Do you dream in code, Jow Forums?

Do you dream in code, Jow Forums?

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No but sometimes I dream in Spanish which is weird because I haven't taken a class in years

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Why? I don't get it.

I can't recall his name but have seen a video about that kid and he said he's like Neo, sees and dreams in code, supposed to be a "wizard"

I remember when that video first got linked to Jow Forums, anons got properly defensive about how much praise a kid was getting.

No but yesterday I had a dream that I hugged a girl, and as I was letting go she gripped onto me even tighter and I could smell her hair and perfume, and even feel her heartbeat. Then I woke up

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Kek, what a loser

>anons got properly defensive about how much praise a kid was getting.
Because aside from the fact that this kid was normal and just happened to get into coding a tiny bit early, it's painful to see someone get so lavishly praised when most of use only have suffering and rejection in our lives. I wonder where I'd be if I had people in my life who made me feel good for the things I do. Maybe I'd be happy.

I dreamt in VHS once

In my opinion dreaming in code isn't anything special, unless the "code" he dreams is actually coherent.
I've dreamed in code before, and I also usually experience right when I wake but am still very drowsy.
Anyways, while it might make sense to my brain in that state, it isn't coherent at all. For example, I've stepped into the shower before and tried to write a function to turn the shower knob. I just got really confused when it wasn't working, and eventually came to my senses.
I don't really think it's anything special, but maybe his experience is different from mine.

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I dreamed about circuits before tests recently

I would add to this that a lot of boomer parents who don’t know shit about computers think that programming in and of itself means that whoever does it is a genius, and if it’s a child, then they get put on some dumb ass pedestal as super geniuses. I didn’t get into it until I was in my teens in the mid to late 90s and family still think it means I’m some kind of “Bill gates”. This overpraise for programming is born out of retarded simps. And that’s not even mentioning the new STEM meme.

i wish i dreamed in english desu

i dreamed that i was gonna fuck my mother. strange stuff

I once dreamed in my pants.

>not lucid dreaming in fetlang
You guys missing out on life

I thought this was one of those clickbait ads that said "Meet The Genius Fourteen Year Old Who Dreams In Code" that would be alongside "Bankers HATE This Man Learn His One Weird Trick" etc. Did one of you idiots actually click on it and watch it?

I dream in LaTeX formatting, does that count?

I have had dreams I make posts on Jow Forums and everyone yells at me and doxes me

That would be fair if he wasn't already in college by 14, so clearly people who knew their stuff also agreed he was pretty advanced.

>I could have been someone special!
>But other people didn't allow me to ;__;
Oh you poor little soldier.

nah i dream in kode

Attached: kodewithkarlie.png (1920x1080, 2.49M)

She cute
I want to brush her hair and call her a smart girl when she writes her hello worlds and then beams up because computer did the stuff she told it to.

My last dream was about having wild sex with 3 girls at the same time.

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No, I don't dream in code. But I have had dreams in which I solved complex problem or found bug in the project I was working on.

how can you dream about sex if you've never had it?

I dream in sadness

>pretending that college is a sign of genius

Why weren't you accepted into college at 14 user?

Asking the tough questions. Obviously user is insecure about his own achievements(or lack thereof), that's the reason why he feels the need to shit on a child's successes.

Well jokes on you cherryboy, but I did
Exactly 2 weeks ago I lost my virginity to an art hoe

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i dream in tcp packets a lot ...

I can see you got your psyche degree from your couch. First, I didn’t even try to apply. Second the general pool of people in college are barely functional children. Let’s stop pretending that college is hard. If you can do programming at 14, then you are already ahead of a 101, 102 class and those courses aren’t even challenging at all. Lots of kids do “college level” work in various subjects. So go fuck your self.

Hit a nerve apparently, what is your fucking problem though? Really? Hardly anyone starts a CS College course at 14, what's your beef with this being noteworthy?

I don't remember what language I dream in. I'm a native spanish speaker, but honestly spanish and english just kind of fuse together in my mind. Many times I read an article and don't remember in what language it was.

But really anyone at 14 who could program COULD start at college. This is not an indicator of genius.

But you didn't, why was that user?

Also I forgot to break it down for your brainlet self, my issue isn’t with his success at all, it’s with dopes calling him a genius.

Cause I didn’t care about going to college and I cared about other dumb shit instead. I was lazy and dealt with other things I perceived as “problems” (which was actually just bullshit emo crap). I never tried to go to college. I could program though and have always had a job.

>I didn't start college at 14, even though I totally could have, because I just didn't care
Then why do you care if this lad did when he was 14? This is really pathetic user, how old are you? What caused this level of bitterness that makes you need to demean what a 14 year old boy accomplished while you're a grown man.

I can read english words and remember the words I wrote in my dreams.
Apparently people are not meant to do either of those things.

I also hear in colours.

I've had similar dreams about my waifu.

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I lucid wet dream. I tend to look for signs that I'm dreaming (normally it's trying to turn a light switch on and no light turning on) and then I proceed to party.
It get's pretty fucked up too.

