hello Jow Forums ritsu here. i cant really change my ip adress and i have no vpn. but anyway im actually 16. now please ban me forever so i cant come back. it was nice being here but nobody wants me anymore. so just ban me. goodbye
Hello Jow Forums ritsu here. i cant really change my ip adress and i have no vpn. but anyway im actually 16...
goodbye, norway
Very ugly, useless, worthless and pathetic R*tsu
Why are there so many underage on this board?
goodbye. well im just gonna reply until i get banned :)
yeah i know
idk. but i know some who are underage on bant. anyway i just wanna be banned so i dont come back here
okey maybe a few. but most want me out and i dont feel at home here anymore. its alien to me now.
You forgot to say the magic word.
Hint: It begins with "D" and ends with "G"
I'm pretty sure they are just giving you a hard time, it's Jow Forums after all
but if you want to go I can't stop you...
i dont know what that word is
i tried my best being a good person to be with. if most want me out then i will do it. also dont worry about me. i will waddle on with life like usual. i hope you do the same. there is still a lot of pleasure between the sufferings
i dont know what that word is!!! maybe its something i forgot..
You don't know because you are newfag.
probably that then
use your willpower and just stop coming here if you want to quit. that's how men handle it
i dont care if im a man or not. being banned is the easiest way to not get here.
Good by friend
goodbye :)
whatever, you'll come back eventually anyway
hmmm i hope there arent too many people liking me. that would be awful. to suddenly leave them. well this is the best i can do at least. i should be happy
not if i get banned.
mods don't care about this place. if you wanted to get banned, you'd go to Jow Forums or any other moderated board. but you posted it here, because all you actually want is attention
oh okey. i will do
is that enough for me to be banned?
i forgot to link. eh its fine i just do it this way
I am saddened.
Goodbye, Ritsu.
goodbye. it was nice being on here. but my time is up
arent what?
you really aren't
I would explain to you why it saddens me, but frankly you don't deserve an explanation.
Eat shit.
im still not banned. geez this site is trash
test. been temporarely blocked for some min. am i unbanned again :(
You are!
i get banned when i dont want to but i dont get banned when i want. how mean.
Hahaha you are stuck here!
if i dont get banned i will come back. i know that. fuck me