For a long time, I’ve noticed that the christian members on Jow Forums, no matter how much they’re told seem to never be redpilled on race. This is why I came up with this idea to make them realize their mistake.

>The Goal
We make blacked edits of christ-chan getting raped, killed or even beaten by angry niggers. This will hopefully shed light onto the christian community of Jow Forums. Realizing that a nonwhite christian europe wouldn’t have any favors of them in the long run. It’s meant to show what reality is like in nonwhite countries, especially religious ones.

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Other urls found in this thread:


All white, all blue

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Thoughts on this?

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it looks like a turd in her butthole lol


no point trying to argue whit the mentaly chalanged also fuck of whit your nigger fetish.

U did this user?

Shitted dot com

>trying to trick Jow Forums into making blacked porn for you

Attached: pathetic.png (498x278, 92K)

>Not knowing oldschool Baptist preachers were segregationalists

Shiggy diggy

Attached: RK_2210__74236.1373574703.500.659.jpg (216x343, 39K)

A Canadian with a nigger fetish. Imagine my shock.

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>still butthurt Jow Forums ruined your trashy attempt at a commie waifu forever

l**f faggots are working overtime today, you couldnt produce more shit-tier threads even if your life dependended on it, only a l**f is capable of such abominations

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>trying to trick Jow Forums into making niche blacked hentai for you under the guise of pwning the christcucks
Canada is a joke.

yeah thats good christian nigger cum
she is gonn be a great mom of brown christian babies

Hello mossad.

>only one black dick

>not knowing that ethnonationalism and Christianity are entirely compatible.
I refer you to the majority of European history for the last 1500 years, along with any GENUINELY AUTHORITATIVE source of Christian philosophy. Keeping people separate isn't the issue.
>Blacked porn
Degenerate begger...

In other words you'll basically draw BLACKED porn all day

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>be christian
>understand theres racial differences
>dont approve of race mixing
i dont come to your fucking house and expect free food so why come to mine

Sounds jewish. We don't need more shitdicks.

This guy was right so I made it look more like a dick

Attached: g.png (1364x1024, 892K)

>canacuck is horny for blacked christian porn

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Lmao Fucking normie trying to be edgy and get Jow Forums to make ya some weeb porn go back to /b/ edgy boi while you wait for mommie to bring you sum tendies.

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>hey guys let's destroy and desecrate a prominent social group by making blacked porn to ridicule them with
Listen to yourself. Get your shot together.

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>getting Jow Forums to draw blacked porn to satisfy your very unique and disturbed fetishes
the absolute state of leaftards

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He may be a leaf, but fuck Christcucks

Attached: Ameriprotcucks.webm (574x382, 1.24M)

based and blackpilled

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Uh you can draw your own interracial cuck fantasy comics alone, we don't want a part of it

You are obviously new here.
Tell them to dock your pay for this thread.
It's not up to usual Canadian standards.

Repent of your leftism, leaf.
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help:
TTB.org has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (youtu.be/PZ3hESj__M8)
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (youtu.be/H124iZiyGUs)

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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>Fuck idiotic christcucks
The ones who actually understand wtf they believe aren't the problem. It's the ones who think they do without the slightest bit of actual education/research on the topic that are.

Those arent christians

this is the officially the worst post I've read in months

>for a long time, I’ve noticed that the christian members on Jow Forums, no matter how much they’re told seem to never be redpilled on race.

That's because no real christian can be racist. Christ's message of love can never be followed if you hate someone based off of skin color.
Just listen to yourself you fucking idiot... get a bible.

>no true scotsman
every time

Attached: 1542810163634.gif (498x278, 466K)

needs a bulge
>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Has Jow Forums reached critical (((shilling))), if so, why???

>People who say to believe something but don't are they same as those who actually believe said thing.
No true Scotsman is only fallacy if it's used as a rhetorical device rather than an factual statment. Which in this case, it is.
Fuck off

Why do you even exist you weird fucking faggot

>For a long time, I’ve noticed that the Christian members on Jow Forums, no matter how much they’re told seem to never be redpilled on race.

I consider myself a Christian, I believe in God, I believe that Jesus Christ is the way to eternal life and yet I'm perfectly redpilled on race, even tho I believe that the hatred I have for other races is a sin.

>We make blacked edits of christ-chan getting raped, killed or even beaten by angry niggers

You poor soul, your solution is to spread the pixel oy vey in hopes of getting people to join your cause, how the mighty have fallen.

