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What's your favorite ls flags?


Attached: ls.png (425x227, 3K)

apt-get gentoo

i always do ls -lah

ls-1 for scripts


ls -lAht

i never use ls.
i know my system so well that i know every file in every folder at any given time.
git (commit -m) "good.", \g\ents.

alias ll='ls -alFh'

alias la="ls -laGh --color --group-directories-first"
alias ls="ls --color --group-directories-first"

ls -lha, sometimes with a -t or -Z depending on what I'm doing

alias l.='ls -d .*'

if you alias ls first, the following ls aliases will inherit --group-directories-first etcetera

I know, but I haven't decided if I want my aliases dependent on each other, seeing that my dotfiles are public

dir --color --group-directories-first

ls --; sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root

Isnt ls -l filtered by cloudflare though

ls -lisa because it looks pretty to type

ls -al or bust

This one

Attached: ls -faggot.png (660x493, 33K)

ls -l master race

ls -lahF or ls -lahFZ

Stop using ls in scripts.

ls -larth

muscle memory

Attached: 2560x1600.jpg (2560x1600, 1.11M)

ls -AFGhl
I use a set of aliases, though.
Why do people use -a instead of -A?

Need to make sure there is a . and ..

none, never understood why some ls versions even have them

here kiddo, have some attention! sorry your father neglects you.

alias ll='ls -AhlF'
alias la='ls -AF'
alias l='ls -CF'

ls -thul
gives me all the shit also it's a name of a rune in diablo 2

Use dolphin lmao

you shouldnt use ls in scripts
furthermore, ls already splits the filenames into lines when the output is anything other than your terminal screen

ls -hAlF

usage: rm [-f | -i] [-dPRrvW] file ...