Jow Forums headcount

How many of us are still here? The board is so slow, sometimes i think there are just 20 or less posters here at any given time. If you lurk here everyday/almost everyday post in this thread.
>inb4 just namefags reply

Attached: 1529577929347.jpg (851x666, 57K)

Namefags you say?


>FPs + GF
lucky bastard

Attached: 1543774607543.gif (800x383, 219K)



Attached: 75af356df58c2ee490e67e32a5e8f9e8.jpg (963x1282, 110K)




this post

Attached: zoomer animated.gif (478x350, 84K)

i'm going to try to keep this thread up for at least 12 hours, preferably 24

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can you do jack shit ?

Attached: v1.bTsxMTIxNDI4NTtqOzE3OTk0OzEyMDA7MTUwNjsyMDc4.jpg (206x305, 24K)

I used to be a namefag but now I'm free from that curse

Attached: 3bd4610d9daa6d99aa1e1f67923146b4.jpg (564x389, 20K)

Go fuck yourself cunt

Attached: 1533562744465.jpg (1600x1200, 338K)

Sorry I missed that, did you say something about namefags?

Attached: Rally-Vincent-Gunsmith-Cats-Manga-Larry-e.jpg (500x653, 59K)

put your old trip back

whiter than you achmed, richer than than you yuropoor, free-er than you muhammed, more advanced than you snowmonkey etc etc

Go Fuck Yourself!


whiter than you achmed, richer than than you yuropoor, free-er than you muhammed, more advanced than you islandmonkey etc etc etc


Attached: 03c8cdb837a304c696011d72ac18047ff12e78a5_00.jpg (404x462, 16K)

You are one of us now?

Attached: 1543770964634.jpg (500x500, 54K)

What's up nigger.

Attached: 8b70ab7d7e44ac90ad0cb025e3c8f937--vietnam-history-south-vietnam.jpg (736x1107, 99K)

The Doktor is reporting in.

Attached: 3669.png (191x224, 32K)

count my head! count my head!

Attached: Yes!.png (960x540, 461K)

lucky bastard

I'm still here, I guess.

Attached: dance.gif (273x244, 478K)

I almost fucked a girl once

Attached: FB_IMG_1544727349829.jpg (1100x1600, 137K)

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Which one?


best poster :3

Attached: __bb_bb_and_kishinami_hakuno_fate_series_and_etc_drawn_by_karokuchitose__13f696513fb14d88e859748e0ab (820x1040, 694K)

Attached: what are you doing.gif (500x281, 1.11M)

o7 reporting for duty

>You are one of us now?
Nope, just thought it be funny for this thread.

Attached: rally 294939945.jpg (625x477, 59K)

I thought you were only like three people, Jow Forums. Congratz

shut up, skankhunt42!

bumping to keep this retarded thread alive

I used to daily, stopped for 2 months. Repeat this 3 times, now im back again

Attached: 1K83Etm.jpg (625x960, 73K)

I used to be here daily, now I only check in once a week or less

Attached: 1522592793848.jpg (800x1131, 155K)

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I still come here daily. It's sad to see jojoleaf leave us. He mentioned he browses other boards. If anybody knows where else he goes, I want to know. I NEEEEED to jojopost at him some more. I'm going into withdrawal. That fucking leaf isn't gonna blueball me just by leaving r/banter!

Attached: lick.gif (500x340, 920K)

I summon shit post day 8

sup wh*Tes

drive my taxi pls i have to make it home in time for one of you subhumans to try and scam me over the phone

Do you unironically have brain damage?

Attached: d280ffcbfb1393d2a5dceb2e13a6a4eadcb32a2529d3b30b9c012869c1624058.jpg (470x470, 30K)

No. Only intelligent anons can understand the subtle themes and philosophy in Jojo.

>inb4 just namefags reply
you are me quoting

Attached: whomstve-quote.png (443x354, 120K)

Just because you half-dip your posts in irony doesn't excuse the fact that you're an insufferable attention-seeking retard.
Fuck off, learn how to post properly and then you can come back.

I post semi-regularly, if that counts.

kot id get

I'm still here, occasionally.

Rare flag get.



Attached: 1544826370511.png (1280x720, 619K)

God damned namefags

Sticky threads say there are a total of 100 or so posters

>tfw only decided to start visiting everyday when we're in an apparent activity drought

Attached: Face swap.png (436x427, 277K)


Attached: 1543773008073.jpg (750x1024, 122K)

>digits checked
nice trips

Attached: 1543772923448.jpg (240x320, 104K)


Hey, another Dallasfag. I wonder if I've met you. I met a very autistic customer a few days ago, who could've been one of us.

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Attached: baby don't hurt me no more.png (500x500, 151K)

hello user

Attached: 1543790550070.jpg (1137x640, 33K)

look at all those nines

How was your day?

Attached: feels_great.jpg (500x500, 46K)

Attached: file.png (673x631, 80K)

what's the point of this thread

Attached: akar.jpg (660x557, 34K)


Attached: 1516271964446.jpg (1200x1600, 674K)

Namefags are pretty cringy.


yeet my skeet

58 posters so far

good to see you again diego

I'm gonna say the N-word


why am i still here



Here, eh?

Attached: 1536417628947.png (866x872, 35K)

Rebording in

Attached: vlcsnap-20161223211721error258.png (1920x1090, 1.21M)

nice trips
checking in

Attached: boi.jpg (909x963, 67K)

One of the garbage Ausposter reporting in

Retardet Austrian for your service

Attached: 1544079796718.gif (448x487, 1.71M)



Attached: b4sd.jpg (818x617, 286K)

basedboy onions onions onions

>lgbt is faster

How is that board so popular if the majority of gayposters don't even post there?

Are you a MADAO?

Attached: madao.jpg (400x300, 16K)

Sort of, though I'm only 25

Attached: 1515465282840.png (600x338, 135K)

Attached: 1544510182044.jpg (467x330, 40K)

Reporting in.

Probably a lot of circlejerks. I don't visit the degenerate boards, so I wouldn't know.

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I just want everyone here to tell me I'm a good person

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