press S to spit on YouTube's grave
Press S to spit on YouTube's grave
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It's okay, they still allow videos like this
sort of.
based youtube actually attempting to solve a very real problem.
>not cracking down on pedo shit vids
>focus on nazi larpers
b for based yt
Good, I hope they remove Jordan Peterson first.
Good, I'm tried of YouTube resembling the Weimar republic.
but everything else will be approved by youtube/google
based youtube, if only the whole of the US could join the rest of the western world
Friendly reminder, they're very active on Jow Forums (as you can obviously see in this thread)
Clean your room
Technically it is a non profit organization.
have sex incel
Did they remove the pedo shit yet with the vids of russian elementary schoolers doing gymnastics in sport clothing and the pedos in the comments
Giving women the right to vote was a mistake, no amount of censorship will change this fact.
The fucking deleted /our guy/ holy shit
Incels btfo
When I think that the internet was supposed to be a miracle of the modern world, giving everybody access to any information.
Nowadays it's an advertisement playground, a data mining operation, and the information is regulated pushing to feed people only one official narrative.
you fucking tricked me man
I'm scared of the eternal jew
The sad reality is that they know these things to be true, but they still pursue the war on facts due to the financial interests.
>jews: jews don't secretly control the world
>also jews: we should be the gatekeepers of what information is off limits
If it wasn't true would they need to delete it?
how can you troll these people? Remember that they are trained soldiers with technical knowledge and used to work under pressure.
Just call them out.
Why only the white race? Will it still be okay to say the black race is better?
שחררו את פלסטין Free Palestine תקרית_ליברטי The USS Liberty Incident of 1967 עברית Zionism קבאל של בנקאים יהודים Cabal of Jewish Bankers כיבוש המזרח התיכון Occupation of the Middle East ארסנל גרעיני ישראלי Israeli Nuclear Arsenal השדולה הפרו-ישראלית בארה"ב Pro-Israel Lobby in the USA זכויות אדם גוי Gentile Rights פשעי מלחמה של הצבא הישראלי Israeli Army War crimes שואה מזויפת Fake Holocaust חתרנות של האירופים Subversion of Europeans סוחר שמח Happy Merchant
Of course, factual content is not against the rules.
Varg was deleted and that was a significant source of his income.
eh.. they do not need to send their agents here because women and trannies do their job for free.
daily reminder that at least 20% of Jow Forums are mac users and almost all mac users like people of the same sex.
Day of the rope is drawing nearer by the day for you poltards. Hahahahaha
>We are still hemorrhaging money and need to reduce our hosted videos in order to delay our collapse a few days
Translated that for you
i thought welfare was the main source of his income? lazy fucker's unemployed.
based and redpilled
kikes eternally BTFO
>youtube to clarify and enforce its rules against racist content
I don't really see an issue with this.
they are obviously purging in preparation for the next elections
keeping the talk tech-relatred, what are you going to do now? migrate to bitch ute?
can't scare away the future youtube talent user.
Ironic posting in full force this summer.
They also cracked down on pedo stuff.
Facebook just shadow-banned a very popular anti-mainstream website, not extremist in any way, it does write teuth about kikes though.
lol btfo
>it's another seething Jow Forums episode
This is a terrible Google translate job
>Certain features have been disabled for this video
What is the genuine reason for this? And don't give me tinfoil shit.
Fantastic image of the idf posting to the idf facebook page, you've really proved your claims with that one
They're tired of racist trolls and/or it's popular to claim they are tired of such.
Racism was always against the rules of youtube, it's generally been against the rules of many public forums since the early days of the web, hell it's supposed to be against the rules on Jow Forums outside of a few boards like /b/.
>nazi larpers
it's not nazi larpers.
the IQ gap between males and females exists
the IQ gap between yellows whites and *skins exists.
Africans have parts of their dna similar to some animals and are prone to certain disorders that you don't find in caucasians.
some jewish tribes have disproportionate amount of certain mental disorders than other races.
they banned a biologist from twitter because he described what a scientific paper concluded, because it was "racist".
otoh, religions like judaism and islam explicitly describe how their race(religion in the case of islam) is superior to others and they are born to be served by the infidels(or that they should convert and kill them for islam)
I don't get why you've got to bring nazis on the table.
With science and their own manuscripts you can already get banned from youtube.
It is in vogue to cry bully on the internet and censor people.
My beanie boy is pissed
Have sex
>Google is ran by literal jews
>Literal jews are butthurt when they get called out on their very own platform
As much as I hate google's judaism, they have the right to do whatever the fuck they desire on their platform. so all the soi bois who are butthurt about this so called ""censorship"" should fuck off and make their own video sharing website.
is it racist to read the parts of talmud where it says that jews are the god's chosen people and the other races are inferior and infidels are there to serve the jews?
Is it racist to say that Muslims don't respect women and that women are inferior to men?
Is it racist to say that a Jew is allowed by his religion to lie to a non-Jew, or that he is not allowed to eat with infidels, because that's like eating with dogs?
