No blog, how do you get people to stop slapping you on the ass...

no blog, how do you get people to stop slapping you on the ass. I have a bruise now because this particularly big retard does it so hard

why is this okay i don't want it to be a big deal or anything. is it how I behave or something why is this a thing

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If you're a guy fuck off
If you're a whore fuck off

thats the price u get for havin a cute butt
my best friend slaps my butt hard all the time and parrot claws it too sometimes hard so i started wearing those special underpants long distance cyclists wear they are very comfy and with extra padding and now it doesnt hurt anymore get a pair they aint expensive

Just call the tard's handler, or hit him

If you're a guy fuck off
If you're a whore fuck off

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rude i am neither

i am in fact a 1000 year old fox spirit reborn as a ningen

female araragi a shit

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korbo’s bf is back

If you're a guy-whore fuck off

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i'll slap your ass


you have canada for that

canada is a bunch of guy-whores

so why don't you slap their asses?

>gay thread
Say it with me everyone:

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no be nice to each other just squeeze it a little or something

You just punch them you fucking retard. This fat german kid keeps slapping my ass so I just punch him. Cause he's such a short fat sack of shit he nearly falls over every time I do so he stops
Now if it's a particularly big retard, you start to annoy him and leverage the annoyance with the ass slaps.
Now if you're a gigantic faggot and enjoy it then stop blogposting and go back to the particularly big retard

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But why? what the fuck

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no all or nothing

>why do people slap eachother's asses
Says the wrestler, who spends their time grabbing other men's asses

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im not tho... though tbH i kinda like having my booty slapped so long as its someone i like

I’ve only grabbed an ass once

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not gay if happened during manly wrestling


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I'll just let Noigel bully him because he's making me lose my shit IRL

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suck me

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send help

If you've lost your shit I got a fresh picture of my logs the other day.
Just in case you miss it.. your shit that is

Suck your mum rude boy.

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He'll just slap your ass as well. There is no help for retard niggers

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Suck my mom while sucking me suckboi

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>log jokes

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the only shit is snake desu

Lick my shit encrusted steaming wet log hole you fat obese nigger faggot I hope you trip over your mum's dick and fall down the stairs

>black hair
>emo lipstick
Andy sixx
is that you

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Just deal with it and slap them on the ass back

Noooooo, thank you though.

Alright well let me know cause I've got a whole folder's worth of shitpics in case I need to fend off faggots

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please don’t say mean things like that ;(

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me irl

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ok i kind of liked it

kanye's not a retard dumb gay

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You are comedic gold, Noigel.

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