So recently the people behind Gab made this:

So recently the people behind Gab made this:


Attached: thegabdab.jpg (1596x971, 72K)

Other urls found in this thread:

were you dropped on your head as a child?

based on a meme browser and tracks you everywhere by design

>A Brave fork
No, thanks.

GAB is for boomer MAGApedes.
Also freedom of speech doesn't include shouting nigger in the street.
Also, also, right-wingers care about actual freedom of expression as much as as left-wingers, that is to say they only apply it to speech they like and will happily censor what they don't like.

>Also freedom of speech doesn't include shouting nigger in the street.
It quite literally does.

>Also, also, right-wingers care about actual freedom of expression as much as as left-wingers, that is to say they only apply it to speech they like and will happily censor what they don't like.

I meant in the practical sense. I don't think you can do that literally. If you want to call the niggers out, just raise actual arguements against them.

Which if any medication have you taken and what does your normal diet consist of? I'm just trying to figure out what to avoid.

Aww, did I hurt your feefees, poltard?

Just uninstalled Brave and became DissenterBull. Thanks for the heads up.

My diet is fully kosher, why do you ask?

>I don't think you can do that literally
you can, nobody can jail you for calling nigger a nigger, if they can you don't have freedom of speech

What's wrong with Brave? It's Chromium based and almost entirely open source

I would be all over it if it wasn't Brave (Chrome) fork. I don't want to use Chrome.

>almost entirely open-source
so it's not open-source, do you know what means if you almost win the race? that you lost

This basically.

When Gab banned loli and called it "demonic" I knew we were dealing with retards.


Attached: 4aaa031f70dea5ee8200cddd5e81d4c691b22974e9697139850de2e36de309a6.jpg (399x288, 45K)
you're a moron if you unironically install this

But they're right.

Get back into the hole you crawled from, pedo.

Use lynx as much as possible.

It's so fucking easy to grift could conservatards by pretending to care about their freedom of speech, why didn't I get on this train early

Attached: u5umg94reux21.jpg (1080x1295, 179K)

Yeah it does apply to saying nigger. You see even if you believe in anti hate speech laws (which I dont) you need more then 1 word to actually achieve hate speech. If I say nigger without any other context it doesnt mean anything.

And yeah I do believe in full freedom of speech. Doesnt mean I cant debate you because you are retarded but I do believe in your right to say it. Big difference there. I wont censor you I will either ignore you or debate you.

Its like annudah shoah!

Attached: images (32).jpg (183x232, 12K)


>drawn images are offensive to me, please hire more soviet censors!

I hope you never watched violent movie or game, that would make you murderous psycho.

>be creator
>pitch Gabb as a "free speech alternative" to traditional social media
>winge on and on about people being treated like second class citizens simply for having the wrong opinion
>"freedom of speech means freedom to offend, everything is ok here"
>weeaboos turn up on the scene, along with their porn
>creator bans loli, calls it "demonic" and reportedly fails to grasp the idea that it's harmless drawings, aka speech which he said was free
>invokes the general grey area legality of hardcore porn in the US to justify banning it
>when that didn't work he just went back to his previous statement and reee'd about how it's offensive

Gabb is a living, breathing example of right-wing hypocrisy and so are all the MAGApedes that dwell there.

Pedo porn is not freedom of speech

These garbage bags only care about saying nigger, what a shock

drawn images are not pedo porn the same way Terminator is not a killer's guide

well how else is he gonna fund his shitty boomer forums if nobody wants to advertise on it?

you fork a web browser and install trackers on it! That was the idea behind Torch, the chromium-based browser that had a built-in BitTorrent client. Market research firms will pay top shekel for such data.

But why would anyone ever use such a thing? Conservatives, liberals, commies, libertarians, apolitical people, it appeals to nobody.

>let's turn every site into the fucking youtube comment section
Does any sane fucking person think this is a good idea? Fucking idiots.

Attached: 1517087632111.png (645x729, 105K)

I'm glad we're in agreement that freedom of speech does in fact allow you to say things that the government doesn't like.

And destroy me with facts and logic, right?

