How come Scandinavians can tan, but the Irish always burn like vampires. Are Scandinavians secretly wog...

How come Scandinavians can tan, but the Irish always burn like vampires. Are Scandinavians secretly wog, or is it the Asian admixture?

Attached: norwegy.jpg (750x818, 101K)

We don't have any Asian admixture

Neither, the Irish are just disgusting

Russians and Balts/Scandinavians do. Highest in Europe I believe.

user I....

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Scandis are obv happas. Look at their little slit eyes and brown tans ffs.

Scandinavians are not white
t. Xing Ling Pi

Does it snow in Ireland? It might have to do with that.

Take those blue eyes and blonde hair away he will look like a shitskin

Meant for

Anything under 5% shouldn't be taken serious.

You gotta know how to tan.
In the Mediterranean, all people near the sea just grow up near beaches or work near them because tourism, they learn.
Seen many Scandinavian people just staying at the beach until sunset.
Biologically, no idea about them.

Only for like a week or two every year, some years it doesn't snow at all.

That's the case with every white person.


>blonde hair

what? His hair is brown.

Then that's the reason. You could get sunburn just from light reflecting from snow.

>doesn't understand statistics
I guess you're the mutt.

if anyone's interested this guy's "Adam Lökholm".

Another, this shit is so weird how dark they can get despite being so fair.

Attached: swedeee.jpg (715x715, 102K)

Simple ... Irish ARE vampires.