What happens if/when Q is exposed as a LARP?

most people understand that at best Q is a LARP, at worst it's a psyop. what will happen if Q is exposed and found to be larping? i predict the boomer meltdown will be like nothing ever seen. imagine believing in santa or the toothfairy up until middle age and one day you find out that not only are they fake, but they're also mocking you and your belief to the highest degree. epic, them finding out will be absolutely epic.

Attached: qanon2.jpg (750x941, 109K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Q and the Lonely Poster

Good Band Name

It already happened several times and they still drink the cool aid.

They won't. They'll say well it got us to do our own research. It's truely fucked up!

no, i mean EXPOSED, like a full name and age and book tour and all the rest of it.

i give them a bit more credit, the rabid ones, at least. these people will be pissed.

Depends who it turns out to be I suppose.

i agree. if it turns out to be some low-level leftist activist dude will be lynched in the streets. metaphorically, ofc. or not. if they're being scammed by some leftist in intelligentsia there could be be hearings. or maybe it will just fall off the radar, like the mainstream is doing now. it's hard to gauge, nothing like this has ever happened.

boomer mass suicide

Attached: kill_me.jpg (950x534, 131K)

Q is real, his followers are just mostly stupid.

Death camps

gay faggot thread. enjoy being gay faggots and fucking eachothers rotten assholes

>Q is a LARP
Hi shillcuck.

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Boomers commit mass suicide Robert Bowers style, achieving an epic redemption arc and are remembered throughout history as heroes that took the title from their parents of being truly the Greatest Generation.

Has Q even made any concrete predictions about anything?

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Bill Maher GTF off Jow Forums
This is not TV
This is not HBO
This is Jow Forums

Attached: qbillmaher.jpg (629x354, 13K)

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Muh proofs

Attached: herecomesthewall.jpg (435x590, 116K)

For a faggot boomer band yeah that's a good name

>yes good goyim
>believe the mass media
>conspiracy theories aren't real

Attached: qmemeball.jpg (644x598, 66K)

Attached: youcrazygoysandyourconspiracies.jpg (428x629, 172K)

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Did you catch his little Q&A session the other day? After seeing that shit show im 100% convinced its a shit show with no factual basis in reality. Whatever the Q team is, is a bunch of severely autistic basement dwellers with stick pin string diagrams all over a room and at least in their 40's. Maybe even some professors of different backgrounds pulling an experiment of sorts. I just cant buy that its real now. Not even a little bit.

Attached: 1544638993159.gif (300x300, 498K)


Attached: qmossad.jpg (430x516, 66K)

Attached: allforaLARP.png (427x766, 61K)

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>saving Israel for last

Attached: qawanisrael.jpg (416x536, 47K)

Q is not the same q. The real q said trust sessions

Attached: 7a1961b501587f3a100dac82af8fe098b547ae4276414e171b369bf2457fa251.jpg (1275x1650, 472K)

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Daily reminder
Using an open source password cracker (hashcat), publicly available information, and a little guess work about Q's favored key space, a user can successfully recover all of the passwords that correspond to Q tripcodes. These are posted below in chronological order of use:

Tripcode: ITPb.qbhqo -> Password: Matlock
Tripcode: UW.yye1fxo -> Password: M@tlock!
Tripcode: xowAT4Z3VQ -> Password: Freed@m-
Tripcode: 2jsTvXXmXs -> Password: F!ghtF!g
Tripcode: 4pRcUA0lBE -> Password: NowC@mes
Tripcode: CbboFOtcZs -> Password: StoRMkiL
Tripcode: A6yxsPKia. -> Password: WeAReQ@Q

Note that Q seems to be unaware that the algorithm only takes the first 8 characters of the password and ignores the rest. In the past, Q has claimed to have baked meaning and foreknowledge of future events into these passwords, in particular, the 4pRcUA0lBE:NowC@mes tripcode-password pair. If I understand correctly, Q claims that the full password was "NowC@mesTHEP@in---23," with 23 signifying the date of an important event, but anything beginning with "NowC@mes" would yield the same tripcode signature. This weakness severely undercuts any claimed predictive power and indicates a possible intent to mislead. For example, all of the following passwords should yield the same tripcode, 4pRcUA0lBE:

NowC@mesTheKing -- Q is Snoop Dogg
NowC@mesTheSun -- Q is Ringo Starr
NowC@mesTheAnswer-42 -- Q is Douglas Adams

These can all be tested at at minichan's tripcode test page. minichan.org/triptest?name=A#NowC@mesTheAnswer-42 .