I've dreamed of being on the computer fuckin around in Vim but never writing any actual code. Actually I dreamed of Vim before I actually learned how to use it based on talking about it on Jow Forums

in mr robot he said that he learn a wierd trick in VB course that he dream lucid dream by saying the mantra
Body is sleep
Mind is awake
I actually try it..
But insted doing coding stuff i just takes the advantage to live in anime world

Already explained that it’s not about him going to college or being successful. Stop being a faggot

No one is calling him a genius user, calm down, there's no reason to feel threatened. They just called him a prodigy, and he is because he is displaying a rather advanced level of programming skill for a 14 year old, no one is putting him on the same level as Einstein or Tesla just yet.

Sure it's not user, how old are you though? Honestly?

>I've dreamed of being on the computer fuckin around in Vim but never writing any actual code
So you dreamed of being awake?

Not him but I started learning (online) how to program at 9, and it clicked when I was 11. I didn't realize it was such an impressive achievement and lived out a normie life. It's been 7 years since it clicked and I'm still programming(now I make money for it).

I am ic and a paint in my dreams.

I shit you not i think i even learned something from a dream.

Well you'd probably have been considered a prodigy as well, if you released stuff as well. The other user wasn't considered a prodigy because by his own admission he spent his time at 14 cutting himself and listening to My Chemical Romance, which everyone would have rightly considered a normal amount of retardation for a teenager.

Not true, I've had dreams where it made sense waking up including coding ones. It's nothing special and anyone who codes frequently enough will probably dream about it. Lots of musicians reportedly dreamt up music. My dream was getting the ordinals for numbers, now I didn't actually dream up the code but the algorithm was there, which I don't believe I've seen before:
n%100 == 11 - append th
n%100 == 12 - append th
n%100 == 13 - append th
n%1000 == 1 - append st
n%1000 == 2 - append nd
n%1000 == 3 - append rd
else append th

this can be done with an if and a switch statement.

Oh well. Can't change the past unfortunately so I guess I'll have to live with not being called a prodigy, easy marketing, and a comfy job. Fuck.

Yeah I used to dream in pokemon

I think that's a much healthier attitude user.

I can't recall ever using a computer in a dream, which is weird because I'm on the computer all day.

Maybe your brain is trying to tell you something user


>Lots of musicians reportedly dreamt up music.
I'm not a musician but I have dreamed of some really catchy tunes. They stayed catchy even after I woke up, so it wasn't just a feeling of catchiness not backed up by anything.
I can't into music when awake.

Still, programming requires far more brainpower than music.

>Still, programming requires far more brainpower than music.
Why so much defensiveness on Jow Forums? You know that's not how dreams work, dreams exist in your mind and therefore can access anything you know. No one has been more intelligent in their dreams than they are when fully conscious.

Coming up with shit in your dreams isn't a competition, it's just a pleasant experience.

I've recorded memos of music in my dreams when I woke up from them.
Only after recording them do I realise that I already made up the tune earlier.

You can't even flip a fucking light switch in dreams.
You won't come up with a mathematical proof or non-trivial program without the ability to reason.

I don't think that's how dreams work, I reckon that "eureka" moment is more of a seed that gives you an idea, that when you wake up you consciously start going through the mathematical proof and such.
Kind of like this;

A full symphony is far different to a catchy tune. It's probably lucid dreaming that allows people to do actual reasoning and dream in code/write symphonies. Einstein claims to have had a vivid (lucid) dream that lead to his discovery of the principle of relativity. It's definitely not uncommon, and I don't think it makes you a genius, it just makes you able to lucid-dream.

Santiago. He's a PhD student (21 years old).

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I do mathematics for living and have once seen a proof in my dreams.
Immediately after I woke up I understood that it was complete nonsense.

I wonder how many anons have PhDs?

I had a fever dream in algebra class once, does that count?

A few guys on /sci/ do.

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None on Jow Forums though?

I dreamt a dream in code once and woke up in 3am and wrote a Pratt parser without knowing what a Pratt parser was.

I wrote a recursive fizzbuzz in a dream once

As opposed to a fizzbuzz that only runs for a single number?

I've had dreams that have helped me with projects. If you do enough of anything you'll probably get dreams about it.

Do you think he's still a virgin?

Looks like Jared's autistic cousin. This guy fucks.

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Not him but holy fucking shit, has anyone ever told you how much of an annoying cunt you are? I'm sure if I were to ask you about your achievements you would just LARP something up, you're obviously just as pathetic or you wouldn't be here.

pygmalion effect

I actually do when I'm learning to code.

No, but I'm glad I'm annoying for you fuckfaces. But for the record I've achieved nothing, but I'm able to accept that without shitting on a literal child because I'm not a wanker.

It's this video:

I sometimes try to solve problems in my dreams from work that don't exist and it feels more like a nightmare, because the code is always complete nonsense, because I'm dreaming and I can't solve it, because it's nonsense.

It always wakes me up.
But my work is now less stressful and I can sleep better because of that.

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>looking through my seeds
>block any peers I find that have IPs from China or Israel

how can I automate this devilish behavior?

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It's been so long he's a PhD, old and blackpilled now.

you're right, but I think you misunderstood my point.
I'm saying that dreaming in code, in and of itself, is nothing impressive. You dream about what you did during the day, so if you spent the whole day writing code, you'll probably dream in it a bit.
What I was saying is that I think its only really impressive if your "dream code" actually works, and is impressive on its own.
If you can actually get stuff done in your dreams, that is special.

I once dreamed i was coding in JavaScript, it was more like a nightmare.
I don't even program in JavaShit.