Looking through my seeds

>looking through my seeds
>block any peers I see that have IPs from China or Israel

how can I automate this devilish behavior?

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block large swaths of IPs using CIDR value and IPTables.

at some point I made a script to block Mac clients. shit was cash.

except I also block australia/new zealand, france, sweden, and germany

how do you tell what os is someone sporting based off of their ip?

I always block Israel as well.

Attached: 75F4B33A2D9948D2AF52FE418ADF4F7D.png (968x954, 106K)

>backdoor torrent files
>embed shellcode that only goes after people aren't from the US of A.
.model flat, stdcall
option casemap :none
include \masm32\include\windows.inc
include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,256
push 10h
call GetUserGeoID
cmp eax,244
jne notfound
push 1
call backdoor code
; cleanup
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
end start

Attached: 1530243139300.png (518x800, 462K)


When a torrent client requests a connection one of the things sent is what client is connecting, e.g. uTorrent, Deluge, etc. Sometimes a version number as well. I'm pretty sure it can be spoofed though.

So if you receive a connection from a torrent client that's primarily used by Mac users, like Transmission, you drop it

Not IP, but torrent peers report their client.

Transmission is also widely used by Linux users you stupid faggot

Oh no, I might accidentally block all three people who run Linux


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Have you ever considered that, by making yourself more obnoxious than Jow Forums crossboarders, you're actually pushing people towards Jow Forums? If you gave me a choice between you and OP, you're the significantly larger faggot.

>he thinks torrent clients parse bencoded data as code.

Yeah, I do this with uTorrent so I don't have to connect to winjeets.

Found the jew

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kill yourself

I'm right though. Less than one percent of desktop users use Linux. Almost every Transmission user is a Mac user, because there are many more Mac users than Linux users.

>more obnoxious
Blatant Jow Forums in denial, nobody who's here without being here for politics and assorted Jow Forums garbage would ever defend them, letalone censor others for fighting back against their attempts to turn the entire site into their hugbox

Yes, just letting these faggots do anything and not pushing back is the way to win! If we kill our enemies, they win!

The only Jow Forums garbage in this thread is a rabid "muh poooolll" boogeyman screecher upset at the mention of Israel, and you.
>fighting back
Nobody but you gives a fuck. Your "fighting back" is just more political spam to everyone else.

"Shit up the board until Jow Forums goes away" is still shitting up the board. Your politics are not less faggoty than theirs.

Have you ever considered that by concern trolling satire posts, you're pushing more people to hate Jow Forums, person who is obviously from Jow Forums?

Transmission is the best torrent client you clown, I run it on my windows box

Satire implies wit
That's not satire, that's low effort shitposting. Fuck off back there.

Many Chinks are seeders tho.

And... aren't you using Intel processors & Chink motherboards with built-in Israeli & Chink hardware vulnerabilities anyways?

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You exposed yourself

just report it

>show example of the type of mindless screeching you call satire
>somehow this says literally anything about me
It was literally the sort of shit you posted jesus christ you're retarded

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theres a windows transmission now
macos is minority share of ios/macos use
transmission is a default application for many linux distros
so, no and you're a faggot. neck thyself

It's not what you said, it's that you used the inversion of a stale Jow Forums meme to express your disdain that gave you away.

>stale Jow Forums meme
And what is literally the entire post I was referring to but stale Jow Forums memes?
Do you literally have negative self awareness? Or do you have some sort of learning disorder? You can't actually be this stupid, right?

I was criticizing you for spewing stale Jow Forums memes in all caps to "show them drumpftards and fight back against the evil forces of Jow Forums". That's fucking retarded. At least as bad, if not worse, than spewing them unironically. That was the entire discussion. Can you understand this? Do you need help?

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You introduced another stale Jow Forums meme that gave you away, sorry.

You're actually that stupid.

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Just go the fuck back

You already said you're being pushed towards Jow Forums, so go the fuck back there you massive fucking faggot. Leave.

You're Jow Forums garbage, only one who is stupid here is you.

Fuck off, you're the one doing your absolute fucking best to ruin this board in the name of "fighting Jow Forums". That's the sort of fucking /b/ tier nigger faggotry that kills boards. Jow Forums was never good, but you're new, and you're worse.