Peter Bright aka drpizza
Love computer since teenage
Fat,love food
Programmer C++
Github profile, port GDC(apple concurrency) to windows
Play over 9000 hours Dota2
Play a lot videogames
A lot computer and computer programming books, even TAOCP
Use 3 monitors
Own Apple products
Camera dslr fag
Autism parties Windows 7 & 8 release
Tech writer in arstechnica
Full paedophile rape multiple children and a lot cheese pizza.
And lefist male feminist non-monogamous.
DrPizza next meme personality
>SE Asia travel guides
with these comments how did people not suspect something before wtf is wrong with society
This is the workstation of an adult male. Sickening.
back in good ol 2007 it looks like
When you can't get laid does this even mean anything?
I guess this can mean 0 or more than one.
He build own video reproductor
Interest in cryptographic and error correction using galois field
>Dr Pizza
We know all the pedo slang you mongs. You think you're being subtle but you might as well write PEDO on your forehead in big writing.
>pizza slices
>Captain Picard
>Post sinks
>triangular spirals
>hearts with hearts
>Mr Potato Head
>chicken lovers
We know all the 'super sekrit' codewords you dickheads. I hope you find a real 'boy lover' in prison to show you the real meaning of butthurt.
Is this schizo talking to us?
These are all pedo 'memes'. They use them to identify fellow perverts.
Stop with the conspiracy theory shit you're absolutely delusional
>We know all the 'super sekrit' codewords.
Makes you think. How do you know so much?
t. nonce
He's 100% correct
Pizzagate research, open FBI records, plus you pick these things up being on the chans everyday
imagine the horrors that poor kitty has seen
>Ars Technica's resident Microsoft shill is a pedo
I thought linux was the pedo OS? What happened?
Mac - gay/tranny
Windows paedophiles
Linus Incels
>mr potato head
>captain picard
uh... what??
Clue me in because I understand the other references.
Don't give this pedo any attention. All shitlibs need to be memoryholed. Make it so that anything they do leaves nothing and nobody will remember them. Yes, he is a pedophile, but that applies to every shitlib, so he is nothing special.
>vietnam and laos books
I wonder if he took trips to asia frequently for a certain thing
ass shitfucknica
Listen, co-opting this type of language wont make your bullshit recommendations any less obvious. This guy was a loudmouth piece of dogshit and all of his followers need their noses rubbed into it forever.
Sinks is an ancient /b/ meme. "MODS are asleep, post CP" became "MODS are asleep, post Sinks" Intricate Sink threads with pictures like this often had CP posted and were entirely an invitation.
You're missing the hidden wiki slang like torpedo and those jesus fish alternatives from the Playpen raid and Torchat few years ago. Kiwifarms has some posts from lolcow pedophiles that confirm continued usage.
Hiding in plain sight, mate.
Government services like MI5 teach this shit to civvies so they can report nonces to them or local law enforcement, which usually ends up getting relayed to them anyway. You'd be surprised how many people monitor forums and imageboards for this kind of shit.