Is it racist to say that Islam calls for beheadings of non muslims?
None of the above is racist, it's described in Talmud and the Quran and all of those can get you banned in YT.
take off your pants and bend over.
Hav secks
I'd rather we switch roles if you don't mind
I do because women have a lower iq so it's easy to trick them into it. Just lie about being rich lol
bbc worshippers are not allowed to top, cuck.
Because retards ruin everything they touch and turn the site into a big circle jerk. It's terrible for business. Just look at all of the Youtube alternatives that crop up. The same dregs of Youtube migrate there and fill it up with right wing politics, everyone else loses interest, and the sites eventually drop because they're just serving as a free host for this highly specific group of people.
I worship traps, tranny
Fucking this. Jow Forums is mostly unrestricted, and it's kind of amusing, but I'd hate for every site to be like this shithole. It's not conducive to discussion.
all of those things are factual, not conspiracy and not bullying. It's literally true. lmao
It's as true as an orange has more citric acid in it than an apple does. Is that racist against the fruit? no.. they're better for different reasons
holy fuck.
and majority of posters who discuss """politics""" seem to be children who barely hit puberty. They all act like that retard kid who keeps repeating a bad word just because he learned it recently.
>Africans have parts of their dna similar to some animals
That makes no fucking sense at all.
Especially considering that any human shares DNA with animals
Holy shit I thought it was a joke
Private censorship is fine when it is in video form. Anyone who forms opinions from videos is too stupid to be a real proponent of the truth.
Hey tard, I know you'll ignore this but you realize the talmud is not something jews follow, right?
Pretty much every religion has crazy shit in it, but random people are just random people. I've eaten with plenty of Jews, none of my Catholic friends tried to molest me, none of the Muslims I've known have tried to behead me. Youtube make these rules in reaction to people spamming the same shit over and over again that people are tired of hearing.
>I've eaten with plenty of Jews
Who paid the bill?
Why don't you go to Pakistan with a cross and walk through normal non-tourist areas?
Oh and tell me how many times you will get spit on in Jerusalem as a christian?
Not him but i used to live in Israel and have never heard of people spitting at Christians other than some muzzies. The beef there is between muzzies and jews really.
lmao nice lies jidf
Why do you assume I'm lying? I really have not heard of that happening
We split the bill?
Pakistan is a shithole, no argument there. But I'm not gonna randomly shit on Pakistani people I know. And Youtube doesn't want people randomly insulting Pakistani users on Youtube. Seems simple enough.
I am not religious but I would appear to be a generic white non-Jewish guy (and thus presumably Christian?) if I were to visit Israel I don't think it's likely I'd get spit on. I've been invited to visit there before, but it's low on my to-do list.
Africa has a bunch of Christian theocratic shitholes, but I'm not gonna randomly harass Christians on Youtube.
>political shit-flinging
>no solutions to the big tech monopoly problem
Just don't use it. There's your solution
I think Google is within their rights to control content on Youtube, but I also think that the more splintering that happens the better. Centralized content serves a purpose but is inherently bland.
The solution I see is giving more power to home users with better upload rates for home internet so they can host their own content, via distributed or non-distributed means.
>just go dig a hole and live in the woods alone if you dont like government ^)
If you ever wonder who's in control of the world, look at who you can't name
The solution is youtube-dl.
YouTube already contains more video than any of us could ever watch. Most educational content doesn't get dated unless you only care about tutorials about hipster trendy JS frameworks and muh current political issues.
Just download as much stuff of value you can find on YouTube today to a personal offline archive and when YouTube goes nuclear you can enjoy your stash for years to come.
>Just don't use it.
When will these retards learn about Social Capital?
leave this place, your kind is not welcome here.
No thanks.
You didn't even highlight the most important part of that image.
>Make upholding capitalism and giving unlimited power to corporations and employers the centerpiece of rightwing politics
>Get kicked off of every corporate website and fired from every job for being an embarassing rightwinger
>Blame the leftists that spent years warning you that this was happening
This is the "based Ajit Pai" shit all over again.
came here to post this
jews gonna jew
let's list the extremist things that will stay up
>avocation for white genocide
>fascism is okay if you're against fascism
>calls for armed commie revolution
>why I'm glad I got cucked
>why you should hate x
>why you should hate yourself for being x
>dating your own race is racism
>any kind of security is racism
>gaslighting everyone for anything
>incels should be institutionally discriminated against (only males of course)
>context is irrelevant in a legal argument
>stop caring about x
>x is okay if the state does it
>shilling for corporations
>shilling for Foreign aid to Israel
>propaganda for children
>propaganda for the religious
>propaganda for boomers
>etc ad infinitum
>white genocide
Ah yes, our greatest social blight, white guys who can't get laid despite living in the sluttiest era of all time...
>>Go to Israeli army, shoot some sweet sweet Tavors.
>>Maybe get into Sayeret Matkal
>>Job is actually to shitpost all day
Not even mad
but white people are having more sex than ever just like everyone else
wasted dubs, stop pushing your cringy deviant art tier trash.