Germany and America didn't split the atom first and did not invent atomic weapons. India did. The Bhagavad Gita tells a tale of a nuclear attack between India and a second nation using flying machines and missiles. The conflict took place at an area now called Mohenjo Daro in Pakistan. There are skeletons huddled together hunkered down hugging eachother scared at the site like they knew what was coming (this suggests the existence of civil defense horns or sirens), the place is completely irradiated, and whole mile stretches of desert have been turned to glass. The incident took place 2500 BCE. So while white Europeans were building Stonehenge, poos were building and launching atomic weapons. Still not convinced?

Notice Indian religion and culture. Most of the gods of Hinduism have multiple limbs and eyes, the way radiation mutations would. This also explains why India has more birth mutations and anomalies than any other nation. Go look up pictures of Mohenjo Daro.


Mohenjo Daro Pakistan Skeletons Macro Link daro skeletons&oq=mohenjo daro skeletons&gs_l=img.3..0.29554.31331..31486...1.0..0.217.1526.0j9j2......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i67j0i30.vkAI8JhVQ7w


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Other urls found in this thread:

Funny I see this thread when I just saw the ancient aliens episode on this yesterday. Apparently they found radioactive skeletal remains in Mohenjodaro. Mahabharatha says there was an explosions there that instantly destroyed the city and after people around the city started noticing side effects described almost exactly like effects from radiation poisoning.

Certainly makes you think.

Based aliens doing their best for the rest of us.

Attached: indian-peeking-out-of-manhole-2.jpg (544x235, 171K)

Why you /x/tards keep coming here.

Attached: 3A05F632B378DAF067440BF779F908DF_1538837880135.jpg (222x227, 5K)

Aliens are real

Maybe, the Viama stories are pretty interesting.

Because this board is dead. There's some dedicated recurring posters, but shills arguing with each other and /b/x/ tier trash is the new norm here. Sorry pal.


I heard that somewhere around India there was a huge gold mine? Humans were made by aliens to be in their form (genetic manipulation from early hominids). Wouldn't be surprised if while mining the more advanced races gathered radioactive material to create nukes and show us who's boss

Still smell like shit, wear sandals in the winter to show off their hairy feet and beg the doctor for antibiotics when they’ve had a sore throat and sniffles for one day.

Conspiracy bullshit aside, the city had some very advanced urban planning, and fucking flush toilets. People 5000 years ago used flush toilets, and indians today are still shitting on the streets.

S M H @ filthy fucking Poojeets

Attached: poojeet.jpg (1024x768, 139K)

*Had atomic technology for centuries, but shit in their own streets, wipe their asses w/their hands, and have mastered "tech support" in countries where they cannot complete a fucking coherent sentence w/native speakers.

Seems legit.

>There are skeletons huddled together hunkered down hugging eachother scared
a nuke would have btfo them

yeah ok bud

It’s not the same genetic stock or culture dipshit

>this suggests the existence of civil defense horns or sirens
>and whole mile stretches of desert have been turned to glass
>Most of the gods of Hinduism have multiple limbs and eyes, the way radiation mutations would
>This also explains why India has more birth mutations and anomalies than any other nation
that's because they marry their cousins

This kills the Indian

Attached: How+it+feels_19bfff_5085595.gif (500x265, 305K)


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It's odd that you're here. if you've done your research on politics well it would lead you down this rabbit hole.

You seem like a brainlet...

This wasn't Nuclear Bombs... The Judgement day weapons were Chemical and bacteriological bombs. India won, but in this case, the living may envy the dead.

cabcan't wait for someone to source this nuclear story from ancient times. from what I've read, people are really just making it up. it doesn't resemble nuclear war at all in the story i read.

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I made a series of maps a few days ago, I'll just post it in this thread.

Attached: Indian_cultural_expansion.png (2172x1156, 2.34M)

>building Stonehenge
that shitte is fake I should believe blue elephants & monkey chimera gods nuked the old world....
more sauce to convince me...I have heard these tales of Conan as a child user.
>forbidden redpill
you faggot OP

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Or maybe they have more birth anomalies because they're genes are arseways.

Very cool.

Fuckoff, Moarpheus

Ok OP... so lets pretend it's true. So what the fuck happened since that caused Indians to become insects?

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They got raped.

Alcohol is the main cause of such diseases

Attached: Thqob.jpg (400x472, 44K)

>paki blaming alcohol for birth defects
>not cousin fucking

Attached: IMG_6284.jpg (640x539, 93K)

>Had atomic technology for centuries, but shit in their own streets, wipe their asses w/their hands,

Europe & US 2200

Someone post the news claiming Indians invented the internet

Move to x
the war of the 7 gods you mean? the war that nuked mars and forced the reboot of human Tech.
I think the peace was that we would be left alone to live provided we started from scratch again with out tech.

Why do you think we havent found atlantis?
It was blown to smithereens

After atomic destruction your civilization totally obliterates, not so together YOU will be

> to become
they were always niggers

Its like Indians, Turks and other shit claiming they are Americans, British, Canadians, Australians and white the second they come into contact with human civilization today.

They have a few leftover rape babies but your average Poojet has nothing to do with actual Aryans

It was a meteor you faggot

So.. tell me where did we come from? We’ve handwritten texts that have been handed down through generations that are read every year on Hindu new year. Did we just sprung up out of nowhere after the aliens who built and wrote all those texts?

