Why is Tim Cock so butthurt? Isn't he used to the sensation by now?

Why is Tim Cock so butthurt? Isn't he used to the sensation by now?

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>tim cuck being a flamming faggot.
didn't expect that.


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>talking about apple censoring by deleting videos and related media
>mentions trump
what a shit journalist and will go onto my blacklist


multi billion dollar niggas don't know about streisand effect

haha drumpf xd


>lefty tech companies censore shit
rent free

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Libtards literally can't utter a single thing without mentioning the God Emperor.

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It's okay when Apple does it because design in California is expensive.

Based & debirupilled

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>man to takes it up the ass is butthurt
really makes you think

hopefully china bans apple

mfw you automtically scan for Satania, and she shows up like clockwork.

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>le orange man good
Jow Forums is a Marxist board, faggots

Have sex

>some guy on the internet said it

Guys, Keanu Reeves molested me

It's not a joke. I posted it on the internet

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I know it's you, Louis Rossman

Have sex.

stop having gay sex

also look at the pic of the author

Imagine being the guy who posed for this picture with 2 little pieces of tape over your mouth. lmao imagine having that as your fucking job.

>There, and the Trump White House.


why is Pol such npcs?

idk, why are you asking me

the state of bongistan

i'm starting to believe the itoddlers on Jow Forums are just paid applel shills astroturfing damage control.

>starting to believe

where were u when a rando journo triggered both apple fans and maga fans in the same thread

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Yeah, because there is no anti-Trump media in clapistan of course