Black Clothes Edition

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good songs, especially wild. what an era that was

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Really liked the song you posted btw, I like that kind of kpop

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Finally home, I had to do some drinking.

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Watch this.

But I just woke up ?

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Public bidets are a thing??!

That's no good.

pretty hype song right? the closest rec i can think of is

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good morning

That's not good.

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Look at the comments. No Korean anywhere. They are so nugu it hurts.

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just a publicity stunt hopefully

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Then they should start slipping on stage instead, because this is worrying.

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Okay, I will


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Who wouldn't get sick from F*rtnite

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This song only came out today? They REALLY missed Halloween.

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It has nothing to do with halloween dbh.

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But there's monster and cr*p?

It's just a metaphor.

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Nice nap, B0J?

pretty solid nap
i woke up just in time, i can go get my breakfast whenever now

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what's poppin' b?

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For what?

He's a really bad boy.

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tfw tired but can't sleep

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Comfy playing games

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does somebody want to play overwatch with me?

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I just uninstalled Deus Ex Mankind Divided, what a shit game that was.

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Will you stay up all day then?
Why not?
I don't have it.

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>Deus Ex
Never played any game of this series dbh

Why is it so bad?

Soory chingu, I don't fps games

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It doesn't let me play the way I want to play. I hate when games do that.

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what game?

ideally i'd like to be going to bed around midnight. at the earliest i plan on staying up until at least 8 pm which is around 9 hours from now

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what games do you play?

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Good luck.

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Don't worry about it

Played destiny 2 for a few days since they gave it away for free but now I'm playing nothing.
Should probably get around to finishing yakuza 0.
What about you? Except for overwatch I mean.

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bad mojo insomnia

gonna give it another shot though, night boet

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it should be easy enough.


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Sleep well.
Famous last words.

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What's wrong with her nose?

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I have civilization5

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confidence is a slow and insidious killer and all that

nothing, she's just got a nose dot
sometimes they cover it up and sometimes they don't

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Thanks for the detailed explanation

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You play it alone or with a group? I found civ games to be painfully slow with multiple people.
Hubris comes before the fall.

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I have only one friend who plays it too :(

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of course, always happy to help

triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall...

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Probably for the best.
Every player added pretty much doubles the time it takes for any round to complete.
Never cook a gift horse in a drought.

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of course, you wouldn't want to burn all the soldiers alive

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do you play any multiplayer games?

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Did you make this btw? I saw it in the /wsg/ thread.
None that I'm super interested in getting back into. Some pubg, destiny 2, divinity OS 2.
Guess I've just gotten tired of playing the same kind of game over and over, which seems to be a larger problem for multiplayer games than singleplayer.
I've played duck game a couple of times with people from here though which was fun even though I usually get rekt.
You don't play any singleplayer games?

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we can't play together then :(

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Maybe some day.

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i did
there's very few webms i post that i didn't make myself. when i post ones i didn't make myself they all have random number filenames. the exception is this one which i did make but still has a random number
i'll find webms i made every once in a while when i visit wsg. i wonder who's taking them

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oh it's also very possible someone else made their own webm of the same moment and it wasn't actually mine

Recommend me a good single-payer game I can run in my shitty PC

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GTA San Andreas


Yeah, seemed like your kind of webm but I wasn't sure since I don't recall seeing it before.

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Portal was pretty fun.

shovel knight
hollow knight
depending how shitty we're talking dark souls or dragon's dogma

really? i post it quite a bit i thought

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It's not that shitty lol

I've played Dark Souls a hundred times though

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Oh. Maybe when I've been asleep or something.

Subnautica is free in the epic games store at the moment.
That's a pretty decent game.

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then see the other 3 recommendations lol
salt & sanctuary is also petty good but for some reason could never really hold my attention all the way through
also subnautica is very good, 10/10 would recommend


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>Subnautica is free in the epic games store at the moment.

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What the fu ck is going on


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You're gonna get the fsb into this thread, posting from russian hotel wifi like this.

u have the usual flag

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Don't worry about it.

I hope you're not upset about free games because they're given away instead of pirated.

You should still pirate it rofl.

Not wifi some dumb antivirus is blockong the site I had diarrhea all day but at least they had booze at the banquet
Sleep now I think

Very eventful first day.
Sleep well.

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I miss my aaron

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He'll be up in no time.

Hopefully sooner than later

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what's an aaron?

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>gk licks and barks on my face

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