What about spreading false information? You wouldn't censor that? No punishment whatsoever despite the catastrophic outcome it may entail?
I understand what you're saying, but the thing with the American™ freedom of expression is that, yes, it's better than many places in the world. It's important to see that it's worthless, however. Instead of locking you up, the people in charge will just do whatever they want. They WILL throw away gibs at Israel, they WILL go to wars for them, they WILL push the sexuality and gender bullshit now and whatever worse they have for the future, and they WILL ruin the lives of MILLIONS across the world, and you WILL fucking accept it because you have no choice. And do you know who's paying for all of that? You. The Jews own your life, practically. From mass media to healthcare to the Justice system, you name it. You can shout whatever you want from the roof tops until you have a brain aneurysm ruptures, it's all for naught. So much for freedom of expression, eh?

But shouting nigger is, apparently.

I hate pedos and niggers, but let's not fool ourselves.

>brainlet wojak.png
oh shit he's not recovering from that one

>Dissenter has the inherent problem that it associates the web pages you have visited with the discussions you are having or trying to have. If you want to check an article's comments on Dissenter, you have to tell Gab that you visited that article. This gives Gab a very good profile of what sites you visit and what articles you read.

What are the chances this is just honeypot to identify highly susceptible boomers that will donate money to anything as long as it makes their family hate them more

nice nonargument

depends what you mean by "pedo porn". Anything involving actual children, ofc not and for good reason. but drawings and works of fiction? Nah m8. If white supremacists and religious conservatives can call for the mass killing and chemical castration of those with differing ethnic, racial, religious, or sexual backgrounds and call it free speech then weeaboos and pedos can have their cartoons.

The thing about free speech is that you don't get to decide what other people can and can't say or think. I really wish basedboy libtard cucks and right wing imbred conservatards understood that.

Attached: 1516658952971.jpg (640x480, 195K)

Kys conservacuck

Most liberals and conservatives I know don't think either of them should be illegal. But they generally choose to browse more moderated forums because people insulting each other or spamming porn or racist shit is exhausting.

It's still tangible, real-time data that has value to a variety of entities. You forget how diverse our economy is. It doesn't even have to be for marketing purposes.

Like if there's a scholar doing research on internet culture and how it fuels political strife or something, having this data available might put their habits into perspective and further their research. but that's just one example.

the FBI has been repeatedly inquiring about national security threats from radical right-wingers as of late, so that's not far off. With all the threats being made towards politicians and the politically charged violence, their tendency to collect firearms, as well as the political divide going on right now.. who knows m8.

Based af

Right but why would I want to subject myself to any of this? Accurate or inaccurate, left or right, moderate or extremist, it can only be used to hurt me.


Is it usable on Linux?
I don't give a fuck about Gab or >muh Jow Forums free speech, but if it works ok on Linux it might be a good option for a Chromium based browser.
Brave is fucked up right now (they removed the Chromium sandbox, you must install it with --no-sandbox flag). The problem also affects the snap version (and it's lagging behind in updates).

> the people behind Gab
I mean, I don't like commies, but why would I trust Nazis?

Why do you what this? You have gab's bullshit on top of brave's bullshit on top of chrome's bullshit.

Just used ungoogled chromium if you want a chromium browser.

No thanks, I don't support literal Nazis and fascists.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I already reported this to the authorities.
Expect it to go down in a couple of days.

>Using Linux
>Not using Ungoogled Chromium

Last time I checked it was really outdated. Doesn't seem the case now, I may try it.
Also, does Widevine work with it? I want to Netflix and chill.

Yeah fake news is a problem now-a-days and news sources should be held to a higher standart in my opinion however its also peoples responsibility to not be fucking retards. My country actually has no discrimination over free speech and its fucking retarded. Also our political system isnt quite as cucked as the US's so I can actually vote and even advocate and spread information. Also fuck off with your jew shit you fucking edge lord nigga. Sure isreal is fucking bad and shit but trust me random jew #54773 arround the corner is not plotting to have your sister raped by niggers.

pure faggotry / honey trap. avoid like it's AIDS.

You unironically seem like a cool dude. Where do you live?

