I've just finished lunch and now I'm drinking black coffee. What is Jow Forums up to?

I've just finished lunch and now I'm drinking black coffee. What is Jow Forums up to?

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drinking tea

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Up to my balls in your mum

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drinking garbage and staining your mouth
here, take this flower

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Already took your mum's

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Rudeboi being rude to person with good tastes yet again

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how is it going? you still ill?

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how have thing been going since you moved to spain fren ?

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my comrades got completely btfo'd and im the last one alive

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I'm drinking terrible cheap beer that will make me feel like shit tomorrow and playing videogames, I want to play that GuP game but I'm too addicted to Monster Hunter

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rip must be lonely without your frens

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stop when you feel you are getting drunk thats all you have to do.
bought the new MH for pc and got bored incredibly quick, my friends already have +200h in it
now im trying to establish a new kingdom in Jow Forums

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i got better shortly after
thanks for asking
how's the sabbath?

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You will end up getting btfo by gay Visigoth boys again desu

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not doing sabbath since my mood is in the shitter
it will be short but intense

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my day is over and im gonna settle down wih some beers and maby a whiskey and play borderlands 2 with my two best friends and maybe smoke a pipe of Orlik Golden Sliced after

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Taking a nap in a McDonald's parking lot. AMA

but you're supposed to keep it holy
I don't think Yahweh approves

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nice, i also ma making one
i'm a making video
this name: heheheheheheh.mp4 the undoctrine
so you can listen my pool mouth XD

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There is a really important paper requiring loads of time I must turn in next weekend. And I haven't even started to look it up yet. Stresses has forced me back to here once again senpai.

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i've tried playing borderland 2 too many times but it always ends up giving me terrible headaches, they took the cell shading to the extreme compared to the first one
i work for him all day everyday so he forgives me. he doesnt forgive garbage drinkers tho

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don't forget you are here forever, you belong here

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t-that can't be true. I am definitely better than this!!!

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why do people always wait till the last 1-2 days to to do homework/study?

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A divine being that dislikes tea cannot exist
therefore your god does not

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yahveh created tea as a trap to catch gentiles

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This is actually a thoughtful question. For me I guess it's the blind confidence that I will definitely finish the task on time. Why do the work when there is still time to have fun?

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how does kohai have fun? posting on bant of course

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this is now a tea thread
what tea should i make now?

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Tea is only for the most discerning of gentlemen.
I wouldn't expect you or your god to understand


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Don't drink black tea user!!! I have suffered from insomnia several times because of drinking dark tea at night. Maybe some chrysanthemum tea with a little bit of honey?
Yeah I think I need to find myself some offline hobbies.

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i don't have any chamomile tea

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Some green tea maybe?

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you could start working out
of course not because im a girl!
kids this is how you must not be, dont follow their examples

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i haven't been sleeping well recently anyway
but i haven't been drinking black tea

i think i'll make green tea with some honey

we've been over this
You're a rudeboi thus you cannot be a girl
There is no such thing as a rudegril

Sounds nice~
I wish i could too but i just ran out of green tea
Maybe i'll get something else...

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>theres no such thing as rudegrill
here you have me

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I want 8 hours

nope, u a rudeboi

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i don't have any honey but i do have maple syrup what do?
what tea do you have?
offensively impolite and bad-mannered young or relatively young man

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Maybe you should try refraining from drinking tea for a day cause good sleep is really important.
After the final maybe. I am going to work on my paper now and hopefully see you on Christmas rude senpai.

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by not considering me a girl you're being incredibly mysoginist
see you tomorrow!

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but i like drinking tea...

i don't have anything against wymins
ur just gay lole

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Just drink it plain if no honey exists, maple syrop does not sound good
i got some nice english breakfast tea~

By trying to deceive me into believing you're a girl you're being incredibly rude!

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any interesting plans for today?
somebody needs to teach you a lesson

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it's too late

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oi you told me to cut my benin off

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not really
gonna get some chinese in a sec
i guess that might count
any for you?

how it taste?

