China vows to compete with Intel, AMD, Broadcom

>China has vowed to rapidly develop its semiconductor chip industry and gain self-sufficiency in this critical sector. This will have an enormous impact on the US economy and its standing in the world.

>Still, experts say it would take at least a decade for China to close the gap with the U.S. on chip technology.

>While China has made no secret that it wants to develop its own semiconductor industry in the past couple of years, experts said that recent events have given new priority to that drive.

>“This will not be easy, it will be a long journey but I do not underestimate the Chinese ecosystem given the talent that continues to move back into the region to drive more innovation and scale,” IDC’s Morales said.

Attached: china-cpu-processor-335.jpg (335x225, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:,39573.html

>China vows
Yeah good luck with that. Only way they can do that is by stealing IP from Intel/AMD/Nvidia/Qualcomm/ARM.

Companies steal from each other all the time. You really think Intel and AMD are 100% separate from each other and create every design and implementation from scratch?

>using chingchong brand chips w/exclusive panda backdoor technology

Attached: dnw.jpg (338x470, 40K)

>using CIA brand chips w/exclusive NSA backdoor technology

>not using old FX chips that lack the backdoor goodness

>preferring the communist party over a government you have influence over
Imagine being this much of a cuckold.

Yea, that will go as well as the last 40 years that they've been trying. So far they've produced one chip that they could build a decent computer out of and the IPC was an absolute joke.

>he doesn't want ameritards to burn

Attached: 1539710834216.jpg (1024x576, 45K)

>implying you have any influence over the burger empire
Stop fucking your sister Cletus

>he wants to lick CPC boot

>liberal democracy good

Attached: 1555758235289.jpg (763x809, 141K)

>implying anyone has influence over the communist party
Good one comrade.

better than oil companies having influence over the republican party

Reminder that China successfully competes in the HPC space with internally designed and fabricated custom MIPS cores. The Sunway SW26010 is nothing to scoff at.

>muh communism

Attached: otherkin.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

There are more parties...

>muh consumerism

Attached: 1559341173752.jpg (1296x968, 428K)

>The Sunway SW26010 is nothing to scoff at.
It's shit. They built a supercomputer out of it by using twice as many cores.

Don't they do this with fighter jet tech too? All nations not forced into contracts with overpriced USA military jets use them.

Capitalism is responsible for lifting more people out of poverty than any other economic system. Socialism/communism are responsible for more deaths than any other economic system.

>its shit!
They're low clocked power efficient cores, you uneducated spastic. It literally doesn't matter if it had twice the core count of the leading intel Xeon powered system. For a period it managed to be the world's most powerful supercomputer, and was one of the more efficient clusters around.

do tell, how much capital do you own?

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I hope China BTFOs Intel and AMD. The industry has been stagnating for far too long, maybe this will cause them to get off their asses.

>closing a 40 tear gap in a decade
Only way is if the steal. Wouldn't be surprised that amd partnership with chinkhardware co to make ryzen for China was a way to steal amd proprietary tech

That not what capital is you brainlet , the correct question is what kind of capital do you have.

>It literally doesn't matter if it had twice the core count of the leading intel Xeon powered system. For a period it managed to be the world's most powerful supercomputer
You eventually run out of power, dumbass.

about tree fidy commie

so you're a salaried worker or some wageslave then? got it. now i can see where your stockholm syndrome comes from

Attached: 1553955154460.png (1024x554, 792K)

i have 20k in my 401k, 22k in my investment accounts, and $3k in my personal checking account.
i dropped out of grad school less than a year ago
G-d bless America!

Apparently AMD planned around that. The information provided to produce the chips isn't sufficient to be able to reverse-engineer them (since they'd risk a lawsuit from Intel if they did that).

Also, AMD apparently backed out of the deal recently:,39573.html

>22k investment
poorfag trash, actually delete your post for unironically thinking that's impressive

They don't need to steal when AMD gave them EPYC for free.

It's called the Hygon Dhyana

Supporting AMD is supporting communist chinks.

