A gril I love doesn't find me interesting enough

a gril I love doesn't find me interesting enough.

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Does she said you so?

She didn't say it for she doesn't even hear nor notice me when I talk to her.

Is that so?

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Did she was said she find you interesting not?

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Well do you like her personality or looks?

Dump her and be a Chad devoted to YOURSELF, not some gril that will dump you given any opportunity anyway.

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one can't love personality. She's just a qt and gentle towards people...other people, not like I

You should go to dance classes.
Learn a cool dance, buy her chocolates and surprise her. Don't forget to wear a fedora.

Buddy here's a little protip
If you reach the stage where you wonder about what she thinks of you you've already lost
The point is for YOU to be interested in HER, not the other way around
Don't talk about yourself just talk about her and what she likes
She won't give a shit about how boring you are if the attention is constantly drawn to her instead
This charade quickly falls apart once you actually get in a relationship but the point is it's a surefire way to start one

Romance languages sound nice, ie!

vero questo

chi cita

tua mamma

You are right. Sounds like it should work.

It worked for me
We're a month and a half into a relationship and she still has no fucking clue what kind of person I am

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Have you atleast fucked?

Get a Vietnamese mail order bride. Absolutely no personality so you'll be fascinating to them always

Dude no she's a virgin, and absolutely clueless about everything. She's never really gotten physical with anyone and it's really really obvious. I literally have to teach her everything from scratch

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1. How taller are you than her?
2. Are you more handsome than peers?
3. Do you like other grils?

have you tried forcey fun time aka RAPE on her yet?