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It is a refutation of the Jewish prayer that thanks God for not making him a goy, a woman, and a slave. This is a rebuke of the jews in those churches trying to use their jewishness as an appeal to authority, especially on issues like circumcision and dietary laws.

There is no probalem with race-mixing, the problem is being a fornicating whore

You have a strange fetish, leaf.

>A leaf

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Your fighting the wrong way. You want to convince a Christian that there is purity In race and convince them that anything less than your genetic breed is aldulterating your bloodline and breeding with beasts of the earth. Make them recognize that the bloodline of Adam comes from the breath of god and rending that less pure is frowned upon by our creator.

moar blacked edits pls

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>soliciting interracial cartoon porn

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Now it looks like a bloody turd.

Trust a fucking leaf to look for any scapegoat to make themself seem less cucked. Newsflash fuckoo, christians are predominantly conservative and the onky ones youre failing to redpill are just larping shills.
>the goal
Day of the rake

please keep your blacked fetish in america.

You are blind then leaf. Too many syroup and you'r drunk

Fuck off, we don't want him either


Ezra 9:2

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This image makes me angry. Really angry.

Nuke Canada already ffs

I once saw a drawing of her riding black dick reverse after knocking on a man’s door. Can anyone post it?

Also just a hole.

of a holy people.

>We make blacked edits of christ-chan getting raped, killed or even beaten by angry niggers.
You think that would make anybody abandon their faith? kek


>making BLACKED threads
Like pottery. Not to mention Maldraw would love to see Christchan getting BLACKED, but being the retarded newfag that you are, you have no idea who Mike is.

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>kike wants more nigger porn
go figure

I'm plenty redpilled on race, you just think you have all the answers and you don't. You want to send all the blacks back to Africa which isn't realistic, but when I tell you that you need to encourage non nigger blacks to separate themselves from the nogs and build their own large gated community like an enclave, which you could use to pole vault off of as a precedent for an ethno-community, using the jews tactics against them, but you're too fucking shortsighted and egocentric to even consider it.

This is probably the same sort of person that calls anyone who says "i don't hate white people" in public a "glownigger"

I don't understand this.
>We of the smart atheist left are superior to the Racist Christfags
>Haha look at nigger dick in white vagina. Isn't that just disgusting???
Literal projection.
>Women are to be adored and our equals
>Haha look at this aheago porn of a woman literally fucked braindead into subservience
>"How do you know I'm a leftist?"
You are a fucking l**f nigger.

eeey, I remember that guy

You’ll go to hell for that

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I fap to this shit daily
so fucking good


Pastor Rick Wiles is the only based Christian to speak out against Zionism and how they're treating Palestinian Christians in the West Bank

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Imagining me, the black bull penatrating and stretching your pure white gf's vagina to it's maximum potential, hitting her cervix with each stroke. Her moaning of pure pleasure, something she has never felt before with your tiny 4 inch skinny wh*te "penis". Making her cum multiple times within the first 10 minutes, my stamina never seeming to dip nor deplete. Only once she is ready, I fill her white womb with my powerful alpha black seed while you watch from a distance in awe and shock that your white gf will give birth to mutt-bulls.

Attached: yummy-strong[1].jpg (478x750, 38K)

fuck off kike, none of the christians on here are shilling for some brown europe.

Shut up bitch ass wh*t boi, the wh*t race will fall to the black and arab bulls

I know I've seen more than that guy. There was that Anderson(?) guy that was posted here for a while.

true, fuck squareheads. Altruistic whores.

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moshe you're pathetic

stop making me hard

you made it japanese, too
good man

>subversive canadian
But I repeat myself.

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if we continue fighting eachother and sucking kike dick we sure as hell will.

Abrahamists cannot be redpilled on race, because their cult demands that it be placed first before all other bonds of solidarity.

That was oldschool, though. The baptist church has been VERY black since its reforms.

Off yourself.

Found the heavily triggered NPC

daily reminder that 1/4th of the Christian world is in sub-saharan africa

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I'm christian and the ethnicity matters: that's why we have the Church of England, the Church of Russia, Coptic, Armenian...

Even Catholic Church usually uses bishops who was born in the country

I don't have a gf. Check mate


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get right or get raked leaf

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these are jew shill thread. Christians reject cultural marxism, jews are who pushit.

Dont eve try to argue because these hebrews get paid to ague with you and project their faggotry on to you and you will just have to solve 100 captchas while they get paid.

mossad actually kills people though, these kikes are just hasbara college students getting paid with YOUR tax money to shill against your race and religion ond project their evil onto you.

>let's redpill people by producing interracial porn

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