To directly test all of these examples with a DES cypher, go to functions-online.com/crypt.html , paste the password in, and use the second and third characters of the password as the salt. The tripcode will be the final ten characters of the resulting DES hash.

Attached: sherlockholmesgetaloadofthis.gif (320x240, 2.87M)

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>what happens if/when Q is exposed as a LARP?
What happened when scientists proved God can't exist in space? Was it the end of religions?

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copy/pasta on lock, you've been found out (shill)

Oh look...this copypasta again.
What do tripcodes matter if Q's info is good?
>Watch as the shills refuse to answer the question.

Attached: datass.png (295x640, 139K)

What did Q mean by this? (pic)
Is Merkel really related to Hitler?
Does this mean Hitler was part of the globalist elite?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-12-15 Qmap.png (417x610, 36K)

you're an insufferable faggot and your life has no purpose.

Attached: turbo_autism.jpg (713x1120, 158K)

This should give you a fairly good understanding as to how Q fits in with the bigger picture.

Attached: Q_WEB_KEY-01.jpg (1080x1440, 690K)

flat earther detected

Attached: the-goyim-know-shut-it-down-jew-walkie-talkie.jpg (408x632, 32K)

god you just know some 60 year old boomer cunt is the one writing that

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My biggest dream

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No. But that maybe the attraction. A bit like Nostradamus for people who don't like poetry.

>them finding out will be absolutely epic.

Depends what you consider epic, and for who? Boomers don't admit defeat, they haven't ever and they won't start now. AND they control most of the wealth. This LARP was a poor decision. When it's exposed... they will MAKE it be true even if its at the expense of everything and everyone.

Actually no i dont believe in flat earth. I actually followed Q and wanted to believe but that Q&A and the questions he chose to answer was ridiculous. Q will have to come up with something really legit to pull me back in.

same. it started like that for me when he was shouting out all the people with Q signs at the rally just before the midterms. he didn't stop at those people either, he was mentioning people from twitter with Q signs, and facebook posts. it was just blatant in your face worldstar hiphop level bullshit. pissed me right off


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I think its an overblown fantasy, and the boomers holding up q cards are paid shills and cia niggers.

The same with color coding.

Attached: q-key-3-23-letter_.jpg (2454x3300, 3.93M)

Wishful thinking. Suicide is primarily a trait for gen X and later. Boomers will murder, lie, twist whatever until the narrative makes them right.

That was a very close call. Luckily the missile didn't hit AF1.

Attached: missile.png (4572x975, 2.34M)

Opposite of Communism. Thesis->Antithesis->Synthesis. Classic duality, hegelian dialect.

Switzerland always neutral, another red flag.

Who knows.. many movements are financed by (((them))) initially only for them to later break away and wake up to the spiel. At which point you get destroyed.

That Q post doesn't look or read at all like the original Q posts. A stark contrast I must say.

I mean i guess if you want to still believe you can take the stress test end failed statement as Q is about to be reveales and was testing to see if infinity chan could handle the influx of questions to come.

Ladies and gentlemen.. the name of the game is CONTROL. When a small group needs to CONTROL a massive group, they use any and all means to retain that position. WAKE UP!

a true boomer knows when to kick his air addiction.

Attached: robin-williams-ocean-facebook-2.jpg (618x340, 14K)

This is one of my favorite Q posts, because it proves that Q is in direct contact with the president. Additionally, phrases like "Yes, Mr. President, Anons are actively tracking" make me feel like I'm part of a real-life Tom Clancy novel.

Attached: 2420.jpg (1094x596, 77K)

>Q is a LARP
Too many "coincidences" to be fake. kys shill.

someone needs to tell these cia niggers to stop writing like 13yo. Its almost like they think their target audience is retarded.

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The way those Q larp posts are written rustles me so hard.
Like babbies first whatcoulditmean posting.

