As I observed for a period of 6 months the development of my style...

As I observed for a period of 6 months the development of my style, I came to the conclusion that my prose undergoes significant changes depending on my state of mind. Regardless of how long I've been writing for, I compared several earlier drafts to the latest ones and found out that the more my mood is cheerful and agreeable, the more my prose will be strictly purple and bear a resemblance to classic novels from which I learned to write down psychological and setting descriptions. Although it's still a long way off from looking exactly like real classics, it's kind of weird to see my prose shifting so suddenly from an expressive to a minimalist style. Are INFJ cursed to be awful writers if they let their emotions get in the way of a story?

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Nigger, you got Hemingway’d

I didn't even read Hemingway

delete this

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Still got Hemingway’d, indirectly

What does that even mean

The fact that he influenced writing so much led to him influencing your writing style without you ever reading him

Most based.

Hemingway wasn't even born in the age of the classics i have read

He influenced how things are written now though, do you read the news?

Whats a prose i am retarded

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Dude.. Wikipedia or Google. Stop being lazy.


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Did you just hit the autofill key on your phone until you got a serviceable post? What the fuck does any of that shit mean

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Those faggots have found out I'm here..
Post glows, fuck this place.

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is it just a little bit of a time to move on here and i is the most important day for me to be a little bit more like an animal in the game and i is the time the game is gonna i was an fun day to be your best friend and i is a time for you guys and i was the day you were gonna it would have fun

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I'm gonna run you over you fucking CIA nigger.

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I tried google and i still didn't understand

Glowniggers found me.
Checked. It's a way people talk or write.

Ye, glownog's off to check up on other ppl..

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based i do the same thing with my phone sometimes i find it absolutely hilarious