There are people that will buy the best with very little price sensitivity. Those people are not AMDs customer's as of now. Guess who wants to have some A-Tier customers.
As far as I can tell AMD and it's board partners are currently trying to attract the high end mainstream segment with X570. You know, the group of customers that only buys the best and is willing to pay for it. Those guys that buy 9900K + 2080TI without thinking twice. It's kind of text book customer segmentation taught in business school. Here you group your customers into 4 tiers according to their spending with you. And I'm sorry to break it to you, but the most valuable customer tier is not you or me. Up until now AMD has no A-Tier customers compared to the overall market so to speak. To understand that (understanding is not the same thing as approving) go look at high end Intel boards and remind yourself that these are being bought. Also understand that the higher you go in price and most of the time in margin, the less you are reliant on high volume. Meaning if we can't afford it, we are not the target audience.
Sorry to break it to you, but AMD seems to be back swinging aggressively for every kind of customer segment they can get their hands on...and X570 is going after the high end customers. We will see in a couple of weeks if their products can back it up and to be honest I hope they do even if it means I will be priced out of the AMD flagship segment.
If x570 boards are too expensive for you, you are not the target audience for X570
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You forgot to link your source, bro. Don't worry, I got you!
This. people who are upgrading aren't going to run a PCIE4 NvME SSD. Which is why the B450/X470 is still good for these CPU's
Im gonna put ryzen 3600 in my b350 board and theres nothing you can do about it.
me too. then upgrade into B4/550 whichever is better for the price.
And X370 too, no?
Most X370 boards were absolute dog shit, especially on the VRM side of things. There are a couple like the Crosshair VI Hero/Extreme and Taichi that hold up, but the rest are terrible. Gigabyte and MSI's offerings were all embarrassing.
I literally refuse to buy any motherboard that requires a chipset fan.
Nobody cares. Anybody complaining about chipset fans only exposes themself as a poorfag who could never afford an Intel HEDT setup.
My Intel HEDT setup didn't have a chipset fan though...
Actually I don't think any X79 or X99 boards had chipset fans...
Why would I spend that much money on a PC for marginal benefits when I could invest it month after month instead? $500 with a very conservative annual interest rate of 5% becomes $15k in short time. You're the poorfag if you don't think this way. All the money you waste on hardware that quickly becomes irrelevant prevents you from having fuck you money. Poorfag.
No board "requires" a chipset fan. They include one because in certain use cases (using raid on chipset connected SSDs) it is necessary. You can pretty much remove it for normal usage.
That's what I have, so I guess I'm ok.
>TFW my Asus TUF B450-PRO has shit tier VRM and is holding my 2700X
But then again i think only MSI had a decent VRM.
Since i don't OC i think i'll be fine.
ok pajeet from tech support
I'll just do what I always do;
Wait for to get superceded but not so long that there's a scarcity issue. This is the optimum place to buy in terms of cash/performance.
Why don't they make a B550?
Where are you investing money with a 5% return?
doesnt really matter unless you're going for the 12 core
He believes in the stock market meme lol
VTSAX. Illegally download a copy of "The Simple Path to Wealth" by J L Collins and read it if you'd like a simple survey of easy-mode investing. You won't get rich quickly, but you'll be a hell of a lot richer when you want to stop working than any of the retards here.
Nvidia and Intel buyers at least have the decency to not make up such shitty excuses when paying extra for the hardware.
This on the other hand is pure cringe
Why can't I just use a B450? It says it's compatible
Stage 3: Bargaining
Day trade stocks, spread fake news, profit when news gets picked up. Now you'er a millionaire
you can, everybody on Jow Forums is just a retarded memelord
Who gives a fuck about bloat boards? Midrange is where it's at you don't need stupid over built gamer trash for 7nm+
5nm/euv and more mature 7nm next year will use even less power but dumb gamer shitters don't care about that
They will. the X series always comes out first and the B series comes out a quarter or two later
But muh pcie4 radeon navi cards...
will perform exactly the same on pcie3
the only reason to buy zen 2 if you already have a ryzen or zen+ cpu is for the supposedly better gayman perf but zen 2 seems underwhelming. going to stick with my 2700x. thanks based amd for saving me some money.
