How is your development environment set-up?

How is your development environment set-up?
I am currently using QT Creator for C++ and it's good, but I am bored and looking to branch out.

Attached: DeepinScreenshot_select-area_20190607001110.png (1651x781, 207K)

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>awfully long lines

Im using GNU/Emacs with some auto-completing addons and Make-files


I just like snake_case aesthetically
If the lines are not complicated I prefer keeping the lines long; gotta use that 16:9 monitor somehow

CamelHoe detected


I don't mind snake_case but what bothers me is having _ after a name like your sizes_data_

>that one makefile i wrote ages ago for all projects

it's a personal convention for private members

I use lzz(lazy c++) , a make , and vscode . Vs code is shit so i'll probably move to QT Creator when i get sick of VScode sucking up all my ram and using 5GB+ of my hdd for its intellisense cache.

Go back to C you fucking idiot.

just fuck off

Don't conventions say member variables have `_` as a prefix instead of a suffix?

>suffixing variable names
>attaching * to variable name instead of type name
>commented out cout statements for debugging instead of using break points

Attached: yikes.jpg (834x650, 115K)

>>that one makefile i wrote ages ago for all projects
I did this too.

i am set in my wrong ways, i know it doesn't make sense

Attached: 1518518025628.gif (296x259, 999K)

>>attaching * to variable name instead of type name
Everyone does this, and tbqfah I find it incredibly retarded

google conventions use trailing _

How do I turn on intellisense?

Give KDevelop a try.

on vscode?
-click the extensions icon
-type C/C++
-download the microsoft C/C++ plugin
-configure/tweak it by following instructions

Their plugin is kinda trash though. Its slow and uses up a fuckload of hdd storage.My project is almost 20k lines and this plugin is really starting to piss me off.

> int* p, q;
i, user...

Anyone used ddd?
Its basically the vs debugger but on linux(ie you can hover over shit and it displays the value).

more like "C++"

The Google style guide is trash for you and me, and great for their team (as would be any style guide). The rationale for avoiding an underscore as the prefix is that some names beginning with a prefix are reserved, and you don't want to clash with them. You could begin with an 'm', but eh, I prefer the suffix.
Then again, the suffix _t is reserved by POSIX for types but I don't fucking care about that.


I've always heard it as m_ prefix

all based

There's really not much better unless you want to switch to cmake or some other trash build system. I'm using qtcreator+qmake in vim mode with formatting and style guide I stole from work. I use vim for one-off edits rather than digging around in a gui.

Turn on -Werror and -Wall and fix your goddam code. Use instead of new, your memcheck tool will thank you.

Make a formatter compile target using clang format or some such, your life will be improved.

Just accept there are no good C++ ides and get back to writing code.

careful with all that memory management. try to abstract it away somehow..

But that's bloated, isn't it? We discussed that in a class I had recently.

Lol look up RAII and unique_ptr and shared_ptr

> catch failure caused by the H5File operations
> catch(H5::FileIException error)

How braindead do you have to be to write a commend like that?

Doesn't that make it harder to reason about since it's more abstracted out now? A professor at my uni told us this. He's a plan9 user and follows the UNIX philosophy.

No. I don't have time to explain bc I'm gonna make dinner but I work at a place with expert C++ PhD developers (not me) and they use smart pointers and RAII for everything. Just read about it

Idk I trust my plan9 professor when it comes to writing fast and maintainable software. He showed us his Linux desktop at one of our classes and it only used minimal suckless utils like surf, st, mutt and dwm.