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you also need to remove your balls, you can keep them as a souvenir tho

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not good

stoopp do not snib benin or balle
i don't want a severed testicle souvenir

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make some new tea and rember to buy honey when you go next to the store

no, my mood is in the shitter. you should order grilled duck/pekin duck, its pretty fucking good. i dont like chinese beers, they're generally really soft
you could use your snibbed benis as a dildo and stick it up your own ass

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yeah i will
my curiosity got the better of me


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hope you feel nicer soon~
Moms ordering so it's generally out of my hands what we get, i just said i wanted fried shrimps and something with chicken or pork in it
only beers i ever had were scandi or german

Don'y you have any suger if you really want to sweeten it?

i do but i'm dumb

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didnt know there were chinese in iceland
to look beautiful you need to make sacrifices

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but what's so wrong with benin that you have to snib?

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It's ok
i like to experiment sometimes too
some of them did not go so well either...

there are a few
my neighbors were once chinese
they were nice, had bunnies that you could pet

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girls are better!
im surrounded by slavs and latin americans

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benin can be nice nu snib >:c

i have drank my beers
now i ate some smoked salmon and will pour myself a whiskey before smoking

hmh? what did you do?

but boys without benin are still boys
just without a benin
there is more to being male than simply having a penis and there is more to being female than not having one

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its hard to live among them
>no sweet liqueur
sorry me no understando engrishu

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I can agree first-hand with you.
And keep in mind that the ones that moved to first world countries are generally the more educated and rich ones.

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I like whisky. Goes Well with tobacco

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my benin ;-;
rip hopes and dreams of being a cute trap

There are many slavs over there?
and aren't the latinos like your little cousins?
They aren't too intolerable if they know your language right?

I don't remember most of them honestly
and those i do remember i actually liked.
i think i once tried to put too much yeast to see if i could get extra much pizza
it made it too much and tasted not good, felt too airy

so do bullets apparently

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>so do bullets apparently
Does Jow Forums not like bang bangs?

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i want to smoke pipe too but there are too many and i dont know what to choose
why would you want to be a trap when you can be a girl
mostly romanians and ukranians, very few poles. latinos and us share some differences, they're less civilized and more nihilistic

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>i want to smoke pipe too but there are too many and i dont know what to choose
get a Missouri Meerschaum Legend cob and whatever non aromatic tobacco you have available, a pipe tool, some cleaners and some matches, should be fairly cheap and a good start

or, estate pipes, term for second hand pipes, can also be a good option if you local tobacconist have some that have been refurbished

bang bang naisu
but i cant be gril and anywey i dun giv a fucc about gender

I don't really care
i just thought it was funny that there were random bullet casings strewn about your desk

I see
we have very many poles here.most of them barely know a word in icelandic or even english
those who do are alright tho
i met a cute polish girl the other day that clearly was trying but hadn't quite got the icelandic down, her accent was cute as well

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>i just thought it was funny that there were random bullet casings strewn about your desk
me too, thanks

but snib vagenes are weird

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Nothing much, didnt have work today.

is it that different smoking pipe instead of cigarettes?
ok dont do anything then hmpf
did you go running?
what about moors and niggers?

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Nope, wasnt in the mood to go today.

>is it that different smoking pipe instead of cigarettes?
Very different. You don't inhale the smoke to your lungs and the tobacco doesn't have hey fuel in it

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durries are sweet cause u get to die faster and pipes make u look classy as fuc

not too many and most of them integrate pretty well all things considered
i think our name is probably to blame, they don't wanna go to somewhere as cold sounding as iceland

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i just love pipe tobacco, especially very strong english blends, like Peterson Irish Flake

yeah some blends taste really nice

holy shit they look delicious, why is the pipe in the middle so weird
i literally know nothing about iceland

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yeah, me either, i didnt do cardio this week yet but i dont feel like getting out of the bed

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>holy shit they look delicious, why is the pipe in the middle so weird
This one?

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>What is Jow Forums up to?
Got bored and decided to give this place a visit since I haven't been here in almost a year

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nice choice, bant is pretty comfy

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It's a German porcelain pipe AND it has DEER on it!
Not like the white pipe all the way to the left, that's meerschaum, expensive and changes colour as you smoke it more, but very fragile, wouldn't recommend for a beginner
Get something like the third from the right or second from the left

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btw which whisky are you drinking?

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Had a cheap 4 pack of whiskey tasters from Canada,America,Ireland,Scotland

They are not very good and obviously very cheap. But might as well

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thats a bloody beauty