Why did they do it?

Why did they do it?

Attached: nanking massacre.jpg (500x367, 27K)

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Stupid mutt

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To test their abilities

because prince asaka told them to

>denying war crime
typical gook

You have to be pretty fucked to kill a baby


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The "who decapitates more ching-chongs in a minute" was a test of abilities

According to their thought shooting people was dishonorable, so most Chinese women and children were stabbed

i swear if i see one more "we saved the lives of soldiers by killing thousands of innocents and civilian lives are not weighted more in warfare" argument i'll fucking scream

tbf if joe gomez didn't kill the guy's family more families would have been killed in the long run


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What a retarded image. How were the Japanese honorable? They literally started war with a sneak attack. Japanese soldiers would also surrender to American soldiers and then kill them when they got close. Not to mention the wanton rape and murder of civilians, cannibalization of prisoners of war, human experimentation, the use of civilians as human shields, and telling fellow Japanese citizens to kill themselves rather than be captured.
And yes, the atomic bombs did save lives. The Japanese were not planning on surrendering - in fact, there was a failed coup the night of the surrender statement where Japanese military officers tried to continue the war. Literally every estimate predicts that an invasion of Japan would have been far deadlier, not only for Americans but for Japanese as well.

I wonder how many people unironically believe this type of pic

What are you doing in western Pidorsburg, Charlie?

>asians are peaceful they said

Dumb NPC

What's wrong about what he said?

it's factually correct, and that's a bad thing

How problematic

it didnt , it's a hoax

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While I understand that the Nazis were evil, I honestly don't think Japan did anything wrong in WW2. The Yamato race is destined to rule over all of the others.

>>i swear if i see one more "we saved the lives of soldiers by killing thousands of innocents and civilian lives are not weighted more in warfare" argument i'll fucking scream
But this is one of the things that matters to policy makers, generals, and statesmen. They are not concerned about honor, fairness, or whatnot. Preserving their military strength and winning concession from the political opponent are what makes the government happy in the end.


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You're such a faggot

very sorry....... wait

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Anyone that bumps this thread should kill themselves.

''Watching Chinese being killed, I had had no emotions,'' Mr. Ukita said. ''It was like a game. But when I saw Japanese being executed in Siberia for stealing things, I got so angry and emotional.''

No shit, sherlock

Who is this?

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Let's just nuke Japan until nothing left

Wow, how Stalin's 2 millions turned into 23 millions?

>implying it didnt prevent ww3

Not really correct terminology tho is it

>implying ww3 would bad


Numbers killed by Stalin's regime were 20 million or higher.[11][12][13] After the Soviet Union dissolved, evidence from the Soviet archives also became available, containing official records of 799,455 executions (1921–1953),[14] around 1.7 million deaths in the Gulag[15][16] some 390,000[17] deaths during kulak forced resettlement and up to 400,000 deaths of persons deported to Forced settlements in the Soviet Union during the 1940’s[18] – with a total of about 3.3 million officially recorded victims in these categories.[19] The deaths of at least 5.5 to 6.5 million[20] persons in the famine of 1932–33 are sometimes, but not always,[2][6] included with the victims of the Stalin era.

Shit man. What animals. Is America the only non-savage country left in the world? What is wrong with those people?

it unironically did :)))))

So, 3.3 million victims or up to 9.8 millions if every death happen is a Stalin's job. I think 23 million is a invention to make Hitler "not as bad"

Good post

its not a japanese thing to deny war crime
it is an Chinese and Korean thing to make up war crime

Yeah, wikipedia is out to make Hitler look like a cool gut
The simple fact is that chinese are subhuman and Korean girls are sluts for foreigner cock

>They literally started war with a sneak attack.
IIRC it was literally one lazy boomer comms dude who didnt realise he was sitting on a declaration of war for a whole day before the attack happened

>muh 100 gorillion

it's a pebble in the sea compared to what americans and their kike overlords have and are still doing.

you wanna be under russian rule again?

We used to have young and pretty polish girls fleeing communism and marrying old men here.

notice the blacker the dictator the less they killed

wh*te "people* truly are mentally insane psychopaths.

Attached: white people r crazy.gif (350x350, 14K)

Mao's kills are counted in the same way. Includes the famines during their time

Read the rest of the page maybe there's some lead on why the count is more than 20 million, I can't be bothered

we still are under "russian" rule, you dumb wop fucker

>Korean girls are sluts for foreigner cock
Very true
I don't see why people have a struggle realizing this. such behavior can be expected from any societies women who place such importance on status and wealth. Of course they'll throw themselves at their new ruling class

still taking money from the EU though. And still in NATO.
I wish you really were under russian rule as the good old times.

if you have status and wealth yea

Do you want to spend money like that?

I cant help it our jewish mafia are good at fucking you dumb asses over.

shouldnt have made this shithole of crooks,thieves and frauds part of your buttfuck "ünion"...huh mario?

oh and r*ssians have too many internal problems to invade us, those bastards are barely clinging onto Chechnya and Crimea they stole.

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you're not making sense. Are you under "russian" or mafia rule? Maybe you're under the russian mafia rule but taking money from the EU and protected by NATO.

are r*ssians different from "russians"?

This shit can't be real.

u should have seen the cannibalism in ukraine

too mad they were too dumb to build their own cameras dirt poor to afford any. Otherwise a great historical event would be archived.

>Snopes and other urban legend sites have said the "fetus" used by Zhu Yu was most likely constructed from a duck's body and a doll head.[9][10][3][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] Other images from another art exhibit were falsely circulated along with Zhu Yu's photographs and claimed to be evidence of fetus soup.[21]

>Critics see the propagation of these rumors as a form of blood libel, or accusing one's enemy of eating children, and accuse countries of using this as a political lever.[22]
It is not real.

>said country with yearly school and other kinds of shootings
is this sarcasm?

Libtard propaganda. Leopold didn't kill 15 million people.

Who did this?

because they believe whatever they want to

It's useless to try to persuade them.
they are just racists

Sorry but Nanking is still happened pics or not

>p-please notice me my nipmonkey masters
weeb NPCs are the worst
checked and cringepilled

> They literally started war with a sneak attack

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Kek. Racist fuck probably thought they wouldnt actually do it

well said!

Thousands of civilians =/= millions of civilians and soldiers dying as they make their way through the mainland

Nuking Seattle and Portland would be more humane than having to invade the entire U.S and kill millions trying to do so.

Composite image.
It is poor trimming of the outline of the baby.

>burgers still believe wartime propaganda

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why wouldn't you do it?

Both, the Nanking massacre and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were horrible atrocities, let's leave it at that