives up
>"well user it can't be fixed, are you ok if we reset your station to default?"
>did nothing but install software, setup accounts & harden passwords, download packages, setup venvs, configure preferences and plugins for two days to get this pc to a point of a device that can be coded with
>how in the heck can he even suggest that
>prettymuch speechless but say "no" after a long as fuck pause
>guy walks off without restoring my programs and tells me to send him a copy of the logs (which he also closed before saving)

was he drunk & high? incompetent? malevolent? what in the actual fucking fuck?

>transparent windows flicker while moving mouse

Attached: aaaah the frenche pain.jpg (480x360, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>waste some guys time with some multi monitor bug
>didnt backup before handing your computer to a guy who will inevitably restart it
Both of you are retarded

he could have just said no or pretend to be busy

>Little do you kbow the new Ubuntu 18.4 operates on thermo dimensional quantum computing

KDE doesn't have this problem!

Attached: b5ccb7533c75dc4d8ffdc87fa2bf6936.jpg (480x800, 82K)

my boss literally told me to ask that guy if I have any problems
he's hired to do it! I would have put in a good word for him if he was good at it

that's why you don't use anything linux for work

Certainly not for your desktop os. What morons.

Why didn't you back up your session before handing it off to an IT? The entire point of Linux being customization; there are bound to be conflicts between the setup of new user like yourself and the existing IT department protocol. My opinion is that you should try and make it right with that tech (don't go talking above his head, you were hired 2 days ago) and study on your off-time how to automate the initial setup process - that way restoration does not involve tech and your work relationships do not suffer.

I lost no work because he shut down my computer. closing windows and connections is just inconvenient (but he didnt ask and didnt know that)

what really annoys me is that he closed my browser tabs and overwrote the session restore because I had to find retrieve them one by one from my history
that is not something I can prevent him from doing, its just straight up inconsiderate

Why didn't the IT guy do that before closing/erasing everything? It's common sense. Sounds like you're white knighting him.

OP is a bitch

"Problems". You don't need a million screens.

>ask tech support before backing your shit up
200% your fault

>blaming tech support for job security protocals
200% dick

>not unchecking Mirrored Mode
200% everyone's fault

shouldn't have used Linux if you don't have the brain cells for it.
did u try running xrandr, just to see if the monitor shows up in the first place? then it's just as simple as figuring out the correct xrandr command to set ur shit straight and placing it in your session init

welcome to the real office world where everybody is an npc pretending to know what they do.

>asking IT for tech support
This was your first problem

He was clearly dabbing on you being an idiot and wasting his time.

Xrandr/arandr literally just works, gnomelet.

he had one screen on his desk, didnt he?

>deactivates all my installed programs using vim
Ask me how I know you're just making up bullshit

all i saw was him commenting out programs using vim, i presume he deactivated them or removed them from the registry
its not like he explained

maybe dont use TVs as your monitors, op

>oots my pc without warning which closes all my open terminals and conne