Jow Forums thinks everything is degenerate, apart from sitting on their computers all day browsing a Chinese image board site having arguments with people anonymously.
Jow Forums thinks anything "fun" is degenerate, like locker room talk, cracking rude jokes is degenerate. Even thinking or looking at an alcoholic bottle is degenerate. Eating food with carbohydrates, sugar or fat is degenerate.
Why does Jow Forums pretend that they're not gay and make out they're all do gooder Christians who go to Church every Sunday, while at the same time threatening to kill people over the internet for insulting them.
Laughing is also degenerate unless it's with your wife.
Jow Forums thinks everything is degenerate...
but Jow Forums hates Christians?
t. degenerate
Jow Forums likely has the ugliest group of people out of all the boards
Interesting how so many things makes Jow Forums mad? I think they might, maybe, perhaps, dislike Communism? I could be wrong though.
Spoken like a true degenerate
Sounds Arabic.
THEY don't like us
THEY are not who you believe to be
kill'em with sucess, fuck'em
my wife chino is so cute'
>alt right boyfren dumps you
>make this thread
Does Jow Forums hates cute anime girls?
beat my meat nigga
spoken like a true loser
based and Jow Forumspilled
Jow Forums is all muh degeneracy and no play
yes they believe that anime, violent movies, non traditional music is all degenerate and should be banned.
sometimes you have to admit that they do have a point though
You can't just "Ban all the things because I don't like them". They're no better than the SJW's who want to ban free speech.
Jow Forums is literally what Goebbels speaks about in pic related.
>t. Paid shill
Jow Forums loves Nippanese cartoons, especially old classics, nu-Jow Forums/reddit hates Japanese animation and wishes they could b& any thread that isn't r/thedonald.
Half of Jow Forums are degenerates, the degeneracy they hate though actually has negative effects on society like the creation of over 90000 genders which young kids only choose for attention and social status since that what wealthy white high schools have been reduced to or how Hollywood has been under the radar for decades for rape and pedophilia but heaven forbid someone say something mean on social media which Jow Forums hates justly or how feminists really are just a bunch of self entitled cunts, well western ones anyway. Somali feminists actually have reasons to complain since half of them are pretty much slaves sold off to pedos at a young age for marriage.
That's a lot to read, but pretty alright so far.
Mmm, I hate defending Jow Forums but I think you're mistaken. It sounds more like he's talking about pearl clutchers and sob sisters.
Nixon said something at some point that I think is relevant.
>The Commission contends that the proliferation of filthy books and plays has no lasting harmful effect on a man’s character. If that were true, it must also be true that great books, great paintings, and great plays have no ennobling effect on a man’s conduct. Centuries of civilization and 10 minutes of common sense tell us otherwise.
I think there's a difference between what's being described here and a dislike of rampant lasciviousness in the public space. Compare Nazi Germany to the Weimar Republic. It's not as though the nazis didn't give any consideration to sexual morality.