Stop this madness America

Stop this madness America

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fuck off pofftah

the only things america did wrong was not leaving her in jail longer

american culture

Good goy

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Im circunziced and dont complain

I know. It should have been longer jail time.

but user

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circumcision prevents penile cancer and increases fertility

>Israeli flag
Impartial advice from someone who is in no way a Jew.

>from a Muslim country

I really dont think it matters that much, Thanks for being based as always

Muslims own us, yes. But they didn't start making us get their religious snip yet.

What's your excuse, friend?

Your dad said it tastes better.

Personal hygiene.

jail the dad for child abuse

we should also remove our lungs to prevent lung cancer


Nah, homosexuality is haram.

Huh pretty based unironically, Florida woman was just in her actions for once.

Is it really that hard to just teach your kid to peel the foreskin back and keep it clean? Also the whole cancer thing sounds like pseudoscience to me.

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That's fine, so am I. The problem is the parents didn't consent to having their child circumstanced, that was forced unto them which is wrong. Parents should choose what they believe is best for their children.

she tried to cock block her son? god, not the brown smelly one, bless her

It’s a practice in decline. I was born in 1998 and I was not cut.

The more penis you have the more you have tissue where penis cancer can develop
that's like saying we have to remove our skin to prevent skincancer