What does even do?
I've seen people clicking it repeatedly like retards with no apparent effect other than blinking screen
What does even do?
It's useful when you install a lot of new programs, because arranging fails.
Pajeets always do it in YouTube videos.
it refreshes the directory. many times at work where I use winblows I'll delete files or copy one from the network drive to the local drive, or vice-versa, and the GUI doesn't update. Pressing refresh makes the gui redraw what's in the directory.
it used to free up ram or something like a decade ago.
i got used to just randomly doing it and never got rid of it
And pressing the turbo button speeds up your computer.
it used to work 100%, i dont know if it was ram or whatever resources. But if you used your computer for a couple of hours it used to slow down and refresh fixed it.
Zoomers wouldnt know
No it didn't. It's for refreshing the monitor to lessen burn in.
It's literally just to refresh the files on your desktop - if you've used wangblows for any length of time, you will have had a file in the desktop folder that just isn't appearing on the desktop - refreshing the desktop will fix this.
You are retarded.
lol fuck no. Your file has always been on the desktop. Refresh just rearranges it so retards like you can see it.
You are also wrong retard. Sometimes the GUI doesn't update, happened to me many times back in the XP days.
>XP days
Go to bed grandpa.
why would you assume im wrong?
i said "like a decade ago", probably more like 15 years.
you werent even conscious then, zoomer fucks.
>but it doesnt do that now so it must have never done that
it refreshes obv
There is something that always puzzled me.
It's this fucking tree. What is it used for? It's right there in the icons, but I've never encountered anything that uses it.
it's relates to the file system. plenty of old software (was introduced in win95) used to use it for viewing the "file tree" or something like that.
God damn Jow Forums is so fucking retarded. Please, anyone who didn't immediately understand what "refresh" on a desktop or in a directory browser would do, just leave. Don't come back.
thats exactly what I said you autistic fuck
not on the desktop, but in the folder
>have file browser open
>download file to the same folder
>often the new file doesn't show up or isn't sorted properly
>hit refresh
God, those icons are sexy.
Love the 16 colors goodness
Turbo buttons used to be a real thing tho
While there are legitimately brain-dead people on this board, I don't think they're in the majority. This looks and feels like a bait thread.
>homogenous garbage
ok buddy
It works like the reload button the the browser.
Icon sets should be homogenous though.
Wrong tard
And, unlike flatshit, it actually looks good, in spite of it's color limitation.
They slowed down the computer though. The purpose was to limit clock rate for older applications which used the CPU clock for timing, like in a game. The "turbo" mode just put it at the normal rate for the newer CPUs, and it would be left on turbo most of the time.
So why wasn't it a "slowdown" button? Marketing.
>spam refresh
>computer icons barely refresh
Because it is refreshing to do so.
>tfw there are times it doesn't make it visible
>terminate process/restard process doesn't make it visible
>have to reboot then it is updated
>not just pressing f5
the only homo here is you