Do you use it? Is it good? Are there better alternatives?

Attached: Ranger-screenshot.png (522x304, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>the virgin ranger
>the chad midnight commander

but muh vim bindings and previews

Noice is Not Noice (nnn)

> not using the command line as fm

Attached: shinji-my-son-yuo-are-men-now-yu-must-choose.png (500x643, 150K)

this. if you need to do more things just use dolphin. I don't get why people are so autistic

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>Are there better alternatives?
Just Bash with rsync/cp/mv/ln, create your own aliases and scripts for things you do often. Or pcmanfm when I want to move pictures because thumbnails helps.

I use it because depending what I'm doing I like miller columns but man it's so fucking slow

>better alternatives



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mc, if in cli, but as said is enough. I use dolphin. Why make things harder?

Does it have previews and comparable features?

No. No previews. That's better in ranger. But why not use dolphin which has thumbnails?

I use emacs dired. If not, midnight commander.
ranger is for suckless vifags like Luke shit

Because I prefer using keyboard unless I edit something graphical. Ranger is designed for keyboard.

TUI programs are a meme, they are just crippled GUIs

Does it have previews and other shit Ranger can do?

I use lf.
It's a lot like ranger but less bloated and not written in python.

Will check it out.
How much of a pain it is to configure?

What a mess

previews like that?

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yeah, ls, cd cp mv rm

What is a productive, non-meme distribution?

yes, usually one of the first things i install on any new linux install

its faster than ls

Any vifm bros out there?

Mint or Manjaro. Everything else is either too raw or too geeky.

Kaworu was made for Asuka.

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Is there a way to get image previews in nnn?

I can't get it to show image previews so no.

is there a way to drag and drop files from ranger into the browser?

Probably not, but I guess you can make a script that opens a file in your browser or some shit

fff is as lightweight as you can get and it offers an additional vim plugin if you want it.

rip gadaffi
will be missed :'(

I have used noice, but not noice is not noice. Would probably be good.

otherwise midnight or cli

Emacs dired

how does this differ to vifm

I love MC over ranger.

Something just doesn't flow right with the tiling style.
I like having two panes to swap back n force that are in a static location.

r u using a light terminal theme? DISGUSTANG

it does scp

It does have previews and, unlike ranger, it isn't a godawful hack. What other 'shit' can ranger do?

you are retarded, tui programs are superior

no, its python shit
yes, vifm

Just use emacs for everything.


Emacs it's just too fucking big and slow.
It's like using a swiss army knife with hundreds of extensions to, say, unscrew something instead of using a proper screwdriver.

strange way to say PCMan-FM but okay not everyone speaks perfectly english.

It's like carrying a proper tool kit instead of a backpack with a hundred tools, each of which has seven more just like it.


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I don't really feel the slowness, so I don't care much about how big it is. It does almost everything I need on a computer, so I save on mental context-switching and it's worth it

For example, I need to edit some config file. I don't have any editor opened. Vim or Nano loads instantly from terminal. With Emacs it's like loading GIMP to rotate an image instead of using ImageMagic.

most people use it in server mode, you start it once then it's just as fast

this Start emacs once in server mode at startup as a background service, then have a quick alias for `emacsclient -nw`

So it's like a preload for web browser or something?

More like starting a vm in the background and letting it boot so until you get to it you have a session ready. Remember emacs is a lisp machine, of sorts, and all its code is programs that run on it.

I think, that's my problem with emacs.
I don't want it to be my desktop environment, I just want a good text editor with nice features like org-mode.
I mostly use i3 WM, so I'm not sure how reasonable Emacs will be working with it.

I don't use it as a DE, but I do use it as a great IDE, note organizer, VCS, RSS reader, slack client, and an occasional browser.
Like I said, I like not having to context switch

After getting previews to work its good

They're so cute together. Kaworu is the perfect partner to everyone though, so it's basically cheating.

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why don't you just use a normal fucking gui file explorer like someone who has sex.

Because gui file explorer have less functionality and minimal keyboard support.


Double-column FMs are kind of meh

>Ubuntu is too raw or too geeky

We don't talk about Ubuntu here. It's shit in its base form.

Good argument. Next you should say something about his mom.