You have a disc of one terabyte of data to put together that's going to outlast the human race and be the only proof of our existence for any alien race to discover. What do you put on it?
You have a disc of one terabyte of data to put together that's going to outlast the human race and be the only proof of...
1tb of jav
convince me not to move to asia to get a gf
Nothing, because the disk wouldn't even be readable by ayylmaos. Do you think they have SATA cables laying around or something? Even if they figure out the hardware part there's still firmwa on the controller, file systems, etc. I would trade that 1TB of crap for 100 miles of rocks laid out in the shape of a penis.
Asian women, like all women, are terrible.
Do it but look at her mother first.
24 hour Wireshark dump of Google Stadia
Use 10gb for the entirety of wikipedia and then fill the other 990gb with Japanese idol concerts
because most asians are unironically racist af and the ones who aren't are pariahs anyhow
10GB for Wikipedia? I would have thought it was bigger. Is that without images?
that's just going to make him want to go even more user
think about it for like 2 seconds user do you need to ask, really
everything cute little girls
2D and 3D
superficial, materialistic, dont value life, eat weird shit thats always tortured to death, and will only see you as a status symbol or a plane ticket out of some jungle hell hole.
ultra high IQ post, having tried dating an asian girl for 3 years this is 100% true
1tb of white noise bits
>superficial, materialistic, and will only see you as a status symbol
That's all women.
>dont value life
WTF I love chinagirls.
3D is an integral part of "everything cute little girls"
randomly selected anime mp4's @ 480p, missing all of the first and last episodes. If they have more than one season, start at the 2nd one.
>What do you put on it?
Gay clop
>moving across the world to chase a girl
>not having a girl travel across the world to chase YOU
This is the opposite of being a man
I would just copy over one of my old anime and hentai drives.
> t. white woman
All of the loli and shota porn and cute pics it can store.
but objectively asian women have always liked me more, I've had asian women ask me out on dates which has never happened with a white woman ever
> I would trade that 1TB of crap for 100 miles of rocks laid out in the shape of a penis.
That or tons of titanium alloy plates to etch out porn on them.
I wouldn't bother.
fuck data, build a disgustingly huge monolith from granite, make it a mile tall, carve into it "humans were here, kbye"
This unironically, always assume that any women will find some way to make your life miserable. Or else you will be disappointed when it happens.
Just put the instructions on how to be able to read it you fucking retard. They did this with fucking voyager you absolute moron.
Even if you stay away from females they find a way to fuck up everything and negatively effect your individual life. Even Jews aren't this bad.
Youtube comments. Billions upon billions of youtube comments.
I don't want our legacy to be a lie.
>soulless eyes
>ugly as fuck
>looks literally like an insect
>yellow skin
>coal burned genitals and nipples
>looks like an asian man
what's the appeal with asian "women"? why do incels flock to these subhumans? is it because having sex with asian women takes no effort?
>>coal burned genitals and nipples
That sounds more like your mother's genitals.
asians have coal burned genitals and nipples
it's the mark of being a shitskin :)
>is it because having sex with asian women takes no effort?
yes, also asian women aren't disgusted by typical nerd behaviors the way white women are
porn and war movies, and conspiracy nut blather, let them know we were animals,
It's because looking at white women reminds them of your mom.
t. things that never happened
Most Asian women who are westernized are basically just white girls with squinty eyes and the FOBs always marry another Asian of the same nationality
t. chankoro chaser
found the ars technica journalist
Isaac Asmiov's Foundation series, but tagged as non-fiction
Confuse the ayys, beat the ayys
658k done
>why do incels flock to these subhumans?
Asian women tend to be more submissive on the whole. They're perfect for awkward betas.
>don't value life
Neither does anyone else here.
>eat weird shit thats always tortured to death
Have any chicken lately?
>and will only see you as a status symbol
That one is just sad.
Can't believe people on Jow Forums are incels, what are the odds.
No guarantee that the aliens will get it.
They look good when young, but age fast as fuck and will ditch you the second you encounter any hardship.
Plus centuries of living under authoritarian rule means they have no personalities or independent thought. Yeah it sounds fun having a totally submissive partner who's as interesting as a wet carrot, but it gets real old real fast.
I lived in China for 5 years and 5 years in Vancouver so I've met more chinkettes than you have had hot dinners breh.
I recommend Polish women of all the races / cultures. Great genes, age like wine, typically very feminine and ok with it, and love to laugh at life ( being neighbors to the Krauts and Slavs for centuries gives you an appreciation for the small joys in life)
We're all gonna make it brehs.
based and redpilled
great minds are alike they said eh?
>Asian women tend to be more submissive on the whole.
t. somebody who has only fetishized asian women and doesn't know any that well. the submissiveness is a complete front, they are controlling and demanding far beyond the average white woman. they will berate and control the shit out of their partners endlessly.
>will ditch you the second you encounter any hardship
thats all women, but yea asians are more brutal than most
1 TB of dolphin porn.
ok ars technica keep on scrolling
Just don't date Koreans or spoiled rich chink girls.
t. korean
The libgen archive, wikipedia, etc.
I wont neglect to embelish myself a little. Maybe include a doctored photo of my dick. With any luck they will be more curious than repulsed and ressurect me.
As many Mein Kampf copies can fit in 1TB.
1TB is kind of a weird size. It's too small for an "everything" approach, where you pack in whatever you can find, but large enough that curating that much useful stuff would take a lot of work.
what is this refering to?