Read threads on Jow Forums for weeks while understanding half of the words

>read threads on Jow Forums for weeks while understanding half of the words
>decide linux mint sounds cool and download
>it is cool

What now? I want to start programming, so what language and programs should I use?

Attached: Yjb1Z.jpg (962x776, 131K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You DID install Gentoo, didn't you?

well what do you want to do

learn python, ignore all the meme language suggestions
figure out how to learn it on your own

Be told what I should do

>Install a tiling window manager (I personally use i3, but there are some other great options, like dwm)
>Install arch
>Rice (customize) them
>Learn C++ (Make sure to read a book, not some meme online course and/or coding bootcamp or some other shit)

>after many fuck ups
>after getting hacked
>despite having no purpose
>despite going unmaintained for months because of gay developers

Start with C, that should give you the foundations. From there, you should find learning any language easy. It just depends on what you want to do with programming.

This but better don't do that

Forgot to mention, learn how to use a good text editor, such as Vim or Emacs. In my case it's Emacs with evil mode. Start with Vim and see if you like it, its keybindings are great and there are tons of other programs that are based on them (see again, tiling window managers).

Getting advice from Jow Forums is a terrible idea. Most of the people arguing on these boards either don't know what they're talking about, or they do but just feel like trolling or being contrarian for sport.

I didnt really read that much into it, it just sounded easy to use.

install some text editor(if you want a botnet one it's your choice) to code and search online tutorials about python or install a java IDE if you want to have a shitty job. Your distro already have an intuitive package installer that makes all easy peasy for you.

is just ubuntu with a wallpaper, fag it's no easier or harder to use. it's just less maintained

user, this skiddie does not have a job

not how it works

>now how it works
based delusional mintjeet

Start with C. Wish I had done that instead of Python/JS meme.

literally exactly how it works, but you don't realise it yet

>what is a DE

Attached: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTKS_MlcZCLVb-bFm8N8r7Hodvuiku2FP1WpYvr8BBC7EKmPJMdxo.jpg (95x108, 2K)
Congratulations, you've made Linux Mint.

Based and redpilled

Uninstall linux mint and install windows

dual boot

who are you quoting?


Okay friend I'll give you a proper answer.

1) Install MX Linux, choose the x64 version
2) For programming I recommend learning C with
K. N. King's book: "C Programming A Modern approach", do all the exercises.

Get acquaintanced with tools such as gcc (the compiler), gdb (the debugger), etc.
Also as a programming environment just use "nano" on your terminal, search on google how to configure nano to give you tabs to spaces and set every tab size to "4" (4 spaces = 1 tab)
And then you're good to go.

After you're done with that do this course:
And you'll be able to turn a computer inside out.


The bias you people have towards Mint is astounding. Security hasn't been a concern with mint for quite some time now, and that screenshot you guys all love to post is all out of date. Ubuntu's had their forums hacked multiple times, hell even last year Gentoo's github was hacked and changed into nigger linux, but no one seems to care about or remember that. Also theres no official Ubuntu Cinnamon spin so until that happens Mint still has a unique DE going for it at least. Seriously though, is all the hate mint gets just JIDF reacting to what clem said about Israel?

Attached: 1557981544979.jpg (1079x760, 581K)

I feel like C and Scheme (or its modern successors Racket and Clojure) are the best way to learn computer science.

On a second thought, just go with xubuntu instead.

*easy way
open notepad and start javascript

*the right way
install python than C than anything you want..