>for free
No, they paid AMD quite a lot of money. AMD has also produced some semi-custom parts for various Chinese firms.
Also China isn't Communist. They are soulless bug people though.,39573.html

please give me money

woah, sounds like commie speak to me
First gen Zen only, which was trash

A house, a couple of cars, stocks, 401k, and a few thousand in my account.

I've been btfo'd

But that's only for zen1, and once zen2 and 3 get here those CPUs will be massively out of date.

how much stock do you have and in what company? do you have any actual influence in the world other than the driveway of your shitty urbanite house?

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>how much stock do you have and in what company?
Multiple. I trade the news.
>do you have any actual influence in the world other than the driveway of your shitty urbanite house?
I have direct contact with a CEO of a multi-billion dollar company being only a few levels of management below. How much influence do you have?

No you don't

are you gonna call him for another rimming session tonight, larper?


You can be sore about it, it won't make you any less of a chump.

Just copy the Intel architecture bro

Where on your suited corpse should I stick the bayonet?

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The chinks already legally own amd ryzen ip, and via ip.

>not going back to phenom II, because you don't know about the spy chip that's in the fx series.

Whew lad.
This much cope. You're getting absolutely BTFO

They had access to first gen ryzen.
> Via IP
Literal garbage. They're 10 years behind the industry at best.

*15 years behind
Their top quad core is slower than an E6600.

>at least a decade
If they spend tens of billions of government money every year to purchase and set up fabrication facilities,
If they spend billions every year to build teams of skilled and capable researchers,
If they leverage their stolen USA information,
If nothing ever goes wrong,
That's a maybe, at least a decade

The reality is that even with all of those things:
Other companies have all of the current top end research and workers,
Other companies are already fully established,
Other companies will be leading the edge of performance
Other companies want to stay alive.

Just as "India will be a superpower by 2020",
Nobody is content with stagnation.

Oh don't fucking lie to me, a good hamburger is delicious and you know it.

>access to first gen ryzen
They have access to all gen Zen architecture retard.
It was underpowered, but actually a better implementation of x86. What matters is that they legally own the tech. They also legally own different implementations of vliw cores.

>They have access to all gen Zen architecture retard.
Try again.,39573.html

>It was underpowered, but actually a better implementation of x86. What matters is that they legally own the tech. They also legally own different implementations of vliw cores.
No, it has always been trash. Via's x86 license came from their purchase of Cyrix which was well behind the curve. Additionally Via is a Taiwanese company, not Chinese.

>different Zen
It's the same architecture since release


>Via's x86 license came from their purchase of Cyrix which was well behind the curve.
It was actually ahead of the curve, so Intel stole the tech, and ended up doing a cross licensing deal after a court case.

>Via's x86 license came from their purchase of Cyrix which was well behind the curve.
VIA never even used anything from Cyrix beyond that license, their x86 products are all Centaur designs.

Attached: 1024px-KL_IDT_WinChip_Marketing_Sample.jpg (1024x1026, 105K)

Nah, Cyrix was fucking trash by the time VIA picked apart their remains. National Semiconductor mismanaged them into fucking oblivion and even before the buyout they were declining after peaking with the 6x86-PR200/233 which even then was far from "ahead of the curve" - it was just a good value. Some of their designs had faster bus speeds but were hot and unstable as shit, ran their secondary caches slower, had ass floating-point, you could go on.

Chinkshit EPYC will be the new Phenom. For as little as 180 watts you get eight (8) ddr4 channels and 32 core for 64 threads clocked up to 3 ghz.

>speculative execution CPU bug

What a joke, that's pretty much everything on the market.
How many decades you have to go to find chips without speculative execution?

No, it isn't. Zen+ was a minor iteration but Zen2 was a substantial redesign.

>Marketingfag sells a product

>moved IO to a separate chip
>surely it's the same architecture
Does being dumb hurt?

>imagine the black market moving from crack and cocaine to bootleg chinese zen and arm.

>Also China isn't Communist
Yes they are. It's the same state as the communist state. This is just what they look like after they get settled in. Communism is like a horse a coked out junkie mistook for a unicorn. The unicorn never existed and never will, but there's an ugly fucking horse waiting for you

>China won't do the same
How much do you get paid by and user?