I'm more interested in seeing how Gab's transition to Mastodon ends. There's already a lot of faggots trying to block them from their feeds and apps "for being a site for nazis".
The clash between Gab's trumptards, Mastodon's SJW and Pawoo's lolicons will be fun to watch.

Attached: 1559818049308.jpg (1040x1050, 328K)

I meant the big Jews not the average Dr. Goldberg.

Thanks and not doxing myself XD

You have no idea. Yesterday there was a thread on Jow Forums about how Gab would start using Mastodon's code and have their features and everyone was excited and claiming how Gab will be the savior of internet and free speech without even understanding how Gab/Mastodon work.

Attached: 1266773427244.jpg (700x700, 159K)

>Currently alternatives exist to this model that are already in place. For example, you can create a thread on an Imageboard, Reddit-like website, or other web forum format, which sets an archived link to the article as the topic of discussion. This format is much more private because the parties involved have much less information about what their users did. The news website has no idea who read it's article, because the traffic went to the archival service. The forum that you can freely comment on also doesn't know what articles you looked at or what discussions you tried to have. If we only consider privacy, this method is a somewhat better way of acheiving this goal.

This is what gets me the most. It seems these turds won't give it a rest until every web page has a Jow Forums thread under it. Can't they just shit the fuck up and use the Jow Forums that already exists?

Attached: vxb7v5s0imi01.png (900x900, 657K)

>Also, also, right-wingers care about actual freedom of expression as much as as left-wingers, that is to say they only apply it to speech they like and will happily censor what they don't like.
Everybody does this, free speech is a meme only retarded ideologues like libertarians push. Dissidents are the ones that clamor for it but as soon as they're in charge they naturally restrict speech that challenges that authority. Because of course they would, and you would too.

>and you would too.
To an extent, yes, I would.

>made in Germany
>not open source
>supports ads kikes
kys, and your shit will never be "web 2.0"

What is not opensource in Brave? Legit question.
It's hard to say exactly how much, but mostly things related to the Brave Payments bit (how brave pays advertisers and vice versa).

Freedom of speech DOES include shouting nigger in the street

Did they make it from scratch or did they just leech off chrome and stick a logo on it?

>did they just leech off chrome and stick a logo on it
Not even that. It's a fork of Brave with another logo and bitcoins instead of Brave's memecoin.

the important bits, of course
dont use it

Gab has been a honeypot ever since the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting. Would have been a piece of cake for the feds to shut down a small web service headquartered on their soil, so why is it still up?

Because it's a useful datamining operation targetting alt-right idiots who have zero concept of opsec

Fair enough. I'm always looking for places to go if I get tired of the US, but I get it.

I just use the dissenter addon. Enough for me.

>comment section on every url

Thought about making an extension like this before but didn't know how you'd be able to handle query strings. How do they know the page actually needs a new comment section?

Key value store, URL is the key. Check if key exists already.

Yeah, but there could be useless query params in the url that don't affect what's on the page eg. the referrer source. How do make sure you aren't creating different comment sections based on whether the user clicked a facebook, twitter, or email link to get to the page.

way to be discreet, Gab Marketing team

Yeah fair enough, there is a lot of useless shit in URLs nowadays. Like fbcid or whatever. I guess you could install the gab app and see how they deal with it.

Proprietary garbage that requires a gab account. It's just basically a way for them you spawn another pol-tard message board atop every site so they can have a secret club to yell themselves hoarse in their bubble to no real effect.

The underlying idea isn't necessarily bad but it is something of a solution looking for a problem. Even if it was fully open source and users besides insufferable ones wanted to use something that basically dropped a comment thread on every webpage, it would come down to only those using the service could see it. This would be at best niche to start, but it may never grow if the early users basically are fucktards in a bubble which causes people not to sign up who aren't of that persuasion etc...kinda like how people go to some of the YouTube proprietary alternative and see it's all alt right conspiracy crap and thus don't bothering signing up

>based on brave
>built in tracker that sends all the webpages somewhere
>"maintained" by some unknown neoreactionaries

stop pretending that you don't understand

As an older Lady-Pede I use GAB and DISSENTER. For the FTW Win!

