That's that, then.
Jow Forums censorship
Other urls found in this thread:
>Some faggot basedboy complaining about moderation
wow get a load of this private detective
there's a janny on Jow Forums who's been deleting anything related to Russia (even positive stuff) for a few months now
try making a thread with the Russian flag on Jow Forums, it'll be gone in 20-30 seconds and you'll catch a ban
It isn't censorship. It's anti-shitposting. Get it right.
Fot once janny was not a fagget
this whole website is shitposting, so yes, that makes it censorship.
Based mods finally deleting conspiritard threads.
Yes, 5G is harmful. Put simply 5G is just another implementation of an already proven damaging technology, though with some unique characteristics.
With 5G expect:
-Unknown (ie unable to be predicted without hard specs and testing) effects on biological systems.
-Greater incidence of health problems, too many to list. Changes in blood, bone marrow, broad degenerative changes in organs, disruption of various enzyme systems, demyelination of peripheral nerves and fragmentation of their axons, neurodegeneration (fine structures, dendrities, etc). There are also effects on the cell membrane which persist long after irradiation ahs ceased, and which alter their behavior. Groups of cells are very similar to coupled oscillators.
-Millimeter waves have been studied since they could be easily generated. Very early on with 60GHz spark gap oscillators. While 5G has no publicly available testing and is therefore "untested", it's not as though we don't know some of the generalities of their effects already. Study of the effects of electricity and magnetism on biological systems goes all the way back to 1893, with d'Arsonval and a few others.
-Accelerated ecological collapse. Insect populations have already plummeted.
-Sped up population level irreversible infertility.
-5G entails expansion of the automated surveillance apparatus. Sci-fi has become reality, as many knew it would. Now it is time for man to choose.
More information here. I've uploaded a number of documents and references. Not really a work in progress, but there are probably some future additions. It pretty much lays out how it works, what is known, who knew what and when, and how we got here.
This isn't Jow Forums.
>surprised when spam bot posts are deleted
loweffort schizoposting
stup up your game Dimitri
glad to see we're finally pushing back against the schizoposters
try to be less obvious next time when targeting a thread
Surely this is parody. Certainly, you cannot be serious.
You think is also serious or just a parody?
It is serious, well researched, and fully backed by credible data.
No, /b/ is for shitposting. Your mom is for my cock.
I bet they won't prune your thread over there, OP.
Good, schizoposters were going all out since the Huawei shit happened. doesn't have this problem