You have 30 minutes to make me change my mind and install whatever you make me install instead of this glorious Linux and BSD hybrid. I'll wait.
You have 30 minutes to make me change my mind and install whatever you make me install instead of this glorious Linux...
the only actual linux and bsd hybrid is gentoo, void is just a mutated version of arch that wants to be that so bad but everybody knows it's just a freak of nature
Obvious Gentoo reply
Slackware is better
Dualboot Arch and Gentoo
It isn't an arch fork, so it isn't a mutation by definition
Void is the best if you want simplicity, control, and elegance.
it's your life
it's your waste of time
go do some gold digging
First, maintainers and developers are fucking with project maintability and development. They were not prepared to actually -support- a distro from the beginning. So, there are problems here and there, with wiki, forums, repos, package versions, etc. Nothing too critical, but it's not good either.
Second, in-chroot compilation. This "strength" does not appeal me, it adds a whole chroot layer of possible problems and complexity.
Third, package manager is somewhat complicated, though good. It demands a bit of a digging into the documentation to get how to use xbps-src.
It's good to have basically binary aur as main repo (users commit recipies to the git, from there their compilation machine builds packages to distribute them to users), especially knowing it's more save as there are build vpkg wrappers for the recipies. But gentoo is the most advanced source based distro, it does wrapping packaging into comfy structure just better.
I switched from it to arch just because arch has less problems.
Void tranny user here
Why go for a hybrid? Use openBSD if you want to go full autist chad tranny.
I'm planning to move
why should I?
Its literally the best distro out there if you want simplicity and control over your system like in BSD and the compatibility from Linux.
I enjoyed Void briefly before it bugged out and started running a screen full of infinite code when I tried to log out
install gentoo
tell me more
dude, come on.
just use something that doesn't have retarded basedboy devs.
Gentoo or Slackware, both are fine.
Or just use Fedora since it's what all sane linux are going to be eventually, they usually have the lead with the shit other distros will use.
It's funny because people say "fedora is a clone of debian" when actually debian is the one taking ideas from fedora
just install Debian GNU/kFreeBSD
Lets all use a Redhat distro, RH network manager, RH Desktop enviroment, RH init, RH package manager, RH sound system, the list goes on and on.
Pretty soon Redhat is going to take over kernel itself.
Acceptable, often superior alternatives exist for their software. But why does it get pushed so hard in the first place?
if you're not using fedora is not forced upon you, you're getting cucked by your own distro maintainers who decided to ship with them retard.
install gentoo unironically if you care, or embrace red hat. Everyone just takes what red hat makes because people are lazy to maintain obscure solutions with slow development
I think people should care that redhat is becoming so influential over linux.
No corporation can ever be your friend, at least not forever. Especially when they have no competitors.
What happens when everything else becomes deprecated?
What makes it BSD?
your own problem, no one has power over another unless
Unless the only modern alternatives are windows or osx?
Im not schizoposting. There's no real difference between Microsoft, Google, Apple and IBM ( formerly redhat). To run GNOME you need three other RH led products for absolutely no reason.
With their kind of position they can establish any standard on linux and everyone will adopt it no matter what.