IQ masturbation thread
How do the political preferences of 160 IQ and 130 IQ individuals differ from each other?
IQ masturbation thread
How do the political preferences of 160 IQ and 130 IQ individuals differ from each other?
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nice job finland :DDD
ebig :DDDDDD
online IQ tests are trash
t. seething IQlet LMAO
no, I'm just not an EQlet who needs to inflate my ego with an illegitimate IQ test. Mensa will not let you in without taking an approved test.
how do you even figure some of these out?
Mensa's online tests are accurate in relation to official Mensa tests. I'm 134 officially and get 130-140 on online tests.
Post pics of the question and we'll explain.
This kills Jow Forums
took half the test and got bored, got 100 iq :?
Answer is 70.
you know how stupid you actually are if you cant increase your score by atleast a standard deviation from taking it multiple times right? you might want to make up smaller numbers with a larger variation so that lie isn't as noticeable.
frankly they don't really. past a certain sd=~1.5 or so you see polarization. smart people see a problem and want to solve it by trying the solution they agree with. depending on what your personal context, level of knowledge, and depth of research are, conditioned on what's available out there (jew agitprop), you should expect a bunch of different opinions. even here you still see hardcore libturds after their ideology falls apart in the face of idiot warlord bob.
i'd say a 160ish iq person would have more or less the same beliefs as a 130ish iq person who's gone down the same rabbit hole, but with more research and more ability to put down other rabbit holes with legitimate syllogism.
Does IQ really affect personal tendencies or do personal tendencies affect IQ?
I took the online one an scored a 130.
Took it irl and scored 111.
Thinking of taking it again to be sure, I've never scored under 120. Not even as a child.
3x = 30 => x = 10
x + 2y = 20 => y = 5
y + 2z = 9 => z = 2
y + xz = 5 + 10*2 = 25
ill figure them out later
Oh boy. This thread again.
>HURRR motherfucking DURRR take the (((mensa))) approved test goyim, the same test that says there a thousands of different intelligences and everyone is smart in his own way
kys retard, the same patterns found in online IQ test were used by Philippe Rushton to test intelligence in Southafrican universities and guess what? the niggers scored as expected.
Official Mensa Australia test last month: 143
I'm politically a minarchist, socially conservative and traditionalist
There is only one beer in the last one Sven.
This guy is right the rest of you dumb niggers are wrong.
Note that the final step is not all plus, but includes a multiplication too.
Interesting. At what age did you get the 111?
Online test result was 124 for me, but I think I'm avarage like 110 tops.
And apparently one pint less too, clever.
133 IQ INTP Vegetarian Ethnonationalist Natsoc Libeterian weed farmer.
>taking the same test 10 times
who does that?
When I was 16.
Even took the test afterwards, just to test if I was a retard and scored 130. Got curious and took the Swedish one which just stated I had an IQ greater than a 126.
Next time I take the text I should probably think a lot less verbally and also not fill my mouth with Snus.
I literally selected random answers after the first one and apparently that gave me an IQ of 103. Bull. Shit.
I'm retarded, it's 15
>weed farmer
even gayer
This picture sums up the IQ situation perfectly. All of the top of the bell curve normies bicker about the answer. The above average IQ's THINK they're clever for noticing the single beer and impetuously assuming it's value is 1. Truly intelligent people realize there is no way to solve this without more information to determine the true value of the single beer image, as it is in no way inherently clear that this image is equal to exactly half of the double beer image.
>muh true smartie
Who the fuck spam takes IQ tests, it's counter productive to getting an accurate measurement.
God damn it I fell for it holy shit time to go to bed.
Are you surprised?
The very act of taking an IQ test expecting the results to mean anything proves you're a fucking moron.
discipline > iq
any genius plagued with low discipline would agree with me
>as it is in no way inherently clear that this image is equal to exactly half of the double beer image.
How so? There are two identical images of beer pints next to each other. If they together were two, how could one alone NOT be 1?
dude is absolutely correct. this guy gets it.
t. fellow high iq bro
>its not random unless i get a low score
Not a genius, but I can agree. Discipline or "grit" is way more important than IQ for predicting success.
Too bad, I'm garbage at both.
>They concluded that grit is a better predictor of success than intellectual talent (IQ), based on their evaluation of educational attainment by adults, GPA among Ivy League undergraduates, dropout rate of cadets at West Point US Military Academy, and ranking in the National Spelling Bee.
In case anyone want to read more about it.
I have more fun than you, make more money, and will live longer. I also have a wife and own a home. I grow my own food too, have fun eating that great value hamburger helper.
>my life is so great that I must tell Jow Forums about it
said no one ever
finns are the smartest people that ever lived
17 retards
>researched by a finnish scientist
3x=30 x=10
x+2y=20 x=10 y=5
y+4z=9 x=10 y=5 z=1
y+(z*x)= 5+(1*10)= 15
Oops. Thought it was another plus. And I didn’t see them doubling up the beers. And I have an official 149 IQ rest result. I was driving, but I took my IQ test when young and have consumed a lot of booze and other shit since then. Stay away from drugs and alcohol kids.
