How many of us are still here? The board is so slow, sometimes i think there are just 20 or less posters here at any given time. If you lurk here everyday/almost everyday post in this thread.
>inb4 just namefags reply
Jow Forums headcount
Namefags you say?
>FPs + GF
lucky bastard
this post
i'm going to try to keep this thread up for at least 12 hours, preferably 24
can you do jack shit ?
I used to be a namefag but now I'm free from that curse
Go fuck yourself cunt
Sorry I missed that, did you say something about namefags?
put your old trip back
whiter than you achmed, richer than than you yuropoor, free-er than you muhammed, more advanced than you snowmonkey etc etc
Go Fuck Yourself!
whiter than you achmed, richer than than you yuropoor, free-er than you muhammed, more advanced than you islandmonkey etc etc etc
You are one of us now?
What's up nigger.
The Doktor is reporting in.
count my head! count my head!
lucky bastard
I'm still here, I guess.
I almost fucked a girl once
Which one?
best poster :3
o7 reporting for duty
>You are one of us now?
Nope, just thought it be funny for this thread.
I thought you were only like three people, Jow Forums. Congratz
shut up, skankhunt42!
bumping to keep this retarded thread alive
I used to daily, stopped for 2 months. Repeat this 3 times, now im back again
I used to be here daily, now I only check in once a week or less
I still come here daily. It's sad to see jojoleaf leave us. He mentioned he browses other boards. If anybody knows where else he goes, I want to know. I NEEEEED to jojopost at him some more. I'm going into withdrawal. That fucking leaf isn't gonna blueball me just by leaving r/banter!
I summon shit post day 8
sup wh*Tes
drive my taxi pls i have to make it home in time for one of you subhumans to try and scam me over the phone
Do you unironically have brain damage?
No. Only intelligent anons can understand the subtle themes and philosophy in Jojo.
>inb4 just namefags reply
you are me quoting
Just because you half-dip your posts in irony doesn't excuse the fact that you're an insufferable attention-seeking retard.
Fuck off, learn how to post properly and then you can come back.
I post semi-regularly, if that counts.
kot id get
I'm still here, occasionally.
Rare flag get.
God damned namefags
Sticky threads say there are a total of 100 or so posters
>tfw only decided to start visiting everyday when we're in an apparent activity drought
>digits checked
nice trips
Hey, another Dallasfag. I wonder if I've met you. I met a very autistic customer a few days ago, who could've been one of us.
hello user
look at all those nines
How was your day?
what's the point of this thread
Namefags are pretty cringy.
yeet my skeet
58 posters so far
good to see you again diego
I'm gonna say the N-word
why am i still here
Here, eh?
Rebording in
nice trips
checking in
One of the garbage Ausposter reporting in
Retardet Austrian for your service
basedboy onions onions onions
>lgbt is faster
How is that board so popular if the majority of gayposters don't even post there?
Are you a MADAO?
Sort of, though I'm only 25
Reporting in.
Probably a lot of circlejerks. I don't visit the degenerate boards, so I wouldn't know.
I just want everyone here to tell me I'm a good person