There are no good linux distros

There are no good linux distros

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for u

True, because they're all great.

Linux users deserve to be bullied tbqh

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There are no good Windows and MacOS distros either, what,s the point?


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u w0t m8

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Poor Gentoo

>no arguments
>shit and incorrect arguments

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>Gentoo install

Attached: Penguin_Escape.webm (960x960, 2.82M)

gentoo is decent

>there are no good GNU/Linux distros.

Everyone realizes this eventually, but the average age in this board is low enough that many still refuse to accept it.

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>no argument

there would be if gnome's compositor wasn't crap otherwise xubuntu isn't bad at least it doesn't shit on your video

what makes a linux distro bad? I seriously never understood this. if you're refering to the DE or WM then that's completely different. only thing I can think of is if the package manager is unreliable

*there are no good linux users

You do know that Arch exists, right?

Stop being a whiny little bitch.

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No, but it was extremely painful...

Back to

smart lad

post more penguin webms

Fedora Silverblue is the future of the Linux desktop

This is a visual representation of what Docker did to gentoo via CoreOS

i've tried 234482345634 distros the only one decent is kubuntu

wait manjaro is good too

isn't devuan good? no system dee?

Hi Microsoft. At least Linux users can count to 10.

And there are lots of great linux distro's. Not just good ones.

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> Linux users can count to ten
> Linux is still on single digit major versions while every real OS is in the double digits (including emacs)

what did it do?

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>installing intel botnet


Is she okay?

Get the fuck out, sperg.

Cry harder bigot
This is OUR place now
Time to rid this website of all this toxic behavior!

i clapped wehn he made it :)

sorry just wanted to remind you again :)

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>says "no arguments"
>while not presenting an argument

I don't even fucking care what this topic is about but I've been laughing at OP's pic combined with the post for about a solid minute now. Good shit
>tfw void user

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is she alright?

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Tux Wake up

pls wake up

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Have sex, wincel

Now this is shitposting.

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Based Mint bro.
Based Debian bro.

psst. tux tired. tux slep.

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me on the top right :)

captcha: BINGO

>Ubuntu 19.04
>Fedora 29
Heh, looks like we got your outdated software beat.

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Sub-par Linux Distros 3
Good Linux Distros 0
Excellent Linux Distros 11327

>Good distros: Debian, gentoo, arch, slackware
>Decent but inferior/leecher distros: Ubongo and its sons, Manjaro
>shit tier: Everything else

arch btw

Single OS retards, fanboys of all regard, deserve to be bullied.

Only good GNU/Linux distros.

You know CoreOS has it's own container runtime: rocket.

How many distros/years did it take you to figure that out OP?

So many drunk pengins


based and redpiled


>There are no good linux dis-

Attached: kubuntu.jpg (920x848, 108K)

A reasonable choice.
Another excellent option.
That works too.

Good. Fuck AMD.

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Linux is dead.
pic unrelated

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I am thinking of going from kubuntu back to lm cinnamon
mate is shit
xfce is decent
kde is decent except dolphin is shit and fucking hijacks sftp sessions and makes half the saving functions break in text editors
and cinnamon is decent, like mate except it works


yes, but I am using Ubuntu and Arch for last, oh god, 10 years and it is OK

If pic u related then what is filename

Seems like Gentoo is coming back home

You have to be braindead to not be able to use Ubuntu, Mind, MX Linux, Debian, Manjaro or CentOS for example, all distros made for everyday people who don't like to invest a lot of time in learning everything necessary to set up their own distro.

>There are no good linux distros

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I dunno, I like manjaro and debian.

yep Cinnamon and KDE are my favorites too
I think KDE looks better and more modern but it's a bit too much, Cinnamon is better organized, that's why I prefer Mint over Kubuntu

You spend 99% of your time browsing the web or watching shit, why do it in an OS that tracks you?

Oh, and with proton, wine and dxvk there is no reason to stay on windows anymore. Just dual boot for those few games that dont work, and if you need OFFICE just create a lightweight VM for windows productivity (but lets be honest, outside of work you probably havent used office pack for years).

The dolphin file manager causes too many issues for me, I've been using thunar for past 2 months to avoid the sftp bugs I get with dolphin.
I've reinstalled, it's an out of the box issue with dolphin and how it handles sftp lol, sad really cuz nothing else has the issue.

Fuck how long does it take to manually configure the kernel in Gentoo? I started yesterday and was casually making progress throughout the day and now I see the monstrous list of drivers to fucking dig through. I might as well just copy a config file from Clear Linux.

linux is mostly drivers
Linux 5.1.7: 799.3MiB
... drivers: 553MiB

Umm, sweaty................
[spoiler] I use Arch btw [/spoiler]

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why would they do that, outright lie? An entire OS without a single state kek whoever actually believes this is clinically insane

Lol, spoilers don't work on Jow Forums?

why would they you faggot

I don't know. It's just weird. And why not?

Can you use GNU/Linux without CLI?

there is no relevancy for spoilers on this board. it would only be used for shitposting like your comment

I'm having a discussion here, with you. That's not shitposting.

Ubuntu is a good linux distro, by the way. Hahh!

yes. lots of distros come with a software centre which is even easier than downloading and installing from .exes

if this isn't a shitpost I don't know what is

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OP iplies that there are no good linux distros.
I say there are, for example Ubuntu. I'm posting this from my comfy distro.

Straight up Debian is the best. Ubuntu Mate if you want it to be more normie friendly without losing your soul.

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Love me some Mint boooiiii

Is there a website with different terminal profiles to check out? or is the best way to experiment.