This thing is so shitty and laggy that it's unbelievable. I fucking hate footfags

This thing is so shitty and laggy that it's unbelievable. I fucking hate footfags.

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Ho ho ho ha ha, ho ho ho he ha. 'Ello, my old chum. I’m gnot an gnelf. I’m gnot a goblin. I’m a gnome. And you’ve been, GNOMED!!!

Attached: gnomed.jpg (220x190, 7K)

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this is a dead meme even on youtube cringetards

>freetards make the only good graphical interface
>gets shitted on by autists because it just works
fuck off gatekeeper

After a long time with a comfy Openbox setup on my laptop, I switched to GNOME, because I just became attached to the workflow from my main PC. The RAM usage effectively doubled, but there's no noticeable difference as far as responsiveness is concerned.
Why am I writing this blog? Because I don't understand what kind of hardware you guys are running, when even my 8 year old HP laptop handles GNOME without a problem.

i don't see anyone shitting on kde

>this is a dead meme even on youtube cringetards

Attached: soyboy.gif (365x400, 498K)

>wojak edit
>s o y boy
Oh, the irony.

I've never seen someone with an IQ lower than 140 using Gnome.

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I haven't seen anyone with an IQ higher than 30 use gnome.
Guess what we have in common

gnome is the worst fucking DE in existence. it is the windows 10 of lignux desktop environments: utter trash and a sheer disappointment.

Bow down and worship the foot.

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This. I had awesome setup perfectly and then tried gnome, decided that workflow was almost identical to mine, and stuck with it.

I have a foot fetish and I use i3-gaps + polybar

>he actually cares about what jokes are popular

I'm not surprised, all men are footfags.

KDE isn't worthy of mention,let alone,my shit.

>t. roastie

well its the only de that can get me perfect mouse dpi with no acceleration unlike the others that make it way to slow or cant disable acceleration fully enjoy your out dated software old men

Maybe it doesn't have as much features as KDE, but it's stable and well-designed. Also, the laggy meme is kinda old, name me one element of GNOME that lags.

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Ok, this is the kind of post that really makes me fucking angry.
I now demand you explain, in detail, the mental process that led you to this conclusion.

I have tried GNOME, KDE and Xfce. I agree that the first is laggy but it just werks and the design is consistent. KDE is fucked up, there are too many buttons which is annoying, but you don't have to click them so it's fine. The problem is that it broke my KDE Neon installation when my PC automatically suspended after reaching low battery. After resuming, xorg wouldn't work, not even after rebooting. Xfce is good but I hated the tearing, it felt like using a PC from 15 years ago. So in the end GNOME is the least shitty of those 3 DEs.

why does it make you angry?

Looks like someone hit the nail on the head.