>when you realize these depictions of weird looking "gods" with tentacle arms and trunk noses are not fantasy but based on some real inbred Pajeets with birth defects

That's exactly what I'm thinking

>india did






Get out of my country pajeet.

i'm assuming because that was done in pencil crayon that it was an indian artist. marginally impressed

More like the ancient gods threw a nuke in that area, humans at the time were hybrid slaves

Viper TV

Indo-Aryans are the Bantus of South Asia.


superpower by 2020

Attached: chad poo.jpg (960x457, 98K)

Literally nobody pretends to be white or wants to be white. It's snowniggers that LARP as Aryans, not the other way around.

By the time you were handwriting texts 3000 bc what were Europeans doing?

Shitting in their streets probably

This is why I think it was some protoaryan race and not 'Indians'. The Indians today are migrant rape babies who can't even into loo.

Fake and Sumarian.


110x more than a snownigger. That's why we have ancient civilization and a future while you have neither
>Seven years after the nuclear tests in Alamogordo, New Mexico, Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer [...] was lecturing at a college when a student asked if it was the first atomic test conducted.
>“Yes, in modern times,” he replied.
>Many scientists have sought to explain the dispersion of large glass rocks in the deserts of Libya, the Sahara, Mojave, and many other places in the world, as products of gigantic meteorite impacts. However, due to the absence of accompanying craters in the desert, the theory doesn’t hold up. Neither satellite imagery nor sonar has been able to find any holes.
>Furthermore, the glass rocks found in the Libyan Desert present a grade of transparency and purity (99 percent) that is not typical in the fusions of fallen meteorites

This gives another connection to the bible
>The Hebrew word translated as salt in this passage is melach, which does indeed mean salt. However, the root of melach is malach, which means to vanish away, or dissipate, as salt does when mixed into water. Given that Hebrew writing omits vowels, it's easy to see why malach may have been mistranslated as melach.
If this is true it means Lots wife didnt turn into salt, but simply vanished.
And where they believe Sodom to have been they found Trinite

So God nuked fags & degenerates

There are also Hindu scripts talking about weapons which appear to be quite similar to nukes or powerfull bombs
>The weapon was also believed to cause severe collateral damage. The land where the weapon was used became barren, and all life in and around that area ceased to exist. Both men and women became infertile. There was also a severe decrease in rainfall with the land developing cracks, as in a drought

Pic related, quoted from hindu scripts

Attached: Become death.jpg (512x417, 41K)

My old indian coworker talked about this, their holy book is a trip.

Poos are a fun creature tbqh.

however, this is by far not the most curious thing about our history. i could post couple dozen pastas about how the builders of the pyramid knew the size of the earth and the speed of light, how the world seems to have been globally connected at some point, how all the tails about the ancient past repeats itself over and over, however then i get accused of flooding so i just leave this here which basically has all i have on this kind of stuff.

Attached: a time.jpg (236x361, 25K)

You guys know you don't eat cows because of famines, right?

nah you got it all wrong. the bad guys from the ramyana/mahabharata that dropped the bomb (called the iron thunderbolt) were known as the "the people from atalantis". they were described as blonde haired, blue eyed giants with incredible scientific knowledge as well as fierce combat prowess.... but they did not develop the nukes that they used against king rama's empire, they were a gift from a race of extraterrestrials that looked like lizards.

thats some seal that this website sells
no idea if they took it from an original seal they found and refabricate it or if its some bullshit they made up.

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Interdasting ayyy lmao shit. Sauce and a link please.

Not Poos, Aryans.

t. your face has a belly button

>Multiple limbs like radiation mutations cause
This isn't STALKER or Fallout

Ancient civilizations are simply not the same as the modern nations that inhabit the lands where they once stood. Whilst different genetics probably do play a factor you must remember that any civilization that reaches greatness eventually crumbles and its descendants weaken. Modern Italians couldn't build a bridge to save their lives, a far cry from their mighty Roman ancestors. Tang China was a pinnacle of civilization, and look at China now. Modern Swedes don't even need explaining. Look at the sorry state of the modern European compared to the heights of the 1700s and 1800s.

Its simply the sad cycle of civilization.

None of this is very new to me. India had great knowledge in their scripture, but what good is this knowledge when they can't put in practice. All they do is let their knowledge slip away to be used by Europeans that will call them useless in the end

And yet Hiroshima and Nagasaki have been continuously occupied since being "nuked". Really activates the old almonds...

Attached: Nalven-Hiroshima-Peace-Memorial-Park.jpg (640x360, 98K)

I was zapping past History Channel one day and they brought up this theory that the Shiva lingam stones are actually depicting nuclear reactors or something. Have fun /x/

Attached: shiva_lingam.jpg (820x565, 57K)

They are rocks that were once meteorites that caused an explosion related to nuclear explosions. So this could be true.

Who do you think they were fighting, you got nuked.

Heres the forbidden redpill, the cataclysm of 12,000 years ago was predicted before it happened and sparked a genocidal war as each civilisation tried to make sure they survived it but expended so many resources they had to convert to a less advanced civilisation and focus on survival alone.

You think Stonehenge is primitive because its unblemished Stone but for a culture now very concerned about about tracking seasons (food production) it serves its purpose

We've finally cracked the pajeets. They couldnt handle the reverse shilling so they are trying to themselves. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!

Clap your hands and stompbyour feet.
Pajeet will still shit in the street!

Indian history is actually leftover islamic history.

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Where do I find more information about that?

The birth defects probably have more to do with India being terribly polluted

Reminder that extremely long lasting non-natural isotopes are formed when nuclear weapons are detonated and do not appear in geological strata until the 1940s. Ancient pajeets did not have nuclear bombs you colossal fucking retards.

J Egerton Sykes

You do know that nukes basically fucked with the Earth's carbon, right? That would be testable.

it sounds more like ancient white people had nukes and the poos were becoming overpopulated back then and shitting everywhere and asking everyone for open bobs and vegana so the whites took a big old chunk out of them