Attached: old people on leddit trump.png (944x4013, 596K)

Mastodon isn't trying to block them, it can't by nature. However every instance that finds them shitheels can just refuse to federated with them. That's the beauty of Fediverse protocols. Nazis, gays, sex workers etc...can all have their own instances with their own rules, and their users of they choose can communicate with any other instance, but node owners can refuse to list content from another note by default in their non local stream, picking instead instances they like to display their users.

true ... but freedom of expression is important regardless if you are a right-winger or left-winger. ... Or both ... Or neither...

Now pick one:
Mozilla Senko-san gecko based ?
Google Shiro-san blink based ?

Attached: Senko and Shiro.jpg (714x1000, 220K)

>Right but why would I want to subject myself to any of this? Accurate or inaccurate, left or right, moderate or extremist, it can only be used to hurt me.
What did he mean by this?

I didn't say it wasn't important, I said that no one would truly fully protect freedom of speech once in power and that the right-wing's muh freedumbs is because they're the underdogs currently. I do stand by what I said that spreading false information should rightfully be punished on both a platform and an individual level, especially if on purpose. This shit has consequences.

I have no idea what anime is this. I did just watch the Diavolo reveal. Pretty good.

all information is false.
map is not territory.
"truth" is populist and democratic in its nature, for it is just what you reason and observe, not something handed down from above by your sacred "authority"

there is no problem with "fake news", but with partial truths in ALL "news"
it may be better to say that "fakeness" is a foible of the audience, rather than a quality that is an integral part of the media itself.
satire, surrealism and fables (a pedagogical tool) should not be sacrificed for some Gadgrind's obdurate insistence on "facts"

Take all this bullshit and shove it right back into the bull's ass.

>There's no problem with fake news

Kiss my constipated ass. Here in Egypt there are numerous newspapers, news stations and tens if not hunderds of thousands of fake throwaway social media accounts that spread false rumors and fake news by the hundreds on a weekly basis:
- "This year's annual polio vaccine is going to turn the children blind."
-"The HCV screening (which screened 50+ million people) has an ukterior motive of such and sych"
-And my personal favourite:
"The rice imported from Chine isn't real, it's actually plastic."

In a country starting to recover from being what basicallyheld together with spit and duct tape until very rce6ntly, this causes general unrest in the ignorant mases and further complicates everything. It's MORALLY COMPELLING to fight shit like this.

Nigga stop trying to sound smart and start being smart.

speech qua speech is something that carries meaning.
niether porn nor the utterance "nigger", sans context, really qualify.
anything can be imbued with meaning, and we can create any meaning we wish in ourselves when we see, hear, smell, taste or touch some "thing" that we wish to call speech - but these meanings unique to you, cannot be shared with other people by that sense-object alone, without an additional explanation or elaboration with semiotics that are already commonly understood.

anything that is not speech can be made into speech, and anything that is "speech" can be just noise, a din and cacophony of senses.

gab banning loli is not an example of "right wing hypocrisy" or "magtards" or any other of those colourful ad-hominems you like to bandy about.
consider a non-exhaustive list of sites that ban loli: twitter, reddit, facebook, Jow Forums, and even 8c-n.
why do they do it?
8ch is most comparable, having once held as its mssion statement, to host any and all "speech" legal in the US.
what changed?
conveience, cowardice, DOST.
delisted from search engines, demonetized, and the damocles sword of legal threats over "non-nude" images that should rationally have been completely legal.

By design, the legality or criminality of most things is as "uncertain" as schrodingers cat.
anything "legal", can, given a skilled lawyer, be construed as illegal, and vice versa.
the tangle of laws and precedent exists so that any unruly person may have laws selectively enforced against him.
the natural result is that people cover their backs, rather than go too much against the flow.

how is any of that remotely a problem?
just close your eyes nigga just look the other way.
if people have eyes to see (reality, not words), and brains to think, then they will not be decieved.

You're asking too much of them.

Why was this thread set on autosage?

Because it's another GAB thread that derailed within the first two replies like every other one that came before.