If Q is LARPing, it would mean that Trump is also LARPing, which is certainly familiar territory as far as elected officials go. It wouldn't make any sense. Anyone with the resources and know-how to pull off something like that would know that it would also be a waste of time.

Q is Emmanuel Goldstein

Here is an analysis of how Q may have created the picture in post number 1675.

Attached: WelcomeAboard2.png (2370x1995, 1.34M)

For reference: Q1675.

Attached: 1675.png (564x767, 99K)

Reverse 007 confirms

Attached: 35tp1y.jpg (196x310, 16K)

>scientists proved god cannot exist in space
[citation needed]

Another interesting picture posted by Q was in post number 1566. At face value it appears to show a part of Trump's face taken from a close distance.

Attached: 1566.png (559x693, 124K)

Attached: ugly-cat-9.jpg (500x394, 34K)

Q is Emmanuel Goldstein

Isn't it ?

However, when one considers the fact that the underlying picture was originally posted on a Brazilian news website several months earlier, we must re-evaluate our thinking. Personally, I believe this suggests some kind of a connection with the deep state and Brazil. Child trafficking, maybe?

The website in question: brasil247.com/pt/digiclub/digiclub/349234/Trump-intensifica-ataque-contra-Amazon-e-critica-impostos-e-entregas.htm

Attached: eyebrow2.png (1282x439, 621K)

Nice digits.. Q is Emmanuel Goldstein

not really. the eternal boomer is a functioning part of society and as such must get the basic level of respect he deserves.

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Q isn't like Deep Throat. It'll be impossible to prove or disprove Q's identity.
>Qanon is a shelf stocker or a burger flipper, not an intelligence official.
>Qanon is an anonymous internet poster with no real world connections, so there will be nobody to verify his identity.
On both counts, Deep Throat was a real person with real insider knowledge and connections.

Any moron could claim to be Q and have a fairly credulous claim, because Q is basically a schizophrenic political media addict.

Does it matter if Q is actually real?
Isn't Q more like a movement and mindset of like-minded individuals?
And that is why they state we are all Q...?

Q isn’t a single person, it’s a group of people, Thomas wictor and James Dirksen among them. They’ve already been exposed


One of the earliest Q-proofs involve a tweet posted by Trump on November 8, 2017. The picture attached to the tweet displays Trump and his staff members showing a "thumbs up" gesture, commonly understood as a sign of approval.

The file name of the picture starts with "DOITQ". You may make your own conclusions what Trump meant by that.

The tweet: twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/928325667556548608

Additional "do it Q" Twitter pictures from the same time period have been discovered:


The significance of these is yet unknown.

Attached: DOITQJ8UIAAowsQ.jpg (2048x1345, 390K)

Funny what a Q cultist will be live constitutes evidence. Trust mueller! Trust sessions!

>Note that Q seems to be unaware that the algorithm only takes the first 8 characters of the password and ignores the rest

No The group calling themselves Q is aware of that. That’s an important part of their con. It allows them to invent the last part of the password after an event and then claim the password proves foreknowledge

now look here buddy. it is not our mission to de-moralize the eternal boomer. leave that to jidf.

forgot pic

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I like how you have zero argument or logical counter-explanation. Shills like you have made Jow Forums more cancer than it has ever been.

The main question is, WHO is Q really?
Some basement autists couldn't make all this shit up, so it has to be someone on the high levels.

>basement autists
don't underestimate basement autism

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There is no argument because the picture you posted is complete nonsense. When Q gets exposed as fake, please don't hang yourself.

I want to do it. When the day comes where everything that Q promised happens, it won't be because of him, and you stupid boomer cultists will hang alongside all the rest.

>The file name of the picture starts with "DOITQ". You may make your own conclusions what Trump meant by that.
Or you could, y'know, read Q's own explanation.

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>I don't have to argue anything because fuck you.
You are one shitty shill.

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Very interesting. Has he explained the meaning of all the other "do it Q/Z/G/A/I" pictures?



I don't have to argue with you, this is an anime website. Nobody has to argue with anyone, and I'm too busy laughing at you.

If half of you Q autists actually got some torches and pitchforks and took a trip to washington, maybe you could actually get something done. But no, you're better off "trusting the plan". Kikes.

Trust in R. Don't give a shit if anyone already made this joke