Ignore the degeneracy of this question

Ignore the degeneracy of this question
If you were to suddenly turn into an actual anthropomorphic animal what would it be and how would it affect your life?

I'd like to say red panda and i assume people would be creeped out and social life would be pretty much impossible, with the exception of furries who'd drool over me.
maybe some scientists would come too and take me away for experiments.
Basically: life would suck

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tiger i think

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i asked you to ignore it!!
reported for not following op


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reported for announcing report

anyway I would probably go with bear
I don't think I would even attempt a normal human life though, I would just go off into the woods and do bear stuff

Reported for being a furfag in general. Go back to /b and continue log posting or keep shitting fury porn on one of the sfur threads

oh yeah i guess thats a better idea
But i still doubt the bears would see you as one of their own, no bear gf then prob

not a furfag, just thought the question was good

yeah, but I'm already well on my way to wizardry so it wouldn't make much of a difference lol

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A fucking jellyfish
>no brain
>no pain

a kot

I'd have to with an axolotl just for shits and giggles

i've seen all the stereotypes for people who choose different animals as their fursona so it's hard to pick without cringing so i'm gonna throw a curveball

kotbois cute

Oh god wait a second
I think I'm on to something
I guess we'll need a new thread to dicuss that important issue

So being an animal means I get to be stronger and faster?

Don't lose hope, maybe there is a bear out there for you somewhere~

peak big brained thinking

they cute and can regrow limbs, smort choice

ye, very

i guess so
Animals usually have more muscle density or whatever than humans so if you're part animal then you'd have to assume your strength would go up, and speed probably relies on the animal

humans are very weak proportional to their body size
if you were a human shaped animal you'd probably scale that animal's muscle density to human size and shape. a bear person would be weaker than a real bear but a cat person would be a lot stronger than a real cat.


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Some sort of horse man then I'd get into acting

I'd like to be a hyena man. I heard they have the strongest bite of all canine predators. I'd go around killing people until I get put down.

Brute force, reptilian, slaughter peeps that deserve slaughter, freak out everyone with my mere existence, free loicense to cause chaos and anarchy by killing off government guys (governors, mayors, and the like), free loicense to slaughter anyone I don't like however I like, become legendary.

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and then you get raped by florida man

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Florida man is prolific

>Florida man

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Back in the 90s~

Better hope there isn't a lion man to put you in your place

so pic related?

...how even?

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More like this

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more like this~

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