Actually trying up until the last 5 where I got fed up and just clicked whatever: 133
Just clicking random shit: 97
Just clicking the first answer over and over: "Your IQ is beyond our measurable range"
this mean you're african my boy
doxed x)
>t. Smolbrainwojack.jpg
on a more serious note what's the point of picking your age range since the test doesnt change when you pick different ranges, do they just change the way they rate your results depending if you're an old fuck or not?
This, fuck IQ faggots. The good thing is once these dudes grow up and become failures they have to admit IQ tests are trash
Absolutely seething brainlets
sad, my Jow Forums credibility forever destroyed
Bottle = 10
burger = 5
beer = 2
5 + (2 * 10) = 25
The american education system at it's best
shut up
lul there's only one beer in the last line so is 5+(1*10)
>american education system
1st one is a beaten wife
make me faggot
calm down yellow baguette jacket niggas
sure thing whitey.
Fvarq those Siberian IQ genes are strong.
I hope you're being facetious pal.
Same is appliccable to the entire puzzle. The whole thing is based on the premise that any two of the same icon are identical in value.
By the same token as you're suggesting one could argue that there are unicorns hiding behind some of the burgers and not others.
Inb4 "back 2 pleddit". fuck off.
On the Danish one I got 134, so I guess it's somewhere in between.
Also why is this only 20 something minutes long, aren't official mensa tests 40 minutes?
Eh,not my best
>Is one pint half of two pints?
>What is the operator precedence?
The test is meant to account for common sense and ability to integrate external context as well.
So if you suffer from severe autism, it counts as negative factor when measuring iq.
This is dumb. Jews are a nepotistic diaspora, even if it were true that a sub group of ashkenazi Jews have high IQ, there are many more whites with even higher IQs, yet they have no power because they’re not part of an organized in-group.
I took a test online and it said I had around 140. But that's probably work cause iq is bs anyway, but generally I hate everyone and think everyone is fucking retarded
Good luck finding someone with an iq of 160 who isn't completely fucking insane.
There's only 5% chance that you'll be born with iq >115, while for askhenazi that chance is >50% (assuming 115 is at the center of their bell distribution).
Same reason why there are no nigger geniuses exist, even if theres 3x more niggers than everyone else. The odds are astronomically small when the bell curve is centered at iq 75.
there is dispute that 115 was an accurate measurement, vox day has basically debunked it
why would the average IQ of Israel be 95 if that were the case?
and there are black geniuses, I don't think you understand bell curve theory
>mensa tests 40 minutes?
need to buy them.
They also offer written tests, where they come to your area and offer them for 60€
>need to buy them
I know, that's why I don't want to do them. Here they are done twice a year in predefined periods and only in 2-3 cities I think.
>black geniuses
Name one. There are black smart people, up to about iq 150. But when it comes to incidence of genius levels, niggers have fare even worse than white women.
Its not "bell curve theory", it's gaussian distribution.
It's not rocket science. Standard deviation in iq measures is 15 points. It's fairly safe to assume that niggers are 2 SD handicapped from whitey. Moreover, for genius level, you need to be 3 SD above 100. For 5 SD, the q function boils down to roughly 1 in 1.5 milllion. Whitey, on the other hand is mere 3 SD, or 1 in 400 to qualify as genius. Ashkenazi? Even simpler, 2SD, or roughly 1 in 30.
Yeah, I'd put my IQ closer to 100, so I wouldn't put a lot of faith in these scores.
Most black geniuses express themselves in the field of music or athletics. I don't think IQ is an accurate measurement of "Genius", though it is related.
There have been exceptionally gifted black men throughout history, not so many on display these days, but it probably has not been measured as much as other demographics.
The bell curve should still have some distribution over the high IQ, "genius" area.
You didn't answer my question about Israel's IQ.
Anyone below 130 should be killed
This leaf is right. I would trade my intellect down to average to have the discipline to do something with it.
buying a IQ test is only nesseary if you want a certificate that you can show others, (requirement to get into mensa)
If you do multiple online tests (good ones) they should give you a good estimate.
Considering that your IQ performance depends on your daily health(?) it fluctuates, so usually your IQ is IQ (±5). so if you score on a average feeling day about 120 your IQ will be 120 ±5. So when you feel bad/down you will perform worse 115 and when you are motivated and in top health you get 125. Illness or drugs may impact your results even stronger ±10. So when you have the cold you may only be a average 110
So doing 3-4 good online tests should give you a good average. And if you dont need to know your streinghts or weaknesses and a general result does its job, then there is no need on spending money and time
Well, I'd argue part of being a genius is being incredibly driven. Scoring genius level on an IQ test while being a lazy person shouldn't qualify as genius, imo. I'm less and less impressed with IQ tests the more I learn about intelligence. Many geniuses of the past were basically gods in certain areas, but severely limited in others.