Communism is just a label given to meaningless rhetoric. There are no Communist states anywhere, and there never have been, nor will there ever be. No one who attains political power would ever be a true egalitarian. Those with power always seek to keep it consolidated.
China is not a Communist country. If they're an adherent to any ideology whatsoever it would be Legalism.

kek no one is going to buy a shitty Chinese knock off chip based off stolen designs and Chinese backdoors.

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I'm going to back this user up.
China is really communist. Authoritarian. Socialistic. Ect.

The state constantly messes daily life and heavy-handedly forces their will on the economy.

>assuming they literally transferred the whole of their IP to Hygon
AMD only gave them enough to be able to produce the chips and make very slight modifications. They aren't stupid.

Authoritarianism isn't Communism.
Socialism isn't Communism either.

i mean if we want to get pedantic, they really arent ANYMORE, not since winnie the pooh took over. The moves he's made to restructure china have turned it into more of a Fascist/NatSoc country

Yes that's right, China are the real nazis, they even have the camps!

Attached: implessive.png (883x318, 244K)

>substantial redesign
Come on now buddy Zen2 is more cache, 256b FPU, probably some more execution ports for better SMT
It's on the line with "what I would actually expect from half-size transistors" and not "a huge improvement over the original"

Substantial redesign includes removing the IO components and putting them on a separate chip. That's really not a small thing to do when you consider they had to account for the increased latency.

Basically 90% Han, despite there being some nuance to what actually constitutes the Han ethnic group. The country basically is an ethnostate. The government protects its ethnic interests, and pushs back hard against social influences like homosexual propaganda in media, and religious outsiders are prevented from becoming mainstream. The sexes have clearly defined gender roles and trying to eradicate or reverse them would be something you'd get jailed for as a subversive. The State has no interest in actually pursuing the nonsensical dogma of Marx even though they pay tribute to it in name only.
Don't expect normie retards to understand any of this though. To everyone with a 90 IQ China= Communism

and thus MacArthur was right

They kept a 14nm I/O die for only two reasons
>still need to fulfill wafer contracts with GloFo
>die size, complexity, and circuit coherence;
>for multiple chips is exponentially more difficult;
>containing the necessary connectivity within single ICs
>"I/O doesn't scale well with die shrinks"
Is more of a cover than the best solution

user I love you but please stop following along and instead use your brain to figure out the easy reality.

That's Zen1 and odds are that they can only fab the chips, not build upon them

>imying they're not actively stealing from all of them as we speak
Oh wait...

People have examined them, found almost no changes. Caches appear the same, everything about the core logic itself seems almost unchanged. They probably just added support for their homeland instruction sets. The Chinese have a few proprietary instruction sets for encryption that the government uses on its machines. VIA chips they use have the same. They probably only courted AMD to have the same thing with modern performance.

Did you miss the part about efficiency?

Huawei was never able to catch up to Apple and Qualcomm.

Did you miss the part about them being less efficient because you have to use at least twice as many (negating any individual benefit)?

they got stopped by the 5G ban

Which is why they are actively doing it user

Except they aren't. The Kirin chips are a generation behind (and will no longer be produced because they can't license the ARM architecture).

>You really think Intel and AMD are 100% separate from each other and create every design and implementation from scratch?
Yes because if one of them finds about it they pull a lawsuit

Do you really think the Kirin 980 is anywhere near as good as a Snapdragon 855 or Exynos 9820?

That's still covered by the much more efficient smaller cores, you're a retard
Cluster efficiency isn't about individual cores, it's about the entire cluster, the thing did pretty well in the Green500
It debuted at fourth place back in November 2016
You might argue it's shit because of it's pretty bad HPCG results compared to the old K computer (that's still among the best out there despite being from 2011), but the chinks got a Gordon Bell prize since they could reach near 100% utilization on a practical problem, btfo'ing all the critics and retards like you

Summit uses fewer cores, has more than double the performance, and uses less energy.

Summit is a much newer system, retard.

Won't be for much longer as boat loads of Caltech and MIT PhDs are going back home to work.

Attached: MIT-Doctoral-Hooding-04.jpg (948x632, 158K)

>2 years
Were you dropped as a child?

If you know anything about these students you know they're destined for failure.