Upgrading from the previous gen is absolutely stupid. UNLESS you are upgrading your tier of cpu (1600 to 2700)
Zen2 is maybe for Zen1 owners, but really it's for everyone who has a pre-2017 cpu
t. 4770K owner getting a 3800X
>mfw I bought an X370 MSI board with a shit VRM before I knew anything about power delivery and its effect on OC
>being a bleeding edge faggot.
The B450 will support me just fine for the next two to three years.
I have no plans to replace my B350F board. Already confirmed BIOS upgrade will allow me to use 3xxx cpus.
Ive heard at least some X470 boards improved traces for better memory. The AGESA microcode did most of the work for compatibility but motherboards made up that extra margin between 2993 and 3200 and tight clocks. But even my x470 gaming itx cant do memory as the crosshair vi ibhad before downsizing so it's not purely a chipset thing, obviously high end boards will still probably be better than low end ones even a generation apart.
>AMD chips are priced lower
>AMD mobos are priced higher
lol you cheap fucks just can't win
Literally fraud. Big guys cant get away, the kids cant. Even the day trading restrictions is all about keeping poorfags out. You really dont truly understand that laws were written to keep people poor under the guise of keeping them safe until you're rich enough to start serious investing but not rich enough to be throwing money around like its tissues
I meant big guys can get away with it. At least until other bigger guys start pointing fingers. Sort of like what happened to Shkreli
x570 isnt the best
intel is the best
>AMD chips are priced lower
thats gonna stop.
its not you fucking retard, the MSI CEO is shilling his expensive motherboards
>Z390 pro wifi $180
>X570 pro wifi $260
Just wait :)
I'm probably in for the Asus impact. Never buying asrock again. Their BIOS and BIOS update/support are the worst I've ever experienced. Asus meanwhile literally gets you to beta test their pre-release bios like every 3 weeks on ocn. I'd rather take the ones constantly working on it with a plethora of options I may not even need over the bare bones shit that is asrock
OP is right. If I upgraded last year I was going to get a $460 AUD Z390 board.
The highest available X470 at the same retailer is $325 AUD, so I think a high tier board will stay below my $500 mobo range
Why does such a "power efficient" CPU need such overpowered VRM's anyways?
>$500 mobo range
it doesnt, theyre jews trying to sell you the 12 core part
t. i7-3850 (I think, it's been a long while since I looked) heading for the best Zen2 I can get.
What are you asking?
Hoping for another 6-7 years of longevity without faults.
So will there be B450 boards in store that come with the up-to-date BIOS, or am I going to have to borrow some stupid CPU from amd in order to get it working?
I might just fork out for a X570 board anyway since I want to use whatever board I get for as long as I can
tfw online shops update for you in my country
Rampage IV Extreme here, you're wrong.
Although to be fair, when stress testing core #3 would glitch out if it goes above 80*C
Yeah, i7 4790k owner here I'll wait until next year for my 3800x when prices drop
The main problem right now if is kind of a tough sell to tell people PCIE4 is worth the upgrade when they don't need it. Unless there are other features AMD has up its sleeve, there needs a better reason to get people to upgrade. Otherwise, people are just going to make a run on the older X50/X70 motherboards that are actually good and worth a shit. Which is why I am confused why AMD is saving their obvious 16 core to counter Intel's response when they need the 12 and 16 cores to sell motherboards.
so how pricey are these things supposed to be anyway?
I'm on the same boat. It appears that MSI B450 have this BIOS flashback feature, which *should* allow you to flash the BIOS without using a CPU.
Wanted to do that at first too, but then I realized I don't need ANY of the extra features, so it would be a massive waste of money (plus there's that silly fan). The only thing I wonder now is how a board like MSI B450 Carbon compares to X570 in terms of RAM overclocking.
B450 Tomahawk or X470 Gaming Pro Carbon is all you need for a Zen 2 CPU.